by boomsmee » December 31st, 2006, 1:28 am
The canadian plan to conquer the world will fail, due to a domestic uprising with canadian citizens protesting the use of polar bears in the armed services, especially after polar bears have been declared threatened due to the effects of global warming on their hunting grounds. Bush will announce that he suppoted policies that promoted global warming due to intelligence data that the canadians were planning on using polar bears in their armed forces, and by encouraging companies to release greenhouse gasses, protected toe world against canadian plans for world domination. The democrats will protest bush's remarks by raiding the white house wearing polar bear suits and stealing all the "W" keys from white house keyboards.
Also EMG's secret plot to hypnotize Cardigan using subliminal sounds that only play on Cardigan's PC while hes visiting this website will be successful causing Cardigan to go to the nearest courthouse, have his name legally changed to "Max Power", then go to his local library and fill out all the magazine subscription cards with "bill me later" as an option and mailing them, And forget doing any of it.
Oh, and EMG will ruin a keyboard by accidentally spilling coffee on it while laughing at Cardigan as he tries to figure out why hes suddenly getting a lot of mail for Max Power.