by Jacara » November 14th, 2006, 6:44 pm
Well, I sorta "activate" myself to go to sleep, but then I'm analytical and I've tried to figure out what causes me to sleep. There's a certain "zone" I'm in when I just wake up, and I'm thinking of my most recent dream (which still feels real).. if I dwell on the dream in a "dreamy" way (instead of with my rational waking mind), I often go right back to sleep. I 've done this enough that I've gotten used to what that feels like, and can re-induce that dreamy mindset (which puts me to sleep).
It's similar in hypnosis, at least for me.. now that I've been in trance a few times, I can remember how it feels to me, and put myself back there.
But you don't have to do that, and if you've never been in trance you wouldn't have a reference point. So just relax and follow along with the file and just "invite it" as MN_FriendlyGuy said. Don't think too much about anything, but just flow with it. Once you get used to it, you'll automatically "activate" it when you hear a trigger or a hypnotic voice or whatever else you associate with trance.