Curse Idea and Comments

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Curse Idea and Comments

Postby Daeth » August 14th, 2006, 7:32 pm

First off I had an idea for a file, I thought that if there is a file that can turn a mans penis into a womb, then why not a file that turns a womb into a penis. Or would that just not work. (this is saying hypotheticly if CurseWomb works or not)

And also I downloaded CursePregnancy because I was curious as to what it actualy does, I wasn't sure if person listening to it saw their stomachs growing or if the gain weight and it all goes to their stomach or somthing to look like they were pregnant. So I listened to the file (not the whole thing though and not trying to go into trance) knowing what might happen. After EMG mentioned thing such what would happen in the first three months (morning sickness, etc.) I stopped the file and decided not to listen to all of it. The next morning I woke up feeling nautious. And even though I only listened to it about a month ago it seems like my stomach has been growing out a little (I'm not a very skinny person) more than the rest of my body. So I don't know if only listening to part of it not being in trance could still let the file affect me this way. What does everyone else think?
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Re: Curse Idea and Comments

Postby CuriousG » August 15th, 2006, 10:19 am

For Curse Idea, Curse Womb is dubious enough as it is, not to mention that relatively few people on this site actually have wombs, and those who do aren't particularly interested in losing them.

As for your pregnancy, it's most definitely placebo. Perceived weight and such can vary from day-to-day based solely on mood.
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Re: Curse Idea and Comments

Postby Daeth » August 15th, 2006, 11:53 am

CuriousG wrote:

As for your pregnancy, it's most definitely placebo. Perceived weight and such can vary from day-to-day based solely on mood.

I kind of figured that. It seems for me that any file other than curse have no effect on me, but if the file is a curse my mind tells me "Oh my god if I listen to this the effect might come true," and I tend to let my worries get the best of me.
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Re: Curse Idea and Comments

Postby Blink » August 15th, 2006, 3:12 pm

Daeth wrote:It seems for me that any file other than curse have no effect on me, but if the file is a curse my mind tells me "Oh my god if I listen to this the effect might come true," and I tend to let my worries get the best of me.

Then you'll want to take your audio editing software and make a "curse" template that you can drop any file body into. :wink:

Once you know the language that your subconscious responds to, you're in like Flynn. I'd suggest that you need to splice up a "Curse Susceptible" file for yourself and see where that leads. That might even be worth a mention on the voting page for a new file from EMG, if there are others who respond the same way you do. I suspect there are.

-- Blink
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