Trouble getting into trance

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Trouble getting into trance

Postby Dammi » April 7th, 2005, 6:35 pm

I don't know why, but I seem to be unable to slip into trance. I've been trying for months and months.. every single induction file I tried here and none of them work.

In most of them.. the first time I listen to them I feel like I'm slipping under.. but at that moment I pull my self ( Unwillingly ) back up and it never happens again with that same file. Do you have any suggestions?

..and I would also like too tell you.. I'm going on a show where Sailesh is performing.. I'm hoping that he can hypnotise me :D Would that help me get into trance by sound files or am I just one of those unlucky un-hypnotisable pople in the world? :cry:
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Postby makidas » April 8th, 2005, 6:23 pm

ill tell you man, and you wont like it, i had the same problem, the only thing you can do is have lots of patience, it took me 2 months listenin everyday to get it to work, confusion one is tops in my book too if thats any help, i used to get bored too, just clear your mind of any distractions, if you think gee this is boring, it won't work, your mind must be clear, and focus on what hes saying, hopefully that was helpful
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my input

Postby danmalara » April 8th, 2005, 7:10 pm

I know all about why people can and can not get hypnotised. it's all in your head, trust me. your brain is a powerful tool. I can be hypnotised very, very easily....and this is only because I belive 100% that hypnosis is real and will work for me. It's hard to give advise for the mps files, all i can say is that you need to make sure that nothing can bother you, and u have to practice not thinking about anything. You have to just let go, and not let your mind wonder. I usually listen to files when no one is home, and if there is, then I lock my door and tell everyone to leave me alone unless there is a fire in the house and then I just lay on my bed. Just try your hardest to not have anything to worry about or occupy ur mind, and be sure to tell me if u ever get in a trance. Good luck! :wink:
My MIND is happy. BLANK and empty. BRAINwashing is GOOD for me.
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Postby Lord_Mizaru » April 8th, 2005, 7:19 pm

I always find that focus induction works best on me on the rare occasion that I do want to go under. Also, try silently mouthing the words that you hear being spoken as they're said. It'll really really REALLY help you to focus on it and not think about anything else.
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Postby makidas » April 9th, 2005, 1:27 am

also, don't get so comfy that you fall asleep!!
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Postby Hatebreeder » April 9th, 2005, 9:29 pm

After trying some freebie inductions elsewhere that suggested watching hypno-spirals and the like it started working for me.
I think I just needed something to keep my attention on. Trying to watch a spiral, continue breathing uniformly and listen at the same time didn't allow my attention much scope for wandering (which I think my problem was all along, no matter how hard I focused I'd find myself halfway through a thought before I'd even realise).

That said, maybe I just needed to be convinced it worked. Now that I *KNOW* it works I don't need the spirals or visual aids anymore, but If I remember right there was one in the files section of the WMM Yahoo! Group for anyone interested. I just watched it up to the count, by then my eyes would usually have closed anyway. If all else fails, give it a go.

(Oh, and Lord_Mizaru's advice is something I found incredibly useful too. I'd either mouth the words or just sort of "echo" it in my head. Anything to get myself to focus on EMG's voice exclusively)
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Postby loadedkaos » April 10th, 2005, 2:00 am

I am just getting over the same thing... What I find that helps is affirmations as well as practice. If you affirm to yourself that it is possible for you to go into trance, and that you have been in trance before(which by the way is true, car rides where you just zoned out and before you know it you were home, or the book you read where you thought it was only thirty minutes but turns out it was two hours.)then will be easy for you to go into trance again. I have been using this kinda pep talk whenever I doubt myself and just tonight I made it through an induction for the suggestability although I will admit that was as far as I made it. But thats proggress.

A few tips if you try this: Don't use negative words in your affirmations even if it is for something good like "I can't get distracted" wont help. Yes affirmations do use the subconscious mind but unlike hypnosis you are only impressing short key words in your head. Using statements w/a negative word might impress the wrong message. hope that helps.

p.s. don't do it when you are being hypnotized make a schedule like hypnosis in the evening and affirmations in the morning.
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Postby Dammi » April 10th, 2005, 5:08 pm

Ok thanks guys.. I'll try everything you said :D
And thanks for the response.. I didn't expect so many 8)
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Postby britannica » April 27th, 2005, 6:44 pm

Letting go has always been really difficult for me and it had stopped me from going under in the past. Learning to surrender to the moment has helped me experience trance. I don't think I am totally "out" yet (so to speak), but I am reaching deeper and deeper levels of hypnosis by submitting and relaxing. :D
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