Amazing Success with BetterGuitar!

A place to post about the success you've had with the various files

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Amazing Success with BetterGuitar!

Postby jon1223 » December 23rd, 2006, 12:36 pm

Well, I have been listening to this file for a while because I have been preparing for when I can afford my own guitar. I was called into to be a substitue band director for a school in my town. When I arrived i found that, as a helper for those that are learning how to play the guitar, they had MANY copies of that new game that we all know about, Guitar Hero 2. Well I thought i would try my hand at this game and, as you can guess, I was absolutly horrible throught my first try. Well one of the kids told me exactly what to do because I had no idea what was going on and I will admit I was quite embaresed because me, the band director, was being taught by a kid infront of the whole class. Well after I knew what was going on I played the same song again and i COMPLETLY spaced out. When i finally snapped out of it I found to my suprise that I had performed a 5 star performance, I went from 9% accuracy to a 98% accuracy rating, and I never used what the kids called "Star Power"(which apperantly can be used to bring you out of an almost failing grade to a green meter), and this song was on hard mode! So I would just like to say that this file works on even fake guitars!

As a side note I have a question. After extensive review of the file I see nothing about a PG rating on would it be fine if i allowed my students to listen to it...i wont tell them where i got it or anything i will just say that I have had it for more than 20 years and that it has helped amazingly. I just dont want to get in trouble with the cops about this. Maybe we could make a below 21 section on this site entry point where it says that you need to be 21. I have noticed that many of these files are in no way sexual and that could actually aid children...such as Cure Insomnia and Better Guitar. Its just an idea i just came up with :D
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Re: Amazing Success with BetterGuitar!

Postby homerj1620 » December 23rd, 2006, 10:41 pm

jon1223 wrote:As a side note I have a question. After extensive review of the file I see nothing about a PG rating on would it be fine if i allowed my students to listen to it...i wont tell them where i got it or anything i will just say that I have had it for more than 20 years and that it has helped amazingly. I just dont want to get in trouble with the cops about this. Maybe we could make a below 21 section on this site entry point where it says that you need to be 21. I have noticed that many of these files are in no way sexual and that could actually aid children...such as Cure Insomnia and Better Guitar. Its just an idea i just came up with :D

Point them to It's run by EMG but has only the "clean" stuff. BetterGuitar is on that site.
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Postby jon1223 » December 24th, 2006, 12:01 am

Wow I never knew about that site...thank you for pointing it out to me!
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Minors and hypnosis

Postby Blink » December 24th, 2006, 9:54 am

Uh... don't.

Don't tell the kids in band about the file that brought you such great success. Keep it to yourself. Tell 'em you sold your soul for rock 'n' roll. You'll be better off in the long run. I've got a number of reasons and I doubt that they'll all sound paranoid to you.

    They're minors.
    Not all parents are sane, especially if there's a perceived threat to their kids.
    The ones who are insane can still do solid research.
    The first one, sane or not, to connect that file with this site will be after your job.
    If the insane ones organize, they might well come after this site.

I'm not stupid enough to believe that everyone who views this site is over the age of 18, but they're supposed to be. If they had the werewithal to sneak in past the warnings and not act like a child in the forums, they can probably keep the whole business to themselves, too. I'm all for protecting the kids, but if someone walked in with your his or her eyes open, then that person probably didn't get twisted here. As a matter of fact, your band kids are statistically more likely to enjoy greater academic achievement. Greater academic achievement is linked to a more active and diverse sex life. Lead them not into temptation for they know a shortcut and will beat you there by a half hour.

Even with the sister site presenting only "clean" material, it's still relevant that these are children. All it takes is one hypervigilant parent with one "objectionable" file from the other site (or any of the mainstream horrible stories about evil hypnotists, or, god forbid, a story from a porn site) and you're being called in to talk to the administration. There are a lot of people who have very, very negative preconceptions about hypnosis. Some of them are otherwise reasonable, well-educated professionals. That is to say, they will probably have some sense of regret over what they do to you.

Even though the other site doesn't mention this place, at least not anywehre that I've seen (I'm a member over there, too), it's a very, very short hop back here. If you Google "hypnosis," "better guitar," and "EMG," you get this. To bring a little balance to this, if you leave "EMG" out, you get a long list of articles and you'll read about advocates for dropping acid to improve your play long before you find this site.

Maybe I am paranoid, but when the villagers come to the gate with their torches and pitchforks, I'll be sneaking out through the sewer. Ask for me, discretely, at the next castle over.

-- Blink
I've got rat poo on my cape! Again!
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Postby jon1223 » December 24th, 2006, 12:42 pm

I see...oh well
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Postby sarnoga » December 24th, 2006, 2:21 pm

I have to agree with Blink. I don't think he is the least paranoid in regards to his statements above. That is exactly the way it works.

