So Close!!

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So Close!!

Postby Kanibal » August 29th, 2006, 8:16 am

I've been trying the same file for over a month now (Itues says its been playerd over 150 times) and I've recently come across and method of trancing that (almost) works for me.

If I watch the Itunes vizulaization with Subliminal Blaster running with this script;
My subconscious obeys hypnosis
My mind clears easily during hypnosis
I follow suggestions under hypnosis
I am going into a trance

I get diizy and light headed and feel like Im floating. But It never quite works. It seems to stop after a few minuites and the file still has ahd no effect.

It could be me stopping it still I dont know, any tips suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
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Postby willingsub » August 29th, 2006, 8:41 am

When I listen to a file in front of my PC (I usually lie down and close my eyes, but some files on other sites are not downloadable) I also watch the visuals, in my case MediaPlayer, that seems to work quite well for me. I'm not sure about using Subliminal Blaster at the same time though. You can't time Subliminal Blaster to the file you are listening to, so you may accidentally run across contradictions: for example when the 'tist is telling your mind to visualize a scene, and Subliminal Blaster flashes a message about your mind clearing (and gone is the visualization, your focus broken).

Anyway, I think the idea of Subliminal Blaster is more to have the messages flashing in front of you when you're not in trance. But I don't have too much experience in combining Subliminal Blaster with hypnosis, anyone else?
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Postby CuriousG » August 29th, 2006, 8:41 am

Don't expect a WHAM: Trance feeling. For most people using EMG' inductions, going into trance is very similar to deep relaxation. Just listen to the file, focus on it, and try to ignore other stuff that's happening. That's trancing in a nutshell, easier said than done perhaps.
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Postby Kanibal » August 29th, 2006, 9:53 am

CuriousG wrote:easier said than done perhaps.

A month and a half of listening up to 2 times a day, You have thought ONE trance by now. Or some sort of result no matter how small.

Oh, and the script im using (shown in first post) shouldnt contradict anything in the file im using, It's only used until the countdown anyway, at which point I close my eyes and stop watching the visualization. Like I say this trick has nearly got me into a trance.
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Postby Shademaster2 » August 29th, 2006, 4:36 pm

It could be me stopping it still I dont know, any tips suggestions would be greatly appreciated.>>

A feeling like this is a definite sign of going into trance. If it stops it means you are either being brought back up for some reason (resisting a suggestion will do that)

Most likely, you are going into a trance state and the suggestions are going in, but that does not necessarily mean that you will see immediate results. If there is anything disturbing or unsettling about the suggestions or instructions you receive you might want to modify the recording to be more acceptable to you.

The other thing is that you really need to just let go and stop looking for results. My experiences with hypnosis show that you get the best results when you let your subconscious bring about the results on its own.

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Postby ShadowSabre » August 29th, 2006, 5:16 pm

If I may ask, which file are you using? Perhaps trying a different file would work, or even a different type of induction.
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Postby Kanibal » August 30th, 2006, 4:40 am

The files I've been using, not neciserely in this order are

Cardigan - Deep Trance

They dont always get played in that order or all at once, but those are the files I've been listening to.
I was picky with the files I got because I want something that I trigger and its not automatic if I dont use it or something.

ADDITTION: This succsess seems to have been a one off, guess what, I have tried 3 times again since and I cant do it again. Sometimes I wonder if I'm immune.
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Postby Shademaster2 » August 30th, 2006, 5:40 pm

The only people who are immune to hypnosis are corpses and people with an IQ of around 70.

If you are not going into a hypnotic state then you don't want to for some conscious or subconscious reason.

I would suggest trying different inductions, adding in some deepeners and making sure the file you are choosing is not making some sort of objectional suggestions.

Also, depending on the way your mind works, you could very well be going deep into hypnosis...and still not achieve whatever effects the file suggests...for example, I have been hypnotized over 50 times, by many different people and yet have never successfully had a hypnotic hallucination of any kind...I have seen magnificant results in other areas...but suggestions that impact the world as I believe it is are always rejected by me on some level.

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Postby jon1223 » September 6th, 2006, 3:35 pm

i agree with shade...try this style of playlist

Deepener(or a deep trance file)
Accelerator(if you have a membership)

or just try one at a time with the accelerator and furry files
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Postby Kanibal » September 12th, 2006, 7:29 am

Shademaster2 wrote:I have been hypnotized over 50 times, by many different people and yet have never successfully had a hypnotic hallucination of any kind...I have seen magnificant results in other areas...

This may seem a stupid question but other than making you see things that arent there, what else does hypnosis do?? And can I ask, In what areas you have had success?
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Postby Shademaster2 » September 12th, 2006, 5:28 pm

Kanibal wrote:
This may seem a stupid question but other than making you see things that arent there, what else does hypnosis do?? And can I ask, In what areas you have had success?

Weight reduction, motivation, breaking habits...etc.

The entertainment factors of hypnosis as focused on by this site, barely scratch the surface of what hypnosis is capable of.

If you have any habits you want to break, skills you want to improve or changes you want to make in your life, hypnosis can help.

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Postby Kanibal » September 13th, 2006, 8:34 am

Id appreciate a file that's quick simple and would tell you weather or not it worked in a simple way. Just to prove I can go into a trance, you know.
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Postby willingsub » September 13th, 2006, 9:45 am

Kanibal wrote:Id appreciate a file that's quick simple and would tell you weather or not it worked in a simple way. Just to prove I can go into a trance, you know.

there are some files that program you with a trigger, and that have a corresponding file with just the trigger frase, followed after a short break by a release frase. That way you can test if the programming took hold. I think TrigFreeze works like that, you can look it up in the trigger section of the files.

I've never used trigger files myself, but I understand from other people on this site that a file like TrigFreeze is relatively simple.
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Postby gregi696 » September 14th, 2006, 10:22 am

Check out Cardigan's itching foot file. After you listen to it, your foot is supposed to itch until you send him a PM. Might be worth checking out.
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