Ok I told my G/f

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Ok I told my G/f

Postby nightshade132 » October 30th, 2006, 7:39 am

I told my g/f that I was really into this and she didnt freak out! Woot! lol.

She agreed to give it a go although shes staying firm with her "I don't belive in it". Has anyone please got any advice / tips on 1 on 1 sessions and any free scripts that I can use with her? I'm looking for any input at all :)

thanx alot
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Postby willingsub » October 30th, 2006, 11:20 am

Other than very basic scripts that only put the subject under and wake them back up, it's really not doable to give you sound advise. A script I might enjoy immensely, might put your girlfriend off hypnosis altogether by grossing her out, scaring her, being to intense, too tame, or just not her thing.

If you want advise, don't start with us, start with her. You mention she doesn't believe in hypnosis. Try asking her what if, in some incomprehensable way hypnosis did work? What would she like to experience? Try to get her to put her disbelief on hold for a moment, in the same way someone who imagines what he would do if he had a lot of money (which he doesn't) puts his knowledge about his empty wallet on hold. Would she like to lower certain inhibitions? Which ones? Permanently or for the duration of a session? (probably the first) Would she like the idea of being triggerable, or does that thought (at least for now) freak her out?

Don't let her get away with saying "what the heck, try a trigger/curse/extreme script etc. on me, I don't believe in it anyway". If she is careless because of her disbelief, it is your job to be careful on her behalf. Remember, if you use a script she doesn't really (consciously and subconsciously!) want on her and it works, she might run like a spooked deer from you, convinced that hypnosis is the most dangerous thing she ever tried and that she got away from that 'hypno-freak' barely in time before he completely 'zombified' her.

If on the other hand you manage to use hypnosis to give her an effect she really does want, she might get hooked to the wonders of hypnosis and over time be comfortable to explore more 'extreme' paths. An effect she really wants can be something erotic, like lowering inhibitions, but also something very vanilla that is helpful in daily life, like being able to concentrate better on work or getting rid of that one bad habit she is frustrated about not being able to shake etc.
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Postby nightshade132 » October 30th, 2006, 11:33 am

"she ever tried and that she got away from that 'hypno-freak' barely in time before he completely 'zombified' her. " - Lol, made me laugh.

Well I think thats all very sound advice thank you. I did discuss it with her, but perhaps it would be better to have a conversation slightly more in depth about it, and the effects she would like to experience.

However, if you could still point me in the direction of a site where I could get some free basic induction / bringing her back up scripts I would be eternally grateful :D
Posts: 18
Joined: April 23rd, 2005, 12:00 am

Postby gregi696 » October 30th, 2006, 11:57 am

If you want to, you can get a free premium membership here, which grants access to scripts by transcribing a file. You just need to do the body, inductions are already done, so that is about 10 minutes worth of audio you don't have to do. It doesn't take much longer than an hour and the benefits are worth it.
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Postby nightshade132 » October 30th, 2006, 12:47 pm

how do i get a free premium membership? :D
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Postby willingsub » October 30th, 2006, 1:50 pm

nightshade132 wrote:how do i get a free premium membership? :D

Most of the files on this site are free to regular members. Only the additional files (bodies, scripts, binaurals, subliminals) are available to only premium members.

To become a premium member for easy access to scripts (so you can use them to hypnotise your g/f yourself), you can either pay the fee, or write a script for one of the files. To do this, simply download a file that doesn't already have a script, and transscribe it. Just type out word by word the part of the file after the induction, i.e. the part with the actual suggestions. Then email your text to EMG to get your premium membership.
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Postby Jack » October 30th, 2006, 9:32 pm

One decent book on the subject is Look Into My Eyes: How To Use Hypnosis To Bring Out The Best In Your Sex Life by Peter Masters. Also, you might look for a book by Wendi Friesen(sp?) called something like How to Hypnotize Your Lover(check her website for the proper title).
"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt." Bertrand Russell
"By doing certain things certain results follow." A. Crowley, Book of Lies
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Postby Blink » October 31st, 2006, 6:43 pm

Jack wrote:One decent book on the subject is Look Into My Eyes: How To Use Hypnosis To Bring Out The Best In Your Sex Life by Peter Masters. Also, you might look for a book by Wendi Friesen called something like How to Hypnotize Your Lover(check her website for the proper title).

The Masters book is the best known reference available to the public on hypnosis for enhancing one's sex life. I recommend it frequently.

I've actually had the chance to exchange messages via Usenet with Wendi some years ago. She's talented, helpful, and very well-informed regarding hypnosis. Her material covers a broad range (though, in the interest of full disclosure, I've never read her published works or listened to her recorded sessions--I know she's great, but I don't know what her material is like).

Wendi's product line is available here.
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Being Comfortable

Postby hephaestus » December 22nd, 2006, 6:14 pm

What if :D, nightshade you can encourage your girl friend to begin to think about other times when she has been in trance naturally - when watching television - driving and not being aware of sections of her journey and may be other times when she can experience those same sensations of trance may be without any obvious stimulus from anyone in a natural and unprovoked way - perhaps asking her to imagine that state - to go inside now and experience that natural state.

Just talking and relaxing her down to that point when she will just want you to both explore this great phenomena!

Getting her used to the idea of her unconscious speaking to her with the pendulum method of asking herself questions without any help from you - without any help from anyone but her own unconscious.

Just remember how important it is as anyone learns new things - that you need to do so slowly from the start as one might say not running before you can walk because you don't want to create any sense of fear.
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