The feminization files need reviewing, most of them anyway.

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The feminization files need reviewing, most of them anyway.

Postby edimax » October 23rd, 2006, 11:47 am

The language used in many of them lacks the ideal wording. Let's take into account the idea of neuro-linguistic programming. How does your subconscious know what hormones are, let alone the specific effects of estrogen. It relates more to the processes of change by way of images and feelings. It's very odd to listen to these files and hear medical terminology whilst in the back of our minds we respond with something like "er...yeah!".

Just something to consider when making new scripts.
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Postby AnneOniMouse » October 23rd, 2006, 12:10 pm

Surely if we understand the terms consciously our mind has access to that knowledge unconsciously.
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Postby Blink » October 24th, 2006, 5:29 am

AnneOniMouse wrote:Surely if we understand the terms consciously our mind has access to that knowledge unconsciously.

The conscious portion of the mind serves a different function than the subconscious (or preconscious or unconscious, for that matter). The same rules--especially with regard to logic and grammar--are not necessarily in force when different parts are active.

There are also wild differences of opinion regarding memories themselves. I know California excludes court testimony from people who have been hypnotized to enhance recall. I think there are other states doing this as well. The research indicates that creation of false memories is at least as easy as actually increasing recall of actual events. All this is to say that "knowledge" can be a very fluid thing.

-- Blink
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Postby cardigan » October 24th, 2006, 7:01 am

2 years ago I cured myself from hayfever. I had been allergic to grass pollen for more than 45 years at the time. Every summer for 1 - 2 months I would sneeze, my eyes would itch, and my nose would run. And it was extremely uncomfortable for me. I hated that time of year! I had to eat lots of medicine to be reasonably comfortable. Finally 2 summers ago I had had enough, and I got the idea, that this was something, I could cure with hypnosis.

So I made a script for myself that issued 2 commands: 1: go down to where blood cells were being produced and remove the antibodies for grass, that were being added to my blood - and 2: Having allergic reactions to grass pollen was a big mistake on my body's part, since it thought that grass was lethal, and that it was under attack by deadly pollen.

I knew next to nothing about how allergies work. I was even VERY sceptical about whether this would actually work. I had never tried anything like it, and it was a total experiment. And yet - it worked!! After the first listen to the file I stopped eating my hayfever medicine, and I have now been through 2 summers without having to eat any pills.

So I'd say that knowing the precise mechanisms of something like hormones is not necessary. The subconscious only needs to know what end results are desired, and then it takes care of most other things by way of some kind of automatic routines.

So I would argue that saying in a gender-change file, that "your production of estrogen is going to be increased as much as possible - to the same level as that of a girl going through puberty, causing your breasts to start to grow and your hips to get wider and your waist to be slimmer - just like a girl going through puberty", will work quite well. Maybe one could actually skip the mention of estrogen alltogether? I don't know. But why not include it - just in case? People react in different ways.
Certified hypnotist C.I., C.H.
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Postby Ys » December 16th, 2006, 11:28 pm

as major mark said once in a basic course:
"Your subconscious is driven by emotion, not stupid." ;)

The whole reason "you" consciously know what estrogen can or could do means that the unconscious knows what it is.. "You" are after all just the observer above the conscious filters (ye ye oldschool theory but still it makes more sense to me than needlessly creating 'parts' that dont really help you ;)).
Now if you didn't consciously (or even unconsciously) know what estrogen is then you would probably have to describe the whole concept of how a female body works to the subject's unconscious ;)

But most people have gotten to know concepts about a hormone found mainly in females that is called estrogen .. or that allergy equals 'harmless stuff being attacked by the immune system thanks to a bad decision by the immune system that simply carried over until it stops again'.

Anyways I don't quite know why I wrote this whole post, especially since you apparently know your stuff.. I still felt it would make sense to put emphasize on the fact that "The unconscious is driven by emotions, not stupid".

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Postby gornyhuy » December 17th, 2006, 10:58 pm

cardigan wrote:2 years ago I cured myself from hayfever. I had been allergic to grass pollen for more than 45 years at the time. Every summer for 1 - 2 months I would sneeze, my eyes would itch, and my nose would run. And it was extremely uncomfortable for me. I hated that time of year! I had to eat lots of medicine to be reasonably comfortable. Finally 2 summers ago I had had enough, and I got the idea, that this was something, I could cure with hypnosis.

So I made a script for myself that issued 2 commands: 1: go down to where blood cells were being produced and remove the antibodies for grass, that were being added to my blood - and 2: Having allergic reactions to grass pollen was a big mistake on my body's part, since it thought that grass was lethal, and that it was under attack by deadly pollen.

I knew next to nothing about how allergies work. I was even VERY sceptical about whether this would actually work. I had never tried anything like it, and it was a total experiment. And yet - it worked!! After the first listen to the file I stopped eating my hayfever medicine, and I have now been through 2 summers without having to eat any pills.

Cardigan - I have really severe animal allergies (cats and dogs mainly) I would be SO grateful if you could put together a file or even just a script to get rid of allergies, specifically animal/cat/dog allergies. Man that would make my life so much better!!!!

Do you think you could do that?!
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Postby cardigan » December 17th, 2006, 11:20 pm

I'd like to try. PM me.
Certified hypnotist C.I., C.H.
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Postby gornyhuy » December 17th, 2006, 11:45 pm

cardigan wrote:I'd like to try. PM me.

thanks - just replied.
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