Trance, Yes i know theres a lot of topics about this

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Trance, Yes i know theres a lot of topics about this

Postby wootishwooter » November 2nd, 2006, 3:09 am

Sorry i have to make another topic but I just want to know if I get in fact go into a trance, basically I started listening to one of the files now before i use to listen to the file and I'd feel heavy and relaxed I wouldn't move and i just listen but i'd still be aware. But tonight when I listened I kind of like umm hard to explain basically I have listening and then i don't even remember getting to the count down part I just zoned out and then I "wake up" the file is over and it's 20 minutes later.

Was this a trance? Or did I just fall asleep? I don't think I fell asleep I mean I don't normally just fall asleep like that in my computer chair. So was this in fact a trance I was in?

I don't remember anything that was said in the file after zoning out.

Anyways once again I'm sorry for making another "Was this a trance" topic but it's the only way I guess...

Anyways thank you for taking your time to read this.
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Postby cardigan » November 2nd, 2006, 5:52 am

Yes. I think you were in a trance, and the trance was a little deeper than it has been before. This is a good sign, that you are getting used to going into trance, and that you can go deeper now than before!
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Postby willingsub » November 2nd, 2006, 5:53 am

Maybe we should make a central "was this a trance?" thread for all these questions to go in, or even a separate forum :P

To answer your question: sounds like a trance to me. Was it a twenty minute file, so you woke up at (or shortly after) the end?

As I understand it you were already used to listening to files, usually achieving at least a light trance (trance doesn't necesarily mean not being aware). Maybe you simply conditioned yourself to go into trance when you start listening to a file. I notice an effect like that myself sometimes, starting to slip under the moment I hear EMG's voice, even before the actual induction. Maybe you just listened at the right place, right time, right atmosphere, right state of mind etc all at once, so your conditioning to go under when listening to a file was triggered and you dropped like a brick. It is possible to drop into a deep trance in a matter of seconds or less.

By the way: what file did you use? Do you know if it contains any suggestions for amnesia? It is also possible you actually didn't 'zone out' that far during the file, but just don't remember listening afterwards.
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Postby wootishwooter » November 2nd, 2006, 3:06 pm

I listened to the Learn a language file. I listen to every file out of trance before actually trying it out(To see if it's really what I want). So I know it was a "safe" file to use.

Yes, I woke up shortly after the file ended... Nice to hear I actually went into a deep trance, that's quite amazing.

Thanks for the answers!
Posts: 2
Joined: May 19th, 2006, 12:00 am

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