Questions about BabyTime.

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Questions about BabyTime.

Postby Trancedance25 » January 3rd, 2007, 10:01 am


I have the mental resistance paranoia thing going on. I want to do it, but a part of me is absolutely terrified of losing the control, no matter how many people verify that it's fine. Thusly, I've decided to try and start looping it while I sleep, as to reduce the mental barriers. BUT, as I don't have any headphones, I have to use my computer's speakers to repeat it. Now, if I've been sleeping for a while, I assume it'll have gone through numerous times. It should be working by the time I wake up. But, I don't have a mommy to handle me at the time, I'm alone for this one. The file is less than twenty minutes long. So, my question is, while I'm under the hypnosis, will the continuing loop still have an effect? I mean, I won't really be able to move or stop it myself, and presumably, nineteen minutes into Babytime, it'll be renewed. The file does have a provision near the end for taking off headphones, but since I don't have any, that doesn't help.

Will it renew?
Posts: 2
Joined: August 2nd, 2006, 12:00 am

Postby GrimIronMan » January 3rd, 2007, 1:15 pm

I highly doubt it. The file, by it's description, has no trigger or no train command, so more likely than not, no. If you are extremely paranoid, you could just go out and buy some headphones, of course.

EDIT: Oh, and welcome to the forums.
Posts: 48
Joined: July 31st, 2005, 12:00 am

Postby Trancedance25 » January 3rd, 2007, 8:58 pm

Ah, I never thought about the lack of a trigger, you're right. Thanks for the quick and courteous reply. Also, thanks for welcoming me. Such a nice community.
Posts: 2
Joined: August 2nd, 2006, 12:00 am

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