how to make a girl's boobs grow

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how to make a girl's boobs grow

Postby buckysan » August 25th, 2006, 5:02 pm


I am new to this site and was wondering where to start.

me and my girlfriend are wanting the see if can make her boobs get bigger.

Just what would be the best course to take to start this. Never really done anything with trance files before.

But to help with this, she is a bit submissive already and is willing to become more so. And as far as how big, fairly much what ever I want.

Well any help would be appreciated.
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Postby Launch » August 25th, 2006, 5:45 pm

CurseBreast will make them keep growing until she uses the removal file for it.
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Postby CuteLittleFaery » August 26th, 2006, 10:24 am

There's also Dream2Reality Breasts. Similar, but without the curse aspect, and with dream changes too.
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Postby buckysan » August 26th, 2006, 3:40 pm

Well had noticed the cursebreast and dream2reality breast files and a few other interesting ones.

What was more curious about is if they can be used as the first files a girl has ever used for hypnosis/trance things. Would it be ok to just have her start listening to one of those files by themselves everynight and it take? Or does she need to listen to some of the general trance state files first to make it work better.

though am curious just how big has the cursebreast file ever made a girl?
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Postby AWA » August 26th, 2006, 4:22 pm

>Cardigan- Enhancement and Acceptance
>Dream2Reality Breasts
>Cardigan- Horny

Just for kicks, try this playlist. Have your girlfriend listen to the whole thing, and you just listen to

>Cardigan- Enhancement and Acceptance
>Cardigan- Horny
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Postby Jacara » August 26th, 2006, 4:55 pm

I can't comment on EMG's curse file, but after a few suggestions to my girlfriend she definitely saw some growth, so it's definitely possible.
I think those files should work just fine without playing seperate inductions, but if she's not very good at going into trance then you might want to start there.
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Postby buckysan » August 28th, 2006, 4:32 pm

am curious, how hard is it to make your own files for this type of thing? is some of the submissive training files that would be interesting if just were missing one or two things (like not implanting a suggestion to shave pussy).

But going to start working on tinkering with gf mind this weekend. for now will just be the dream2reality and trigbigboobs, is plenty of time to later put the real curse on her :)

Something else, I am away a good bit and was curious if the trance states could be triggered over a chat session? I noticed that one of the caridgan files puts a trigger to go into a trance, so if say I typed that in a chat session would it work on her and allow me to give her suggestions?
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Postby Launch » August 28th, 2006, 4:39 pm

The trigger in cardigans file isn't a word trigger, it involves the listener focusing on a point nd counting down. But with IM accept I think that all word triggers can work trough text.
Oh and trigboobs only causes the lisener to halucinate breasts, they wouldn't be real, Dream2Reality is all real however.
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Postby buckysan » August 28th, 2006, 11:13 pm

perhaps a dumb question, but what is the difference between body/subliminal/binaural/script exactly? am wondering if is worth the time to get a priminium membership or not
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Postby gregi696 » August 28th, 2006, 11:49 pm

Body- is the file minus the induction, good for adding a different file or linking multiple files together

Subliminal- the file is played under some noise so that the listner is unaware they are listening to it, it also doesn't put you into a trance but some people have reported good success with them

binaural- I believe these files have some frequencies playing in the background that are supposed to increase the effectivness of the the files.

Script- word for word what EMG says during the file, good if you want to trance her yourself or see what is actually in a file. It is also good to give you an idea of how to word suggestions

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Postby Lobotaru » September 18th, 2006, 5:36 pm

If I were to suggest a file for you, I'd try the dream to reality breasts file. I've found that file to be stronger than the others when it comes to the addictiveness of the suggestions and the possibility of results. Personally, I only needed to listen to it twice to start having it effect my dreams.
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