EMG, tell us who you are!

A place for Subjects and Hypnotists to come together.

Moderator: EMG

Postby EMG » August 8th, 2005, 9:36 pm

Yes, and you are not the first to use that method and with work, I am quite certain an enterprising user can track down my real name(it has happened on more than a few occasions). I may even eventually make a public appearance at a BDSM/Leather event in the next couple years. Still, at this time I would ask that anyone that knows my name/etc. not post it as I would prefer to keep that private. Colorado Springs is a VERY conservative city and personally I don't want phone calls late into the night.

Psychomech wrote:and I tried looking it up using a whois of the site. Complete with business address and phone number.
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Postby Psychomech » August 9th, 2005, 5:52 am

EMG wrote:Yes, and you are not the first to use that method and with work, I am quite certain an enterprising user can track down my real name(it has happened on more than a few occasions). I may even eventually make a public appearance at a BDSM/Leather event in the next couple years. Still, at this time I would ask that anyone that knows my name/etc. not post it as I would prefer to keep that private. Colorado Springs is a VERY conservative city and personally I don't want phone calls late into the night.

Psychomech wrote:and I tried looking it up using a whois of the site. Complete with business address and phone number.

Sir I understand your need to be annonymus. I myself am a rubberdog in a hick town in the Peach State. I would probably be ruined if my lifestyle got out. :( You have no fear from this dog sir.
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Re: EMg tell us who u r

Postby dawnfyre » October 12th, 2005, 1:03 am

EMG wrote:you move on to Regular at 20 posts, guru at 50, mentor at 200, and Annoynace at 1000

~checking post numbers by names~
hmm EMG will be the first to officially become an annoyance at this rate. ;)
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Postby fringlinin1 » October 1st, 2006, 6:35 am

kat404 wrote:Your favorite novel.
Your favorite holiday.
Best way to die.
If you could be any of the seven dwarves, which would you be?
Any of the seven continents?
Any of the seven deadly sins?

Halloween... one of the few holidays left that's not about buying people crap. Also, it's a great social event where you get to meet new people and all that.

Hmm... how to die? Something ironic, but not the whole getting-run-over-by-an-ambulance thing... believe it or not, that happens all the time. I'd want more original irony. Maybe dying of old age in a Youth Spa... or burn to death in a Fire Station... electrocuted and fried by a defibrillator (spelling?). I dunno, it'd make me laugh (if i could). I know it'd make my family and friends get a kick out of it and not be so sad. Also, death by irony brings fame. Some ironic deaths of note: The first man to swim across the English Channel drowned... but by far the most ironic goes to Jesus. Think about it: a carpenter all his life, and he never suspected that the boards and nails would turn against him... (i did not mean that in bad taste, and apologize in advance to those who have no sense of humor)

Umm... the one sleeping with Snow White (i dunno)

North America. It's got the most money, it's the least war-torn, plus, I'd control the world's supply of helium. Also note my impressive wang (Florida). Downsides: i'd be fat, and most likely stupid... really gross foot sweat (see: Mexico's bad water)... and i guess I'd have anger management issues (see: America's Foreign Policy: Boom-o-nomics 101). Another benefit I just thought of: everything above my chest has free health care.

Definitely have to go with pride... i can still commit all the other deadly sins, but unlike you lesser sinners, I do it all with a smug grin on my face, and a smarmy air of self-satisfaction.
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Postby Sylvester » October 12th, 2006, 10:14 pm

I have a question. Which was your favorite file to make? And why?
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Postby whatthe75 » October 13th, 2006, 1:04 am

EMG as we are on the topic of asking you questons. Do you have any hypnosis training or are you like me and totally self taught.

P.S Keep up the great work
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Postby redmollie » November 18th, 2006, 10:54 am

Just wanted to join the EMG fan club. I'm probably in one of the few areas *more* conservative than Colorado Springs -- I'm in Idaho -- but I lived for a period in San Francisco and was quite active in the scene there. I've always had fantasies about hypnosis, back to when I was a little child, but have not had a lot of luck finding someone who was both willing and able to hypnotize me. I'm *really* enjoying this site and appreciate it.

I guess my question would be, when you lived in San Francisco, where were your favorite SM clubs and what did you like to do the most? And, the question that seems most obvious to me but which I don't see in this topic, is it possible for someone to get together with you privately, either over the phone or in person, and how does that happen?

