Subliminal Text to loud.

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Subliminal Text to loud.

Postby spenser » January 2nd, 2007, 9:40 am

I have down loaded several of the subliminals. Instant sex slave is one example. The text is so audible it's scary! We are experimenting with the subliminals. The gf has listened to some older ones. Like orgasm and strip with mediocer(SP) results! She knows there subliminals but not exactly what they are. This makes a better true baseline test. I've tried Gold wave Express rip and other software. To rip or reduce the vocal audio so that it cannot be heard or just heard as a mumble to the listeners conscious mind. IS there anyone who can help me with this.


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Joined: October 4th, 2005, 12:00 am

Re: Subliminal Text to loud.

Postby sarnoga » January 2nd, 2007, 10:52 am

spenser wrote:I have down loaded several of the subliminals. Instant sex slave is one example. The text is so audible it's scary! We are experimenting with the subliminals. The gf has listened to some older ones. Like orgasm and strip with mediocer(SP) results! She knows there subliminals but not exactly what they are. This makes a better true baseline test. I've tried Gold wave Express rip and other software. To rip or reduce the vocal audio so that it cannot be heard or just heard as a mumble to the listeners conscious mind. IS there anyone who can help me with this.



Hi Spenser,

Regarding the subliminal you mentioned, Instant Sex Slave, the file is of course EMG's file, but the subliminal is one that I created for the site.

There are different opinions regarding subliminals. Some people like them so that the message is below the level of hearing. Others, including myself, believe that if the volume of the message is so low as to be inaudible that your subconcious can't hear it either and therefore can't do anything with it. Still others don't believe that sublimals have any effect at all.

The idea behind that subliminal (and most, if not all, of the subliminals I have made for this site) is for the voice to be audible but for the message to be difficult for the consious mind to follow thus (hopefully) finding its way past the consious mind and affecting the subconsious mind.

This was done by mixing several voice tracks, each with a seperate pitch and tempo and adding a binaural sound track over the whole thing then adjusting the volume levels so that the words are audible but the message is obscured. There are other little mixing details designed so that your subconcious can grasp the message but your concious has a very hard time with it, but I wont bore you with the details.

In my opinion, the method I used makes a very good subliminal for someone who knows what they are listening to. It woudn't be very good though for someone who didn't want to know what they were listening to, or to use on someone without their knowlege, for the simple reason that there are places where parts of the message poke through and while the message may be difficult for the concious mind to grasp there is no ignoring the fact that there is a voice track there.

I'm sorry if you don't like the subliminal. Unfortunately if you don't like that one there will be a bunch of them you probably wont like as I have done countless dozens of them in the last 5 or 6 months. Your's is the first complaint I have heard about them, perhaps there are other people who don't like them but just never bothered to say anything.

If what you are looking for is a subliminal where the voice track is inaudible then there is no way I can think of to adjust that one to your liking.

However if you want a subliminal of that file or any other and what you are looking for is one where the voice track is inaudible or all but inaudible it would be easy enough for you to make one. I might add that it would be very much easier to make one than it would be to try to "fix" that one.

You mentioned Goldwave. I have tried that program and didn't care for it much compared to Audacity which is a free program available for download. But you could probably use either program.

Audacity allows you to mix multiple tracks. Import the body or the portion of the voice track you want, then import the sound track that you want over the top of it. Then adjust the volume levels to suit your taste, mix it, save it and/or export it as an mp3, wav, or ogg file.

And there you have it. A subliminal just the way you want it.

Again, sorry you didn't like the subliminal. I did specifically go listen to that one to see if I had messed something up, and it was pretty much as I intended it to be. I guess there is no way of doing or making something that will be pleasing to everyone.

I hope the information above will help you create a subliminal that is to your liking. For one like you discribed it shouldn't be hard at all to make.

Best of luck,

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Joined: May 29th, 2006, 12:00 am

Why call it subliminal?

Postby spenser » January 3rd, 2007, 8:37 am

Subliminal description then is misleading then. The whole purpose of subliminal. According to the encyclopedia.

"A subliminal message is a signal or message embedded in another object, designed to pass below the normal limits of perception. These messages are indiscernible to the conscious mind, but are alleged to be perceptible to the subconscious or deeper mind: for example, an image transmitted so briefly that it is only perceived subconsciously, but not otherwise noticed. Subliminal techniques have occasionally been used in advertising and propaganda; the purpose, effectiveness and frequency of such techniques is debated."

So since your file does not in anway fit the description. They should be removed from this catagory. I think your file is interesting and however honorable your motive. I personally do not have the equipment or ability to record it myself. That is why I pay for the ability to down load from this sight. However if you could tell me where to get the sounds that are used. I would be more then willing to try mixing it myself.
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Joined: October 4th, 2005, 12:00 am

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