Change to voting system?

A discussion of the files on the voting page.

Moderator: EMG

Change to voting system?

Postby CuriousG » March 19th, 2006, 4:37 pm

It seems like there are a lot of very old files cluttering up the voting page, some from over a year ago! To avoid clutter, and give a better perspective on just how popular concepts are, perhaps files should only stay up for potential voting for a month or two.

Your thoughts?
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Postby charon2187 » March 19th, 2006, 5:19 pm

It depends on how many votes they have.
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Postby bilijana » March 20th, 2006, 5:53 pm

If I read correctly somewhere on a possibly unreletaed website, files which don't get at least oen vote a week get removed.
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Postby Terin » June 29th, 2006, 6:15 pm

I say the ones with the fewest votes be removed on a set time. Like X amount with least votes get kicked every month, or something like that.
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Postby Dudejock » June 29th, 2006, 6:47 pm

Well, I already posted this somewhere else but it has gone disregarded, I've decided to post it again because I personally think it's a good idea. However it's up to you guys to go through and find things that wouldn't work so I can be sure i could have never happened.

Okay, well I was sitting here thinking about how the voting system, well isn't all that great. You know what I'm talking about, certain types of files get loads of votes and minorities don't get any and therefore are eliminated with no chance of creation; and then there are the downright pointless and impossible files. So I was thinking, EMG is making appr. 4 files a month right? So what I think is a good idea would be if EMG, or someone, got together a group of like 7 or 9 people who are good site citizens (maybe moderators or top posters or something) and this "Council" would democratically decide upon 1 or 2 of the files for EMG to make that month (of course EMG has final say). This way there could be variety in the files made and we know that the majority voting categories wouldn't take over the site. Who knows this could be a really bad idea but I think it sounds good, so feel free to comment, you know tear apart my plan and whatnot. G'night!
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Postby Jacara » June 30th, 2006, 7:29 am

I like the idea of "files that don't get at least one vote a week get removed". That way if something has continued interest, it stays; and if it's something only a couple people wanted and no one else is voting for it, it's gone.
I don't know if that's the way it works now, but it should :P
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Postby OMGWTFBBQ » November 19th, 2006, 4:11 pm

Why not: - Wipe all the votes that are there now, and the files too. Start fresh. Make it so only mod-approved [and so realistic] files are voted on. Everyone gets only 1 vote. This is all reset every time EMG makes the top file, however long he decides to take.
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Postby boomsmee » November 19th, 2006, 5:03 pm

Instead of getting wiped every time EMG makes a new file, i think it should be that they lose votes over time.

My Idea is this:

Each file has a rating. When a file is first suggested, it appears immediately with a rating of 5. Each regular user vote adds 2 to the rating, and each premium user would add 10 (or however much that it would be under the new system) Each day that passed would reduce the rating of all files by one, and any files that reaches 0 is deleted. (assuming the suggester for the file votes for it, this would give all files 1 week on the page before deletion)

Another option is to have an approve/neutral/disapprove system where you can vote for or against new files. This could be combined with the above system, with a disapprove vote reducing the rating.
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Postby redmollie » November 19th, 2006, 6:54 pm

oh hell. I didn't realize things went away if they didn't get votes. I'll make sure I go and vote for everything I've used thus far.
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Postby Lissar » November 19th, 2006, 11:41 pm

I don't like the idea of a council picking files. The entire point of the voting system is that files that don't get a lot of votes are the ones that not a lot of people like. It seems kind of unfair if EMG makes files that only three or four people are going to want to use.

I have a few issues with the voting system as it is. The first is that a lot of very, VERY old files are at the top because they've accumulated so many votes over a long period of time. That doesn't mean they're THAT popular. I don't know the best system to take care of that, or if removing files that don't get any votes for a certain period of time will work.

The second is that the categories are all out of whack. I know I've said this before, but I think it still applies: there are a ton of Male2Female files that aren't in the Male2Female category. For those of us who are NOT looking in the Male2Female category for our own reasons, it can be annoying to still see them all over the place. If we're going to have any sort of moderation, someone needs to put files in the right places.

The third is spelling and grammar, but apparently there is no solution for that. I mean, we're all supposed to be adults here. I'm tired of reading about how "you will have to tell ur dokter evrythin." Seriously. I have a friend with a real learning disability. And she can spell waaaaaay better than that.
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Postby redmollie » November 20th, 2006, 12:50 am

A change I'd like to see made is that one could vote for more than one file at a time on the page. it takes forever doing it one at a time.
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Postby demigraff » November 20th, 2006, 10:20 pm

While we're on the subject of the voting page, I think it might be nice for people who are recording files to have some easy way to link their submission to an entry on the voting page. It could be a link from the voting entry to the file, and then if the file gets a couple of good ratings, the suggestion could be removed automagically (because the file exists, and is of good enough quality to satisfy the people who wanted it)

boomsmee wrote:Each file has a rating. When a file is first suggested, it appears immediately with a rating of 5. Each regular user vote adds 2 to the rating, and each premium user would add 10 (or however much that it would be under the new system) Each day that passed would reduce the rating of all files by one, and any files that reaches 0 is deleted. (assuming the suggester for the file votes for it, this would give all files 1 week on the page before deletion)

I think this sounds like a great system.

But certainly without any kind of 'negative' vote. I can see the point in making files that most people want ... but I don't see why the number of people who are opposed to an idea should have any bearing on it.

However, I can see the point in being able to vote 'against' a suggestion if it just hides it from the list so you won't see it again ... this would make the list smaller, so it loads quicker and its easier to keep track of how the suggestions you do want are progressing.

redmollie wrote:A change I'd like to see made is that one could vote for more than one file at a time on the page. it takes forever doing it one at a time.

Or, a less complex solution would be to give the buttons a different target. Maybe a floating iframe, which loads a 'thanks for voting' page when you hit a vote button, so you don't have to get the entire list from the server again every time.
Or, if someone has a bit more time to work on it, some kind of AJAX-ish system so you don't reload the page when submitting.
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Postby redmollie » November 21st, 2006, 7:09 am

yes, that's exactly what I meant, thanks.
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