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Postby sub247 » November 7th, 2006, 4:07 am

hi there,
could anyone tell me if i used a trigger on myself ( one that leaves met with no memory off what happened), klike trigPuppy/trigRobot. Can i then revert myself back to normal? or are thoose files never selftriggerable?
kind regards
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Joined: April 11th, 2006, 12:00 am

Postby willingsub » November 7th, 2006, 4:04 pm

I'd be very very careful with self triggering any trigger that might leave you incapacitated and unable to undo the trigger. That goes especially for infant-triggers or triggers like see no evil hear no evil. If you are physically unable to say or hear something, reverting might be a real challenge. But I would put triggers that promote amnesia in the same category. If something affects you that much, there is no knowing if you will be able to (or have the sense to) revert yourself while in that altered state of mind.

I don't think you will stay a robot or puppy for the rest of your life, but your altered state may still persist beyond being conveniant or even safe (just think about it, for how long would you want a grown person with hands and thumbs, but the mind of a puppy running unsupervised around your house with full access to kitchen cabinets, electrical cords and power tools?).

If you must experiment with triggers like that on your own, do it as safely as possible (still not safe, but safer): record a certain time of silence (let's say a few minutes) ending with you saying the release phrase. Make sure (or as sure as possible) you can't leave the house, and any dangerous stuff is inaccessable. If necessary, visit a web site about parenting to find out how moms keep their todlers from putting their fingers in power sockets or falling off the roof. Put the recording on, make sure it's loud enough to hear the release phrase wherever you are in the house. Tell yourself to say the release phrase before hearing the recorded release phrase. Say the trigger phrase to turn yourself into a puppy (or robot).

Chances are the trigger may not work the first time, or just doesn't work when self-triggered, and you will feel stupid about your precautions. But then again, it may work, fully or partially. If you can trigger yourself, there is a good chance the release trigger on tape will work too. Now you can find out if you have the sense to say the release phrase when in an altered state of mind, or wether you need a recording to revert you. And you have the opportunity to find out if puppy you has the urge to chew on your good pair of shoes you forgot to put away...
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Postby bobjoe11 » November 18th, 2006, 10:56 am

Here's what I would do for things such as "TrigRobot..."

Get a CD player w/ headphones, a CD player that you can clip to yourself, or an MP3 player.

Now, before you ever start listening to "TrigRobot," make a file that has you saying the trigger phrase, followed by a command, that just lasts for a minute. Also make a file with you saying the release phrase, and assorted commands of what you are to do while a robot. So, lets say I wanted to A) Clean my house completely and B) exercise as the two things I want my robot self to do... I would make 3 files, and put them on CD.

Track 1 would look like this

"Robot time for you" pause for 10-20 seconds... "You will clean your house completely. You will make sure it is one hundred percent clean. When you are finished with this command, fully and completely, you will switch to track 3. You must now pause your CD Player until you are finished, and when you are finished, you will fast forward to track 3" pause 10-15 seconds so that you can pause the CD player.

Track 2 would contain the command to exercise

Track 3 would simply contain
"Revert to normal... Revert to normal... Revert to normal."

So, lets say you have a Saturday just laying around... go get your CD/ MP3 player, turn on track 1, and your house will be cleaned when you wake back up.
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Postby Slipstream » November 19th, 2006, 2:41 pm

The TrigSafe file has a number of built-in failsafes - if you find yourself unable to say the revert phrase you can think it, you automatically revert to normal if you're having a 'bad experience', and you automatically revert to normal after an hour unless you really want to stay the way you are for longer.

If you don't want to use the file in its entirety - say there are parts you don't want in effect, such as nobody but you being able to activate triggers - it's easy enough to edit the audio with something like Audacity until it's worded exactly how you want it to be.

Okay, this is all hypothetical (never yet got a trigger to work, although training files are pretty effective) but it seems to pan out okay.
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Joined: October 4th, 2006, 12:00 am

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