A place to post about the success you've had with the various files

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Postby fender93 » January 4th, 2007, 2:20 am

ok i just visited here yesterday, and thought, oh this is so cool! be able to play guitar better, telepathy, bigger muscles, but is anything real? will you be able to grow or shrink with trig height? im just wondering...

Also i was listening to Goldtime last night on my Zune, and fell asleep. is that sopposed to happen when you go into a trance? i woke up during Heart Shaped Box, which was the next song. so if anyone could help me that would be great.

anyways, does the Goldtime file actually work? lol that one seems the coolest :D
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Postby Kalendaine » January 4th, 2007, 3:26 am

There is a lot of debate on hypnosis and how much it can affect; some people consider it simply a suggestible, relaxed state where you can be more open and honest to others and be open to new ideas. The other side is that some people think it can actually change the body, by perhaps altering chemicals, changing metabolism, etc. I, personally, think that anything in *your mind* is pretty much what you can expect (unfortunately, subjective and unquantifiable also) but actual, physical change is somewhat more nebulous and is really up for debate. Personally, i have seen physical change due to hypnosis in one subject, and a somewhat iffy circumstance on another. So, basically, i'd stick with just hallucinatory limitations unless you really really want to try for a physical change.

Hallucinatory, just in case, is for example, seeing yourself as something else, but not actually BEING something else; TrigHeight, the file you mentioned, does not, to the best of my knowledge, *actually* change your height, just your perception of it, so that if you wish to shrink, you'd *feel* yourself shrinking and *see* the room getting bigger, etc.

GoldTime actually does work, yes. I've a friend who's tried it (who's very suggestible, by the way) and is quite satisfied.

And yes, sometimes, especially in the beginning, you can fall asleep instead of being tranced - they're similar states, after all! In time, you should find it happens less and less; however, if it doesn't, then maybe you should try trancing in a place not quite so associated with sleep, or maybe having a ritual afterwards that tells your mind it's ok to sleep *then*, but not in trance, like rolling over onto your side instead of laying on your back. If it fits your situation, even taking the headphones off might suffice!

If there's any more questions, or if you need clarification on something, just ask.
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Postby fender93 » January 4th, 2007, 6:22 pm

wow thanks that helps me alot! well i dont expect to do goldtime or anyother of the more complicated ones until im more expirenced.. or whatever, does anyone have any good suggestions on which files i should start out with to get there?
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Postby Kalendaine » January 4th, 2007, 11:48 pm

TrainSuggestible and Accelerator would help, and so would the deepeners. The idea is to get your mind used to going under, and as it learns, you'll go under faster and deeper. I would also grab all the induction files and rotate them until you know which one works best for you.
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Postby homerj1620 » January 5th, 2007, 1:14 am

Cardigan's DeepTrance rocks. Give it a try.
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Re: DeepTrace

Postby dragoner » January 5th, 2007, 8:43 am

homerj1620 wrote:Cardigan's DeepTrance rocks. Give it a try.

Yeah, i would suggest that file as well. Although I havent yet succeded going into a deep trance using it I kind of know that the method the file uses will lead to success when I keep listening to it. And when i listen to other files and use the eye-closing and opening method I already relax consideribly faster than I used to.
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