InstantWetting big Success

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InstantWetting big Success

Postby aroofa » December 5th, 2006, 2:41 pm

I had to listen to InstantWetting three times before I got it to work completely and was able to truly lose bladder control. Huge sense of accomplishment though it was a struggle to obey in the first 2 attempts not getting more than a dribble, third time went off beautifully and was very intense.
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InstantWetting - Update

Postby aroofa » December 7th, 2006, 11:35 pm

Continued progress and success with this intense, liberating, and addictive file. I have been listening to it in excess of 10 times per day including the subliminal version during the workday. Most recent listening was wildly intense and has really helped reinforce and strengthen my response to the trigger. 8)

See my journal for more details and info moving forward!
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Postby demigraff » December 18th, 2006, 11:06 am

Thanks for sharing your success story :)

I was looking for a file to play with while I get used to new editing software. The comments you made in your journal sounded interesting, so I tried editing this file in the way you suggested.
When listening through to try and find any glitches in the sound (particularly where I joined bits together), I found myself following the words quite closely. I figured its only natural to feel a bit light-headed with the binaurals on, I'm only listening for errors in the file so I won't actually wet myself. When he started the countdown, I realised I really did need to pee quite bad, so I decided to stop the file before it got to the trigger just in case.
"5" he says, and I reach for the keyboard. I'm a bit curious whether the file is actually making my bladder feel full, or if its just because I've been drinking too much coffee while I was editing it.
"4" I figured I may as well wait until 2, and try to analyse whether the feeling grows with each number, to satisfy my curiosity
"3" I think I do need to pee a bit more than a few seconds ago. This is a great sign, shows my subconscious is listening to the file. Maybe my binaural's latest edit is even more effective. Congratulating myself, I decide to stop the file, go to the bathroom, and then have a drink to celebrate
"2" I have my finger on the stop button, but pause for a second. The file has effected me enough that I feel some pressure in my bladder, but I'm clearly awake and moving now, so I might as well let it reach 1 - a convenient place to pause my error checking - before I get up.
"1" My need to pee jumps from 'quite strong' to 'the strongest I ever felt' in an instant. I immediately panic, sure that I'm going to wet myself as soon as he says the trigger phrase. I try to press the stop button in the pause between the number and the words, muttering "No, no" under my breath, but my finger just doesn't move. I jump up and run for the bathroom, I'm so desparate now, but just as I reach the door I hear the word "now" and I simply can't hold it in any longer.

I must admit, this isn't one of the files I'd put at the top of my list of things I'd like to try. But with a bit of editing, and with aroofa's suggestions on what to edit, I couldn't have asked for a more conclusive demonstration that the files work.

Thanks for sharing your story
And thanks for the hints which led me to mine :)
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Postby fenton » December 18th, 2006, 8:12 pm

I tried to look up your journal so that I could see exactly what you were doing, and it comes up empty. Do you mind explaining in the forum or checking on what's happening to your journal? Thanks
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Postby demigraff » December 18th, 2006, 9:05 pm

He had a few journal entries when I checked ... I'm guessing he deleted them for some reason.

Its a pity, because I found the content quite enlightening.
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Postby diggermaloo » December 19th, 2006, 1:29 am


Can you describe the alterations you made as outlined in Aroofa's now deleted journal. Or perhaps Aroofa can, in this thread.

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Postby My_Pampers » December 19th, 2006, 11:12 pm

I'm sorry, but I'm thinking far fethced here. Maybe I am not able to be hypnotized, but I can say I've never had a file work for me anywhere on this site. I posted a reply to someone's post ( i forget where it was) in that post this person basically states that the files on this website are NOT real,, they are basically for play and entertainment. Based on my very own esults I am inclided to believe that none of the files on this site work,,,,, but are a lot of fun to listen to anyhow.
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files not real?

Postby strictausmstr » December 19th, 2006, 11:52 pm

I think that perhaps you might be a little over stretched there.

The files here do work and I have personally used them to ensure easy induction.

As with all hypnosis trance is a personal thing. Perhaps in your case you may not "gel" with say EMG's voice and may find it hard to clear your mind sufficiently to relax and allow trance. Trance isn't something that is done TO you; it is something that YOU ALLOW TO OCCUR.

