forced gay success?

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forced gay success?

Postby sissyboyoxford » August 6th, 2006, 8:22 am

Just wondering if anyone has any luck with the forced gay file? My girlfriend and i are into hypnosis and she wants to see the effect it has on me! i know we have a strange relationship!
Anyway i wanna know if it's good before parting with the $$
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turn strange into amazing kinky!

Postby thisguy » August 6th, 2006, 9:02 am


It's wonderful to find someone intimate who shares your more "weird" interests..

so if you are both into it, buy a book or ten, learn to trust eachother and try all the effects on eachother you only dare or accept!

beginning is also easy: just writing down some inductions (from this site for example) you already know kind of work, learn to use it on eachother, to time it according to eachothers tempos..

this way you can achieve much more fantastic effects and results and following kinkyness should be pretty much endless fun!

keywords for this amazing ride are trust, care and joy of experimentation..

PS. try not to screw up something permanently form beginners enthusiasm :P
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Postby OUstud82 » September 30th, 2006, 12:22 pm

did you try it? did it work?
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Re: forced gay success?

Postby sarnoga » September 30th, 2006, 5:26 pm

sissyboyoxford wrote:Just wondering if anyone has any luck with the forced gay file? My girlfriend and i are into hypnosis and she wants to see the effect it has on me! i know we have a strange relationship!
Anyway i wanna know if it's good before parting with the $$

Did you mean the file CurseForcedGay?

If you did then you only need to wait. That file should become a free file in another three weeks. Of course if you cant wait and don't want to part with the money you could always make a script for one of the free files that doesn't have one and email it to EMG. I think that gets you a free three month premium membership and you could also try out the subliminal and binaural of that file at no cost to yourself with only a small investment of time.

Or you could just part with the cash or wait three weeks. Of course if you choose to wait you will only get the file and not access to the body, subliminal or binaural.

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Postby Cwolf_FA » September 30th, 2006, 8:35 pm

Why does your girlfriend want you to be gay? Are you planning on breaking up or something?
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Postby joe » October 3rd, 2006, 1:58 pm

i just began listening to this file and i can't seem to stop .. my thoughts are weirdly always going to men. i haven't found a sexual attraction yet, but i can't seem to stop looking at guys when i go out, and i find a certain sort of ambivalence about the female gender ... i notice myself becoming very excited when i think about this happening. i always want to be hearing it or listening to it. we'll see what happens sexually speaking.
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Postby ctlgb » October 9th, 2006, 1:12 am

joe wrote:i just began listening to this file and i can't seem to stop .. my thoughts are weirdly always going to men. i haven't found a sexual attraction yet, but i can't seem to stop looking at guys when i go out, and i find a certain sort of ambivalence about the female gender ... i notice myself becoming very excited when i think about this happening. i always want to be hearing it or listening to it. we'll see what happens sexually speaking.

A less harshly worded option would be to try TrainSexMen or TrainBisexual...

Although, realistically speaking, if you have a desire to use these files, it's because you want to convince yourself of something part of you knows is true already :)
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Postby sissyboyoxford » October 13th, 2006, 12:27 pm

Nope no plans to break up, we play stupid games on each other with the files - most of the time nothing happens but this was one i said wouldn't work, she thinks otherwise so i thought i'd see what others thought first!

It should become free soon then?

Sounds like there is some success to it...don't know if i'll let her try it on me then!
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Postby patrickolee » October 23rd, 2006, 2:29 pm

It will work if you listen to it. After all, you have already chosen to listen to it, and you know what's in it. You've already decided that it will work.
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if you listen..someone will cum

Postby jeffisastud4u4 » October 24th, 2006, 6:48 am

once you start listening to it over and will end up with a big cock in your mouth..seems that is your and your girlfriends goal...:)
if your g/f is trying to make it with other dues, sounds like she is in the need for more than you can give to her...
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Postby sissyboyoxford » October 25th, 2006, 1:38 am

Nope that isn't the case, i think i satisfy her very well thankyou! :D

Well we flipped a coin on it and i lost so i'll give it a listen, i think i've already decided that it won't work or i don't want it to work so i doubt there will be any harm - besides keeps the GF happy and happiness = sex!

