Files that have worked exceptionally well for you!

A place to post about the success you've had with the various files

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Postby Strangelove » May 8th, 2006, 6:35 pm

I used the CursePenisGrowth file on myself and a friend today at school. We got pretty into it, about 18 minutes, when the bell rang. I'm wondering if it'll still work, even though we didn't finish it. I don't know about him, but my whole genital region has been kinda tingly since then...

I'm pretty small right now, currently, so the "curse" of penis growth won't bother me too much. If if gets out of control, I have some options.
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Joined: May 7th, 2006, 12:00 am

Postby Whichway » May 10th, 2006, 12:34 am

I have two success stories. Odd ones really.

It’s been well over three months since I tried any of the files. First I listened to TrainSexMen a couple times as an experiment. I noticed immediate results. I didn’t completely favor men but I’d begun to feel an “appreciation” for them if you will. I then immediately jumped on the penis growth curse. My attention wandered to other things and I haven’t used either since.

But as a long term effect I’ve noticed that since listening to the orientation change file hermaphrodites have appealed to me greatly. I came back to this site because I just recently noticed and measured myself to find that some time between then and now I had actually gone from 6 to 7 inches!
It was quite a shock really. I didn’t really believe it was possible. Now I kind of which I’d been making a point of recording my progress. I can hardly believe it but the ruler does not lie.
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Joined: February 16th, 2006, 1:00 am

Postby Daeth » July 13th, 2006, 1:48 pm

After listening to the QuickPregnancy file for the first time i laid down on my bed and tryed going into trance again (or what I thought was a trance) and after a couple seconds my stomach tightened and my eyes opened breaking my trance, so not much success, but after doing it a few more times after the file is over I lie down and re-enter trance, then my eyelids starts to flutter and my eyes squint really hard without me doing anything and i start to se colors floating around in my head for about 10 second then I open my eyes. So i don't if this is neccessarily progress but its a start.
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Joined: July 11th, 2006, 12:00 am

Postby closetboy74 » July 13th, 2006, 9:45 pm

makidas wrote:umm type in fetish hypnotism on google, and you will find at least a hundred pay hypnosis sites for the type of stuff that u like, so why dont you pony up the cash?? :x

:?: if you people dont like them.....why are the files even here???

listen we all have our reasons for listening to the files that we choose. im transgendered and im looking to feminize seeing what i can get accomplished without hormones.
Posts: 8
Joined: June 3rd, 2006, 12:00 am

Postby swordfish » August 2nd, 2006, 7:29 pm

thats cool you are making some progress closetboi, congradulations
Posts: 30
Joined: May 3rd, 2005, 12:00 am


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