Succes with curseFeminizationCD

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Succes with curseFeminizationCD

Postby gcoastfun » September 6th, 2006, 9:54 pm

I am so happy! I have just experienced some success with this curse file. I have been listening two times a day for the past 7 days, and can't seem to stop thinking about becoming feminine. Infact while doing my normal shopping this morning I walked past a lingerie store and had this overwhelming need to go in and purchase myself a pair of panties and bra. I have never purchased womens clothes before and surprisingly I wasn't nervous at all. I simply felt it was something I needed to do. I spent 15 mins browsing through all the lovely items until I selected the perfect pink matching bra & panty set for myself. I then proceeded to the sales desk and proudly made my purchase, all the while smiling and chatting to the lovely, attractive sales clerk, whom I think suspected, by the size, that the items were for me. As she handed them to me she said, "I hope you enjoy them, they are lovely". I also am finding myself becoming more conscious of my body movements, walking, the way I hold my hands, sit etc. As I perform an action I automatically find myself trying to make it as feminine as I can. I am finding myself speaking more softly, especially towards women, as I think I want them to notice that I am slightly more feminine. WOW, I cant wait to listen to my file again now and see whats to come next. Oh I have also chosen a feminine name for myself - Angie.

Has anyone else had similar success, is this success?

Posts: 6
Joined: September 2nd, 2006, 12:00 am

Postby Janis_en_femme » June 10th, 2008, 4:22 pm

Yes, I've become very feminine.
Besides losing all interest in sports, I find myself chatting with women about all sorts of things.
My gestures have taken a very feminine grace to them and I've caught myself lisping on more than one occassion.
I can't go a day without wearing something feminine.
I've become very unhappy with my voice because it sounds so manly.
Posts: 67
Joined: April 17th, 2006, 12:00 am

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