Everyone has different keys and different levels of expectation and success.... perhaps you should open your mind and really relax and allow trance to occur rather than waiting for it to be done to you.

It is good though that you enjoy this site and appear open enough to see that files from elsewhere may work for you.

Best of luck
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Postby My_Pampers » December 20th, 2006, 1:24 am

I have tried to relax and allow myself to 'go into trance' but nada happens no matter waht file I have tried (though most of the files I listen to are diaper files). Yes I do consider myself an open minded person, and yes I do have 'fun' listening to the files from this site. Perhaps it is as you have suggested,, that for some reason I can not 'go into trance' under EMG's voice. I do not sit and refuse the suggestions,,, but they do not seem to phase me at all on any level. Having stated all such,,, please pardon me if I continue to hold to my original opinion. And thanks for input and ideas,,, perhaps they are the truth as well ,,,,, who knows.
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Postby sarnoga » December 20th, 2006, 7:11 am

My_Pampers wrote:I have tried to relax and allow myself to 'go into trance' but nada happens no matter waht file I have tried (though most of the files I listen to are diaper files). Yes I do consider myself an open minded person, and yes I do have 'fun' listening to the files from this site. Perhaps it is as you have suggested,, that for some reason I can not 'go into trance' under EMG's voice. I do not sit and refuse the suggestions,,, but they do not seem to phase me at all on any level. Having stated all such,,, please pardon me if I continue to hold to my original opinion. And thanks for input and ideas,,, perhaps they are the truth as well ,,,,, who knows.

I am putting the finishing touches on a script for a new diaper file complete with a new induction written especially for that file. No promises but I hope to have it recorded and uploaded by this time next week.

I hope you will download it and try it. All I can say now is the induction will be different. It might be you will have better luck with it for going into trance than you have with previous inductions. Even if it doesn't work for you, I hope you will have fun listening to it.

Also I noticed under your name on your post it says you have just joined on December 2 of this year. I don't know if that is correct or not, but if it is it may mean you have only been listening to these files for less than three weeks.

I only point that out because going into a trance is something you can get better at with practice. You may want to try some of the other inductions available on this site and "practice" going into trance before you listen to files with other suggestions in them.

To work on just going into trance I frequently recommend "Cardigan - Deep Trance" and "Cardigan - Enhancement and Acceptance." Personally I think they are excellent files for going into trance and "practicing" going into trance. Of course I may just feel that way because there were the first files I used that were able help me trance sucsessfully.

You might also want to try going into trance with my induction "The Road Home." It is a bit different than most of the inductions on this site and it may be a style that works for you. In response to that file I had someone write me who was having difficulty going into trance and told me it had taken them closer to trance than any other file they had tried.

While it is true that not ALL the files on this site work for ALL people, it is also true (in my opinion) that MANY of the files work for MANY of the people. I hope that in time you can be one of the many for whom some of the files on this site work, and hopefully be able to achieve some sucsess with the files of your choosing.

I share the opinion that has been posted on this site many times that EVERYONE can go into trance. You need to be patient and keep trying and hopefully you will find an induction on this site that will work for you.

Once you have found an induction that you can trance sucsessfully with, and I think you will if you keep trying, you should find that trance comes easier and easier. Once you have "discovered" how to go into trance you may be more sucsessful with some of the inductions that in the past you were unsucsessful with.

Anyway, I wish you the best of luck having sucsess with some of the files here and thanks for letting everyone know that even if you don't feel you have gone into trance yet that you are still enjoying listening to some of the files.


P.S. After posting this I read in one of your previous posts that you have been at this site off and on for quite some time. My appologys. Still you said you have been listening to mostly diaper files. You still might find that some of the stand alone inductions will help you achieve trance. If not at least you are enjoying some of the files. Best of luck.

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Postby My_Pampers » December 20th, 2006, 8:48 am

wow,,,well,,, I can honestly say that your reply was one of the more enjoyable ones I've had the pleasure of reading. You were both polite with your opinion and thorough in your research. People like you make this forum and website a great place to visit time and time again.
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Postby loony28 » December 20th, 2006, 5:21 pm

Here's another thought for you. The files may not work for you because they are recorded. You may need a longer induction period in order to trance.
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instant wetting

Postby patj » January 22nd, 2007, 3:21 pm

I have had some success with this file. Yes, I have become a little bit wet, and I think I would have become a lot wetter if the file had not started bringing me out of the trance so soon. Perhaps a modification to the file would help in this area.

