by demigraff » November 2nd, 2006, 4:07 am
If you want the source for the applet, it takes all of 30 seconds to run it through a decompiler. I can do it for you if you really want to take a look and don't have any suitable tools.
"undefined string exception" is an easy enough error to fix. Its trying to display a string which isn't there. To be precise, its trying to display an error message which is for some reason missing.
The underlying error which it doesn't have a message for is that your connection has been refused. In 99% of cases, this means that your firewall is preventing it connecting to the server. (occasionally it is because the server has crashed, but that hasn't happened for a few weeks and is usually fixed quite quickly)
In any case, I would strongly recommend getting a real IRC client. Popular choices seem to be Xchat, chatzilla, Trillian, mirc, zirc, pirch, IRCle and sirc. If you're at work or somewhere you can't control your firewall, Whiplash and CGI::IRC can circumvent this problem (although you need to either have a webserver to install them on, or find someone using Whiplash who hasn't restricted which server it can connect to)