Female Dreams

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Female Dreams

Postby CuriousG » June 5th, 2006, 3:49 pm

I had a smashing success with this one yesterday night. I listened to it after getting into bed, and about a couple hours before actually going to sleep (I tend not to go to sleep right away). Anyways, I had what I think are several different dreams, all of them fairly lucid.

The first one involved me waking up, and thinking with a degree of amazement "wow, I'm a lady". That part was very lucid and self-conscious. I then proceeded to go to my work place and realize, as I went up the stairs, just how much shorter I was and how much bigger the place seemed. Then, a couple of my male workmates began making fun of me for crossdressing, even though I was clearly female in my dream. That was sort of strange.

The second and third were basically a repeat of me being woken up. If they continued beyond that, I don't recall them.

I wonder what results I'll get if I combine with "erotic dreams"?
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Postby Kendai » June 5th, 2006, 6:18 pm

ooh! do it! somebody mix the two! i'd love to hear of the results!

maybe there should be a male dreams file as well. . .
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Re: Female Dreams

Postby poetzero » June 5th, 2006, 9:30 pm

CuriousG wrote:I wonder what results I'll get if I combine with "erotic dreams"?

I 've contemplated doing something similar. Instead of "erotic dreams," I would mix "Female Dreams" in with "TrainSleep Reinforce." I am intrigued what results you will acheive. Please keep us informed how it all works out.

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Postby mirage2101 » June 6th, 2006, 10:21 am

you made me jealeous!!
i've listened to this file for a week now without any noticable effect :(
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Postby CuriousG » June 6th, 2006, 2:28 pm

I listened to it twice yesterday, with no effect... I slept completely dreamlessly, as far as I can remember.

Of course, there are a lot of factors that affect dreaming. The length of time and specific hours (e.g. early to bed and early to rise vs. stay up as late as possible and then wake at the last minute) are notable. What you did during the day, how tired you are, whether you wake up in the middle of the night, whether you receive extrenal stimulus, etc.

Hopefully tonight I'll have luck again.
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Postby calvera_x » July 21st, 2006, 11:53 pm

Try drinking a glass of hot milk right before bed. It makes your dreams more vivid somehow.
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Postby pumpkin_king » July 27th, 2006, 6:26 am

Good success! You're going to hate me but I can lucid dream at will so that's one file I've not bothered with. Any night I want I can become anyone I want, anywhere I want and do what I want and I do love it but I wish I could do something awake too... I love REALLY becoming female in my dreams but I wish I could be hypnotized to think I have got a women's body while I'm awake... I've not had any luck yet :(
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Postby Rifkinn » July 28th, 2006, 6:09 pm

could you try being hypnotized in your dream to have that happen when you wake up? :)
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Postby BobbyS » July 31st, 2006, 9:54 am

I've had a couple of dreams where I've been inside a woman's body before, which felt really weird. The scary thing was that although I had a pretty nice body, I still had my male head. Kinda turned me on until I looked in a mirror (in the dream)! :lol:
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Postby Skribblez » August 7th, 2006, 8:57 pm

I'd like to try mixing Female Dreams with Lucid Dreams
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hypnotized in dreams

Postby mat422 » August 10th, 2006, 10:35 pm

Yeah, if anyone can lucid dream really well can you please try to dream being hypnotized. Once I can lucid dream well enough i might try this. Wouldn't being in a lucid dream be like being in a really deep trance?
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Postby pengy » August 11th, 2006, 3:07 am

when you lucid dream, what do you do is it like you just think and bam it happens or do you have to say something, do you see yourself out side your body or inside, is it a big room where you start blah blah blah?
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Postby mat422 » August 12th, 2006, 9:13 pm

I have only had a few on occasion myself, but in my experience its incredibly difficult for me to get something to change. Most the time i'll get half way doing something and then my dream will spin out of control and i'll lose it. I guess if you can get really good, then yeah you can do anything. Its crazy how real some of them feel.
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partial success

Postby Patch_Winter » August 14th, 2006, 10:40 am

I've listened to the file for lucid dreaming a few times and just the other night I finally had one that was -- more or less -- lucid.

I (in cat anthro form, I think) was in this huge room with all of these gigantic sewer like pipes (and pool tables, for some reason) and I was supposed to solve this puzzle by turning them on in the right order, but instead I just ran around and beat on the pipes and sang and jumped over the pool tables again and again.

Then I sorta realized that I could gain some control and so I decided to grow and morph into a fox anthro... and I could feel the growth (which was hawt, lemme tell you) but I lost the visuals and all I could see was black, and then I went back to normal dreaming/sleeping. But I'm hoping I might be able to expand what I can do as faur as that goes.

Any other furries trying to use this file?
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