A second modification that I would suggest is that of mentioning dribbling before saying the trigger. On occations, I am so concentrating on holding the urine in that I simply can't release it when the trigger is said. If the suggestion of dribbling were in the file, and wetness already occuring, I'm certain that I would have been a lot wetter.
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Instant wetting reinforcement

Postby fuckpuppetkandee » June 19th, 2007, 7:02 pm

I had success with this file on the first try, but I attribute that to the fact that I was regularly wettng myself anyway before listening (I've had a strong pee fetish since I was 11). Although I kept having success while listening to the file, I found it hard to be triggered when not in I started some reinforcement exercises to help set the trigger in my mind.

1. Whenever I felt like I had to pee (ie. normally at work, school, etc), I would say the trigger before I used the toilet. I would also not pee, on purpose, until I had heard or said the trigger. This helped get my mind used to the fact that when I heard the trigger, urination immediately followed. After three months, I was able to trigger myself in bathrooms, even if I didn't have the slightest need to pee.

2. To get my mind used to being triggered when not in a bathroom, I started triggering myself in my backyard, and then moved on to triggering myself while riding my bike, walking on the trails in a nearby state park, and while walking from my car to my house. Basically, find a relatively safe place where you feel comfy, and just wet yourself, triggered or not. The whole point is to get your mind used to the fact that you do not NEED a bathroom to urinate; you must become comfortable urinating in new and diverse locations.

3. Have someone try and trigger you. After 4 months of listening to the file and following the above exercises, I posted a public message here asking for someone to trigger me. Someone did, and boy did it work! I emptied myself as soon as I read the trigger. (I have also been listening to the IM Accept file)

I am now able to be triggered by voice, email, and IM. I've been successfully triggered by others to wet myself, and I'm now discovering an unintended side-effect of the file, in that it's getting harder and harder to pee without being triggered first! Anyway, these exercises worked for me...hopefully they'll help others gain the ability to be triggered too. Happy Wetting!
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success with subliminal version

Postby ajg123 » March 5th, 2008, 4:44 am

at first i was a bit skeptical at this actually working but on about the 3rd time on listening to it i found myself urinating uncontrollably in my pants

what i did was edit a couple of songs together i listen to all the time and hid the file behind them so you can't really hear it the funnyest thing was that i was on the bus when it happened
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Postby SDoll » March 5th, 2008, 8:08 pm

Where's the file? I can only find the extended version?
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Instant Wetting File

Postby fuckpuppetkandee » March 6th, 2008, 10:49 am


On the column on the left side of the main page, click on "Files".

Up at the top of the Files page, under the "Category" heading, click on "Diaper/Incontinence".

After the page reloads, under the "Type" heading, click on "Triggers".

Instant Wetting should be the third file down the list, with the extended version under it.

Happy pissing!

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Re: Instant Wetting File

Postby SDoll » March 6th, 2008, 7:31 pm

fuckpuppetkandee wrote:Sara,

On the column on the left side of the main page, click on "Files".

Up at the top of the Files page, under the "Category" heading, click on "Diaper/Incontinence".

After the page reloads, under the "Type" heading, click on "Triggers".

Instant Wetting should be the third file down the list, with the extended version under it.

Happy pissing!


Very descriptive, thanks! I'm not quiet ready to pee myself just yet.
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Postby seattleworld2 » April 17th, 2008, 8:50 pm

it worked on the third time lol in didn't really really work until the third time
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Postby MasterHMH » June 22nd, 2008, 9:01 pm

I've had a weird sort of success with this file. Like a lot of people, I haven't had much success with many of the files on this site, mostly due to lack of practice. Anyway, this has been the most successful file to date for me. I noticed very distinctly on my first try that that build-up of need to pee was very intense, and that demonstrated that the file was working to some degree; I was rather afraid I would wet, because my roomates were home. The second time I tried it, it was more intense, and on the trigger I "sort of" wet myself; it actually felt like I was wetting, even though I didn't, like a sort of "phantom pee" if you will. I thought that was a weird reaction. It seems like the third time is a charm for a lot of people thusfar, so I'll have to try another time and see if I have full results!
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