I'll let you all know how i get on with it in a few weeks
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Postby FDP » October 26th, 2006, 11:18 am

sissyboyoxford wrote:Nope that isn't the case, i think i satisfy her very well thankyou! :D

Well we flipped a coin on it and i lost so i'll give it a listen, i think i've already decided that it won't work or i don't want it to work so i doubt there will be any harm - besides keeps the GF happy and happiness = sex!

I'll let you all know how i get on with it in a few weeks

make her listen to TrainDiapers2! :P
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Postby sissyboyoxford » October 26th, 2006, 3:20 pm

Okay, might just do that :D

I was thinking one of the bimbo files...but any more suggestions are welcome!

Oh i've listened to te file for a couple of days; twice daily with no results
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Postby jeremiah » October 26th, 2006, 3:46 pm

Well since she's making you listen to a curse, you should make her listen to a curse also.
It would be only fair
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Postby liljonny » October 26th, 2006, 5:00 pm

jeremiah wrote:Well since she's making you listen to a curse, you should make her listen to a curse also.
It would be only fair

Possably CurseNightDiapers
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Postby mindmaster3434 » October 26th, 2006, 5:09 pm

I'd have to say make her listen to CurseBimboSlut.
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Postby sissyboyoxford » October 27th, 2006, 3:59 am

i was thinking that one to mindmaster. not sure about the dieper files, not really into that. wouldn't mind some mind incontiance for her - could be funny!
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Postby sissyboyoxford » November 4th, 2006, 1:39 pm

Thought i might give an update as it's been about a week since i started using this file.

So far nothing much has happened. still fancy women, can still perform for the GF and i haven't tried to sleep with any men. The only thing that did happen, which was odd was that i had a wet dream which involved me recieving a bowjob from a man - bizzare!!

Anyway not much to report
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Diaper time for her

Postby diaperjeep » November 16th, 2006, 2:08 pm

I think you should have her listen to the bladdar incontinence file. Wearing a diaper all the time is the least she can do, after all she made you gay.
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Re: Diaper time for her

Postby homerj1620 » November 16th, 2006, 10:41 pm

diaperjeep wrote:I think you should have her listen to the bladdar incontinence file. Wearing a diaper all the time is the least she can do, after all she made you gay.

What I would suggest for the guy is the Dark Cage series. The descriptions look really good. Particularly SuggestiveArousal, SexualAnimal2, Mask, and Surrender. Throwing in LivingNaked would also be good.
Last edited by homerj1620 on December 5th, 2006, 10:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby sissyboyoxford » November 30th, 2006, 5:59 pm

okay update time :)

it's been about a month listening to the file, i've listened to it twice a day (morning and night) not much to report, i had another 'wet' dream, which was odd, also while at the gym the other week i was chatting to a guy i work out with, when suddely i realized i had an erection growing :oops: ! not the best of things when you're wearing shorts but fortunately he didn't seem to notice. I don't think the file has had much; if any effect tho. Me and the girlfriend are still together and the sex is good still, i've got her listening to curse plugs, but she's had little success, although shes only been listening a week or so.

There you go, i'll listen to it some more but i doubt much will change
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Postby sissyboyoxford » December 24th, 2006, 9:31 am

Ummmm okay update time i feel, being xmas and all

Things have changed quite alot (my heart is pounding as i write this) but one day a week or so ago i was off work on some owed holiday so i thought i'd do some xmas shopping...well for no reason other than i can put down to the file i went to the local gay bar in town like it was the most natural thing to do; i ended up chatting for ages to a guy in there and we've swapped numbers and email addresses. What should i do? i know its the file talking but i've got an overwhelming urge to see more of him. I'm still with my GF but we've not had sex since that day and if i'm honest i really don't feel like it.

I'm sad and happy at the same time, i've never had these desires before and as much as i want them to stop i'd feel gutted if they did! I listen to the file twice a day now, it's just become part of my routine.