I *do* love that to post a message here one has to push a button that says 'submit.' :-) Makes me all tingly...
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Postby EMG » November 18th, 2006, 1:41 pm

Shockingly I never went to any of the clubs while I was in SF, I had a variety of reasons but mostly I didn't think about it(also missed out on a really fun sounding class on whip use while I was there, what WAS I thinking). Anyway, I've never been big into group experiences, but play to step out of that mold a little and go to Thunder in the Mountains next July. Not sure if I'll be doing anything more than going as a paying customer, haven't firmed up my plans enough for that. As for phone, at this time I've never done any phone work except with slaves but have considered it. I've done voice over IM a couple times but not often as I actually have a pretty hectic schedule. In person has only been considered once and that plan was cancelled, I'm now closer to being able to do that but still have a few more hurdles to cross and it would be a rather controlled environment. One thing I'd love to do is actually make some videos, but I'm not ready for that either and haven't decided if I'd want to do those as just video to liten to/watch or if they'd be closer to hypnogirls and basically just mild porn. Guess we'll just have to wait and see.

redmollie wrote:Just wanted to join the EMG fan club. I'm probably in one of the few areas *more* conservative than Colorado Springs -- I'm in Idaho -- but I lived for a period in San Francisco and was quite active in the scene there. I've always had fantasies about hypnosis, back to when I was a little child, but have not had a lot of luck finding someone who was both willing and able to hypnotize me. I'm *really* enjoying this site and appreciate it.

I guess my question would be, when you lived in San Francisco, where were your favorite SM clubs and what did you like to do the most? And, the question that seems most obvious to me but which I don't see in this topic, is it possible for someone to get together with you privately, either over the phone or in person, and how does that happen?

I *do* love that to post a message here one has to push a button that says 'submit.' :-) Makes me all tingly...
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Postby redmollie » November 18th, 2006, 7:27 pm

just out of curiousity, do you recall who taught the whip class or where it was to be held? or, more generally, what kind of whip class was it and what made it sound fun to you? What sort of whips do you have? (sorry if that's off-topic). I have a buffalo flogger, a cat o' nine tails, and a doeskin suede flogger that were made for me, plus a couple of other random things from off the rack. as it were.

I've actually been favorably impressed with how well hypnosis over IM -- not voice over IM, just IM -- can work, with the right person.

EMG wrote:Shockingly I never went to any of the clubs while I was in SF, I had a variety of reasons but mostly I didn't think about it(also missed out on a really fun sounding class on whip use while I was there, what WAS I thinking). Anyway, I've never been big into group experiences, but play to step out of that mold a little and go to Thunder in the Mountains next July. Not sure if I'll be doing anything more than going as a paying customer, haven't firmed up my plans enough for that. As for phone, at this time I've never done any phone work except with slaves but have considered it. I've done voice over IM a couple times but not often as I actually have a pretty hectic schedule. In person has only been considered once and that plan was cancelled, I'm now closer to being able to do that but still have a few more hurdles to cross and it would be a rather controlled environment. One thing I'd love to do is actually make some videos, but I'm not ready for that either and haven't decided if I'd want to do those as just video to liten to/watch or if they'd be closer to hypnogirls and basically just mild porn. Guess we'll just have to wait and see.

redmollie wrote:Just wanted to join the EMG fan club. I'm probably in one of the few areas *more* conservative than Colorado Springs -- I'm in Idaho -- but I lived for a period in San Francisco and was quite active in the scene there. I've always had fantasies about hypnosis, back to when I was a little child, but have not had a lot of luck finding someone who was both willing and able to hypnotize me. I'm *really* enjoying this site and appreciate it.

I guess my question would be, when you lived in San Francisco, where were your favorite SM clubs and what did you like to do the most? And, the question that seems most obvious to me but which I don't see in this topic, is it possible for someone to get together with you privately, either over the phone or in person, and how does that happen?

I *do* love that to post a message here one has to push a button that says 'submit.' :-) Makes me all tingly...
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Postby EMG » November 19th, 2006, 1:04 am

No, I don't remember who taught it or anything else, I just remember seeing it when I was looking for a Tai-Chi class and though that it was a VERY interesting combo (just timing at the place it was being taught). As for hypnosis over IM, I've done that before and it can work well although without a webcam the hypnotist can never tell between the player and the real subject.

redmollie wrote:just out of curiousity, do you recall who taught the whip class or where it was to be held? or, more generally, what kind of whip class was it and what made it sound fun to you? What sort of whips do you have? (sorry if that's off-topic). I have a buffalo flogger, a cat o' nine tails, and a doeskin suede flogger that were made for me, plus a couple of other random things from off the rack. as it were.

I've actually been favorably impressed with how well hypnosis over IM -- not voice over IM, just IM -- can work, with the right person.
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