Question about safety and mental effects

For discussions of Feminization, Cross Dressing, Male-Female transformation, etc.

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Question about safety and mental effects

Postby wx2 » January 1st, 2007, 5:33 am

Ive been reading around the site and forums about the feminization files, and have been really intrested. Although i know similar questions to mine have popped up a bunch, i want to be sure I know what im getting into. So heres my questions.

1.Ive read that some files effct you physically as well as mentally(I.E having a desire to be "fill in the blank"). Do any of the triggers contain these issues? Im only intrested in the trigger files which brings me to my next question.

2.Ive heard that some triggers also has mental effects(see above) such as XGirlTime(to which the poster stated he started to have more childish thoughts) which was one i was considering trying. Is this a possibility?

3.What I would like to get out of these files is the possibilty to see my self with a female body,and being able to "feel" my self as a girl and have a good experience if you catch my drift. Are the hallucination files capable of this? Also do all triggers fall under that category or only specific ones?

and a quicke
4. For the experince event trigger, do you actually get up and move around? or is it basially sitting down(for example) and having it all in your head?

Im trying to be safe about this, for one thing I dont want to all of a sudden become a different person(especially with housemates) all of a sudden, and im am not at all intrested in physically changing my body, I only want the experince without long term effects. Hopefully someone can guide me on my way or at the very least give me an idea of what i should research.

Sorryfor asking so much, but as a final thought, what be a good file to start with?

Thanks for reading my long post, and double thanks for any answers.
Posts: 2
Joined: January 1st, 2007, 1:00 am

Postby Axiom » January 1st, 2007, 10:38 am

I think you will enjoy LRFemaleOrgasm. It's very nicely done and, as requested, you get the experience without long term effects. Some people find this file very effective - see the comment attached to the file. Even if there were no hypnotic content you get to hear a woman talking intimately about sex to you and that's a big turn-on for most men. You might call it "aural sex". Add a really well done hypnosis session and the sky's the limit. To make it even better it's free.

As always with hypnosis your mileage may vary. I hope the Earth moves for you.

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Postby dharden » January 1st, 2007, 3:28 pm

There's a tendency for hypnotic suggestions to have effects that the recipient expects them to have. For example, someone who expects that one of the effects of triggering XGirlTime will be more childish thoughts may well experience that. OTOH, someone who doesn't expect that may not experience it.
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Postby Jacara » January 1st, 2007, 5:38 pm

#1 & #2 are related: Yes, it's possible that anything that's supposed to just be triggered (mental or physical) could leak over into your non-triggered times. It's really impossible to know exactly how you'll respond to the files (or if you will) because your subconscious is unique and may understand the words differently. As you mentioned with the XGirlTime file, someone may understand it to mean that the transformation to and back is complete when triggered, and someone else may interpret it that there's a girl aspect of them always under the surface waiting to come out when triggered (which might then come out at other times or in their thoughts).

#3, Yes it's possible in a trance (preferably a fairly deep one) to see things that aren't there (it seems to be easier for most people to feel things that aren't there). It's a little harder with triggers because the level of trance you're getting to with a trigger is usually not quite as deep as you'd achieve in the middle of a file. But that's still possible to be triggered to hallucinate something, although you'd probably need a lot of practice.

I'm not familiar with #4, sorry. I hope that helps :)
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