This may all seem like a con or a fake story but i assure you it's not, i'm the biggest sceptic going and i honestly can't believe this is happening to me, it feels like a dream that i'll snap out of but just can't seem to find the motivation.
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Postby lorcain » December 24th, 2006, 9:56 am

If you really want to stop the effects of the file then you will have to pay EMG to remove it. Otherwise you could try just not listining to it and the effects should gradually wear away, but i don't know how effective that would be as it is a curse file.
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Postby Unregistered » December 25th, 2006, 12:46 am

PS. try not to screw up something permanently form beginners enthusiasm ~ thisguy

Talk to your girlfriend about it, and well I don't think you wanted this before you started, and stop. You can now see the power of hypnosis, and do what you honestly feel is right, look at past, present, and future tenses, and see what you want to do.
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Postby MN_FriendlyGuy » December 26th, 2006, 11:13 am

sissyboyoxford wrote:i ended up chatting for ages to a guy in there and we've swapped numbers and email addresses. What should i do? i know its the file talking but i've got an overwhelming urge to see more of him.

Thanks for posting another update, sissyboyoxford. Your progression is interesting and I enjoy each update. Wow! What a success.

You've posted a question... "What should i do?".

This is your life and you won't get a second chance. I'm recommending you do two things. First, look inside yourself. Second, talk with your GF.

    Look Inside Yourself:
    - Is your subconscious telling you that sex with men (as well as with women) is okay and desirable?

    - Is your subconscious simply telling you to seek an emotional connection with someone else - not with your current GF?

    - Is your subconscious telling you that the contentment of your heart is with another man?

    - Maybe you're aware of some other possibility?
Regardless, I foresee you having a conversation with your GF.

Thanks again for posting your success with the Forced Gay file. The best of luck to you!
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Postby sissyboyoxford » January 7th, 2007, 7:43 am

As requested a bit of an update...

So i decided to tell my girlfriend that the file was having some effect on me, she's been very understanding and quite apologetic about the whole thing...despite laughing her ass of at me! I haven't told her about the trip to the gay bar or the guy i've been in contact with, i still can't belive it myself let alone expect anyone else to.

I've been trying to keep myself shut away recently as i'm scared i'll let my feelings take over from me. however i seem to spend alot of my time on gay chat rooms or gay sex sites. it's an odd feeling, but some days i wake up and just think why don't i accept things have changed. where as other times, especially if i've masterbated thinking about guys i get utterly repulsed at myself.

I'm still not sure what to do, there is a genuine excitment at starting a whole new way fo life but also some fear, mainly over what friends and family will think.

I've been in contact with the guy i met and he's been very sweet and said anytime i want to meet up we can.

Things now tho seem to be quite a nice dilemma, so i'm just going to see where it takes me
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Postby XFoX » January 7th, 2007, 8:15 am

What's going to happen with your relationship with her?
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Postby bitoyboy » January 7th, 2007, 11:16 am

Thank you for posting that. I too would like to know how your relationship with her is going?

Have you any desire to try any of the more homo-erotic hypnosis files now?
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Postby Cwolf_FA » January 7th, 2007, 11:58 am

Well it seems like you've gotten yourself into an interesting situation. It all depends on you, and I'd strongly recommend spending plenty of time thinking about yourself. But if you still want a relationship with your gf, then you could try listening to a file that could make you bisexual. That may work at least partially.
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Postby sissyboyoxford » January 8th, 2007, 3:02 am

Thanx for the responces everyone; to answer a few questions

Yes we are still together, but we haven't had sex in about 6 weeks. Although we still share a bed and everything. Shes been very supportive since i told her what changes had occured.

I'm taking some time to think things through, hence trying to avoid going out anywhere or meeting up with friends...i don't know this all still seems so stupid!!

I have had the desire to start listening to crotch addict, but so far have resisted the urge, despite downloading it. Some days this all seems like a big fun adventure, and part of me just thinks fuck it go out and enjoy myself and other days i feel sickened by what i'm thinking about.

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Postby bitoyboy » January 8th, 2007, 7:00 pm

sissyboyoxford wrote:
I have had the desire to start listening to crotch addict, but so far have resisted the urge, despite downloading it. Some days this all seems like a big fun adventure, and part of me just thinks fuck it go out and enjoy myself and other days i feel sickened by what i'm thinking about.


Crotch addict is an interesting file. You should see what your gf thinks, and then listen to it.
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Postby Cwolf_FA » January 9th, 2007, 1:23 pm

Either way you need to make a definite decision. Decide what you really want. And if you really want to be with that guy, and if that's what you decide then you need to tell your gf. Two relationships at one time can get you into some serious s*** later on. I wouldn't necessarily start with crotch addict yet, even if you continued to go on with the curse file. I don't know, it's just that the vast majority of guys will get offended if you're constantly staring at their crotch, and it's possible that you could end up getting punched or somethin'. 8O
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Postby dickdodger » January 10th, 2007, 2:39 am

I would suggest using TrainCockSlave. Use this file and it will not be long before you are on your knees with a big cock in your mouth.