And besides, just because you are paranoid doesn't mean someone isn't out to get you.

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Re: Minors and hypnosis

Postby sarnoga » December 24th, 2006, 2:40 pm

Blink wrote:

Even though the other site doesn't mention this place, at least not anywhere that I've seen

Actually is mentioned in at least one of the file descriptions.

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Postby gregi696 » December 24th, 2006, 4:53 pm

Perhaps a safe alternative. I do not encourage you to do this without EMG's permission, but if you are still interested in getting this file to your class, you could put the file onto a cd and just tell them that it is something you have had for a long time. Again, ask EMG's permission before distributing his files though.

Good luck.
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Postby jon1223 » December 24th, 2006, 6:54 pm

thats exactly what i was planning to do...but still if the parents found out all hell could break loose and then this site would be shut down and i love this site and...i just wont do it lol to much at risk
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Postby sarnoga » December 24th, 2006, 8:59 pm

jon1223 wrote:thats exactly what i was planning to do...but still if the parents found out all hell could break loose and then this site would be shut down and i love this site and...i just wont do it lol to much at risk

I think your job would probably be more at risk than this site, but it could get very upleasant.

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Postby EMG » December 25th, 2006, 12:19 am

Firstly, feel free to burn it to CD. As for offering it to students. I have a simpler solution. Offer the file to anyone that wants it AND can get their parents to sign a parental permission slip saying their child can have it. That puts the issue right back on them. If anyone asks who produced it, tell them it was given to you by a friend and if someone needs more information I might be willing to provide it(privately, I don't give out my name lightly).

jon1223 wrote:thats exactly what i was planning to do...but still if the parents found out all hell could break loose and then this site would be shut down and i love this site and...i just wont do it lol to much at risk
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Postby RaGeX » December 28th, 2006, 10:48 pm

How long have you been listening to better guitar
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Postby jon1223 » December 28th, 2006, 11:35 pm

Thats a great idea EMG!! Now considering im basically a full time band director there this will be perfect!

To Ragex: I had results INSTANTLY. I played...sucked...listend to it...rocked! Now i have a real guitar(students got it for me for christams...arent they sweet!) and im learning ten times the speed i thought i was gona learn it!
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Postby sarnoga » December 29th, 2006, 12:18 am

jon1223 wrote:Thats a great idea EMG!! Now considering im basically a full time band director there this will be perfect!

I would suggest that if you want to remain a full time band director that you run that idea past the principal or your boss whoever that is before you follow through on it. But then again, what the hell do I know.

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Postby JHoffman » February 12th, 2007, 11:18 pm

Rock on, dude. I've had substantial success with this file, too! I went from playing easy AC/DC Riffs to being able to pull off EVH's Eruption solo (At least for the most part, ;).)
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Postby bobjoe11 » February 13th, 2007, 6:21 am

I'm going to have to say that introducing the students to hypnosis is really not a good idea. Not only can you get the parents against you, but as a teacher, you should be advocating 'practice makes perfect,' not 'take the easy way out.' (it doesn't matter how you learned it)

At least, that's how I see it.

Now if only EMG can make "BetterPiano" or "BetterOrgan..." or just combine the two into "betterkeyboard," and then there's 'betterviolin...'
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Postby gornyhuy » February 14th, 2007, 12:34 pm

bobjoe11 wrote:
Now if only EMG can make .......... "BetterOrgan..."

He did - its called curse penis growth... :roll: :lol:
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Postby MN_FriendlyGuy » February 14th, 2007, 1:27 pm

gornyhuy wrote:
He did - its called curse penis growth... :roll: :lol:

Thanks for the laugh, gornyhuy.

With a sharp sense of humor like that - your potential (as a hypnotist) for surprising your subjects will go far.
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Postby Jack » February 15th, 2007, 9:47 pm

bobjoe11 wrote:I'm going to have to say that introducing the students to hypnosis is really not a good idea. Not only can you get the parents against you, but as a teacher, you should be advocating 'practice makes perfect,' not 'take the easy way out.' (it doesn't matter how you learned it)

At least, that's how I see it.

Now if only EMG can make "BetterPiano" or "BetterOrgan..." or just combine the two into "betterkeyboard," and then there's 'betterviolin...'

Personally, I think that so long as the kids enjoy the process, and the outcome, teachers should be willing and able to use any means to help their students learn whatever it is that they're teaching. Practice doesn't necessarily make perfect. How many people out there have learned to spell with a high percentage of accuracy using the phonetic system? Not very many. However, if teachers were to use visualization techniques to teach their students to read, there would be a lot more people out there to successfully spell even the hardest words.

If you use an inappropriate strategy for a task, any task can be made harder than it has to be(ex.- phonetics for spelling). If you use an appropriate strategy for a task, any task will be made easier(ex.- visualization for spelling).
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