Hey it worked on me :D
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Postby sissyboyoxford » January 10th, 2007, 1:47 pm

Well the problem of having 2 relationships may be over as the girlfriend left me. It was a mutual thing, she said that she couldn't handle the changes in me and was sorry that she may have been some force behind them.
And the first thing i did after she left, went staight back and listened to the file...anyone who doesn't belive in this had better be damn sure what they are letting themselves in for - 4 months ago i was in a healthy hetrosexual relationship, not i'm single and can't stop thinking about guys!
I still can't belive it myself.

I'm not sure what i'm going to do now
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Postby dickdodger » January 10th, 2007, 7:12 pm

I think deep down inside that you know what it is you want. You should stop fighting the change and just let it happen you will be much happier when you do.
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Postby seekingnewreality » January 10th, 2007, 7:23 pm

the poster above me has the right idea. if it has happened, then it happened for a reason. i have learned that change as a whole has to be accepted and embraced. sometimes some support is needed to do that.
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Postby homerj1620 » January 10th, 2007, 7:37 pm

sissyboyoxford wrote:I'm not sure what i'm going to do now

Listen to CurseStrokeSissy...

Really, though, I'd highly recommend that you listen switch to TrainSexWomen, PussyLover (I really like that file), and BreastLover ( At the very least, switch to TrainBisexual.
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Postby sissyboyoxford » January 11th, 2007, 4:23 am

Is it easy to switch between files of two different effects? I mean i've listened to this file for 4 months, how easy is it for another file to have some, if any effect?

My mind is telling me to embrace the changes; that's the scary part! the only thing that is stopping me is my concious mind.

Cursesissystroke was the first file i ever listened to from here years and years ago, hence my user name. that was before i met my now ex-girlfriend. I got scared by the file so stopped using it before it had any effect.
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Postby seekingnewreality » January 11th, 2007, 5:52 am

I've found it depends on how contradictory the other file is to the one that has already been successful.
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Postby sarah_tg » January 11th, 2007, 9:36 am

If i were you i would arrange to meet up with your male friend see where it goes you got nothing to lose now. I must say this has been a really intresting post for me so much so im considering using the file myself :?
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Postby homerj1620 » January 11th, 2007, 5:35 pm

sissyboyoxford wrote:Is it easy to switch between files of two different effects? I mean i've listened to this file for 4 months, how easy is it for another file to have some, if any effect?

My mind is telling me to embrace the changes; that's the scary part! the only thing that is stopping me is my conscious mind.

It probably wouldn't be easy, but with time it would work. If you want the changes to continue, then keep going as you are. If you're scared about it, I'd suggest stopping now and delete the file. If you go with TrainBisexual you can still explore the changes but still be interested in women.
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Postby aeroue » January 11th, 2007, 7:58 pm

Firstly don't listen to the people saying 'it happened for a reason keep going its what you want"

That is bull. Yes it happened for a reason, your now ex girlfriend thought it would be kinky, instead it just turned you gay and ended the relationship. That is the only reason you listened and it happened, it is nothing special.

You need to think about what you want. Realise whatever you accomplish through hypnosis can also be changed through hypnosis.

Personally I would go with HomerJ's advice. However that is me, not you.
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Postby Cwolf_FA » January 11th, 2007, 9:51 pm

That last post sounded pretty negative. I would say keep going with it 'cause you've already been listening to it for so long and you seem to enjoy it. Also, it is a curse file so it may be harder to go back. It seems like you're at a potential turning point in your life so you gotta do what you feel is right. It's entirely your decision.
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Postby Cwolf_FA » January 11th, 2007, 9:53 pm

That last post sounded pretty negative. I would say keep going with it 'cause you've already been listening to it for so long and you seem to enjoy it. Also, it is a curse file so it may be harder to go back. It seems like you're at a potential turning point in your life so you gotta do what you feel is right. It's entirely your decision.
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Postby sissyboyoxford » January 12th, 2007, 7:00 am

Thanks for the messages guys...this isn't really an update as i haven't done anything!
All i'm doing is staying away from people and having as little contact as possible, as i said before it really only seems to be my concious mind that is stopping me from acting on the files suggestions, and i fear if i get drunk or emotional then i may not be able to stop myself.

I'm not much one for beliving things happen for a reason, and this certainly wasn't the result i had expected or set out for...i know this sounds dumb as if you listen to a file like this then you should expect that to be the results, but it was a kinky experienment that kinda backfired!

Trust me when i say that i have deleated the file many times and all that happens is a few days later i just end up downloading it again...i'm sure some of you have had similar experiences?

Oh and could i please stop having people PM me saying that this is crap or bullshit; trust me if i was making up how i was feeling i'd be a genius author and certainly not posting on hypnosis forums!

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Postby bitoyboy » January 12th, 2007, 7:47 am

Why are you trying to stop yourself?

Serious question. Give in to your desires, test the waters, see if you like it. If you don't, and if the files work so well on you, there are ways of "fixing" the problem.

Go and find the nice big hard cock...kneel down...take it in your mouth.
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Postby joshfircand » January 12th, 2007, 9:19 am

I just wanted to thank sissyboyoxford for his continuing updates to this thread. As an outsider looking on, it's been fascinating to hear about.

My personal take on your situation however, is that if your breakup with your girlfriend was a 'mutual' thing, then it's likely that there were deeper issues. Otherwise, wouldn't the rational reaction from the girlfriend have been 'Wow, I can't believe the file has had an effect on you. This explains so much of the past many weeks. We don't want that. Lets get things fixed to both our satisfaction. Either pay to have the file's effects removed, or as others have suggested, make the conscious decision to start listening to a file with the opposite effect'. ... And I do have to chime in with the comment that, even if you didn't believe it could possibly have an effect, perhaps you shouldn't have chosen a file whose changes would be repellant to you if they did work.

Since you have listened, and since the files have, as you claim, had such an effect on advice is this. You are, from your perspective, in a unique situation. You are single (and I'm assuming have no hope or desire to get back with the girlfriend, even were you returned to your usual orientation) and so there's not really any downside to experimenting, if you have an open mind. You can test the waters, and say to yourself, 'Can I be happy this way?'. And if in your thoughts, whether you act on them or not, you say 'no, I can't be happy this way.', then trust me when I say, 'curse' file or not, the effects are reverseable. If you say 'Yeah, I'm okay with this'.....then be happy, call that guy back, and welcome, brother, to being gay.

*bemused smile*
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Postby Draygone » January 12th, 2007, 12:06 pm

Maybe I'm not reading this right, but it seems to me that he's already certain that he doesn't like the changes that were made to his mind.

Considering how much it seems to be disliked, I would seriously recommend paying up for the cure, because this doesn't sound like something that'll wear off on its own any time soon, especially if you're still listening to the curse.
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Postby Cwolf_FA » January 12th, 2007, 3:09 pm

Actually he hasn't directly said whether he wants it or not. Which is why it's kinda hard to give advice. So really, what do you want to do?
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Postby sissyboyoxford » January 27th, 2007, 2:10 am

Well here's how it is...

I'd been trying to stop listening to the file and disassocitating myslef with anything homosexual .i.e. stop looking at gay porn or gay sex stories.
I was feeling a bit more confident in myself and was starting to see my friends more; when spur of the moment we all decided to go into town clubbing.
After a few drinks i'd become bored with the club we were in and decided to make my excuses to leave, like a magnet i left that club and went straight to a gay club in another part of town;i'd never felt such a strong desire to go somewhere in my life!
I was having some drinks and dancing when i met a guy i knew through work (i work in a bar) we were chatting and then started to get off with each other. He took me back to his place where we spent the night together. He then told everyone (because he's a loud guy anyway), including all my friends at work that we'd slept together and that i'd confessed to being gay (which i can't remember doing, but i was quite drunk) they then asked my ex-girlfriend who confirmed that i'd been having gay desires and that was a reason why we'd split up.

Everybody has now been treating me as a homosexual since; i tried protesting but it's not easy to defend my actions...i think johnny cochran would have a hard time protesting my innocence! But i don't mind it, actually if i'm honest it's a relief that i'm not torn two ways anymore; nobody has been nasty, although a few people have been treating me alot differently.
I'm not sure when/if to tell my parents, maybe someone will do that for me as well!
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