Email Slave Test Cancellation

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Email Slave Test Cancellation

Postby EMG » January 10th, 2007, 4:00 am

If you have any questions/comments about my decision to cancel the test please post them here.
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Re: Email Slave Test Cancellation

Postby MN_FriendlyGuy » January 10th, 2007, 10:31 am

EMG wrote:If you have any questions/comments about my decision to cancel the test please post them here.

At your convenience, EMG, would you give more info?

You already know I like triggering guys who (like me) self-identify themselves as gay or bi. Has that been interfering with something YOU do?

As ever, I'm glad to learn from you.
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I'm not sure what happened...

Postby NativeMan » January 10th, 2007, 11:20 am

I read the emails, I don't see the big problem...
I do want an email/sub/dom/hypnoslave experience and EMG just doesn't seem to have the time for it, even though his files are prefect for such an experience. I get the impression that EMG is into the hypnogirl slaves, which is cool, but as a gay man, I don't fall into that category.

I LOVE this site, however, and was participating in the experiment and was having a good time. I would hope there could be something worked out... but seems like it's all broken now.


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Re: I'm not sure what happened...

Postby EMG » January 10th, 2007, 3:29 pm

It was a difference of opinion, I wanted controls because what happens in a test like that reflects on the site and I don't like nasty surprises. He thought I was trying to control the whole thing. As far as I know he hasn't stopped the experiment(I haven't asked). I am just no longer sponsoring it. Heck, if he wants to he can even post for volunteers in the Meeting Grounds forum.

NativeMan wrote:I read the emails, I don't see the big problem...
I do want an email/sub/dom/hypnoslave experience and EMG just doesn't seem to have the time for it, even though his files are prefect for such an experience. I get the impression that EMG is into the hypnogirl slaves, which is cool, but as a gay man, I don't fall into that category.

I LOVE this site, however, and was participating in the experiment and was having a good time. I would hope there could be something worked out... but seems like it's all broken now.


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Master Hypnotist Point Of View

Postby GreyHawk » January 10th, 2007, 4:34 pm

The problem started when some of the participants complained that EMG was sending them emails with the secured email trigger and they were very concerned about being exposed to his and other outside influences. They were concerned about their privacy. By signing up for the program they agreed to receive triggered emails from me and the program, they did not agree to receiving triggered emails from EMG or anyone else. When I confronted EMG and ask why he was doing this, that was when the ruckus started.

I was then accused of doing something improper but no concrete evidence was produced. Even in the cancellation notice he admitted that there was no evidence of wrong doing.

At this point EMG demanded to know personal information on people, the activities they were doing and exactly what files they were listening to.

EMG additional wanted to review everything that was being done and wanted the program under his scrutiny.

To me I would have failed the people in the program if I had allowed this to continue so I refused.

Point 1) There is no where other than one of the communist held country where hypnosis activities are controlled this way. I am sure that no one has demanded review or control of any activity done by EMG as it relates to hypnosis.

Point 2) What need did EMG have for this personal activity information of the people in the program?

Point 3) Why did he find it necessary to use the secured trigger to get the information he wanted from the people. Why did he not use a standard email like the rest of the world uses and simply ask for the information.

Point 4) When looking at the questions he ask there are a couple that actually had nothing to do with ensuring that nothing improper was going on or that he was concerned that I was targeting a certain sex. Example: “Have you been in contact on IM with Master Hypnotist” and “What is your sex”

My final decision to withhold information from EMG and not allow him to have the control he seem to need so badly resulted in the cancellation of the program on his site. This to me was the right and proper course of action to take in the interest of the people and the program.

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Re: Master Hypnotist Point Of View

Postby EMG » January 10th, 2007, 6:28 pm

1) This is a website not a country and as such I have to consider the welfare of my users. I'll admit to 1 major mistake, I didn't ask more questions before letting you start this project.

2) If you paid attention I ammended my request(to be more reasonable) to simply a list of what was being listened to, perhaps you should read your emails.

3) The trigger allowed me the same privledge you used when you sent an email telling people to ignore the trigger from everyone but you, a chance to get responses that you wouldn't have input on.

4) I asked those questions to determine if you were trolling for slaves by sex, the answer was no you were talking to both men and women but it was a valid concern.

Anyway, to put it simply, we both disagree and frankly you got paranoid when I started asking questions(and you started making threats). We couldn't agree on how things should proceed and now you are free to continue it on your own but I won't sponsor it because I don't trust you and you don't trust me. Take care.

GreyHawk wrote:
Point 1) There is no where other than one of the communist held country where hypnosis activities are controlled this way. I am sure that no one has demanded review or control of any activity done by EMG as it relates to hypnosis.

Point 2) What need did EMG have for this personal activity information of the people in the program?

Point 3) Why did he find it necessary to use the secured trigger to get the information he wanted from the people. Why did he not use a standard email like the rest of the world uses and simply ask for the information.

Point 4) When looking at the questions he ask there are a couple that actually had nothing to do with ensuring that nothing improper was going on or that he was concerned that I was targeting a certain sex. Example: “Have you been in contact on IM with Master Hypnotist” and “What is your sex”

My final decision to withhold information from EMG and not allow him to have the control he seem to need so badly resulted in the cancellation of the program on his site. This to me was the right and proper course of action to take in the interest of the people and the program.

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like I said... bummer

Postby NativeMan » January 10th, 2007, 11:32 pm

Is trolling for sex slaves on a hypno fetish site bad? hehehe
Since it didn't work out for this experiment, I hope EMG that you consider letting someone else work with us gay men that you don't seem to have much interest in. I mean having someone use me is the essence of the slave/master experience so I would love it if you authorized someone to trigger me or work with me.
But maybe Im asking for too much.

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Re: like I said... bummer

Postby EMG » January 10th, 2007, 11:48 pm

I have no problems with trolling, lots of it happens, I just won't sponsor anyone to do that without talking with them a while and agreeing on what is/isn't acceptible. The biggest issue with the whole thing was a lack of discussion before and then his issues with me(and mine with him). Heck, he threatened me with legal action tonight(I wish him luck finding someone willing to take that case). Anyway, it's over, and I will look around and see if there's someone that wants to work with the more responsive members of the site that are male and desire deep brainwashing by another male.

NativeMan wrote:Is trolling for sex slaves on a hypno fetish site bad? hehehe
Since it didn't work out for this experiment, I hope EMG that you consider letting someone else work with us gay men that you don't seem to have much interest in. I mean having someone use me is the essence of the slave/master experience so I would love it if you authorized someone to trigger me or work with me.
But maybe Im asking for too much.

Last edited by EMG on January 11th, 2007, 4:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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legal Action

Postby GreyHawk » January 11th, 2007, 2:47 am

This was the legal action statement sent to you to remove yourself or who ever from the program:


It has become very obvious that you have some one inside the program maybe
even yourself who is spying for some reason. This has been concluded from
certain statements you have made that you would have no knowledge of
otherwise. I do not intend to get into a pissing contest with you over this
issue or any other issues associated with your unscrupulous ways.

Since you have disavowed yourself of this program then you have no right in
it or involved with it or to spy on what is happening in any manner or form.
Therefore you are to cease and desist from any activity of this nature.
Further more you need remove yourself and have whoever is your inside person to resign immediately. If I should find out who is responsible then and the above actions does not occur then legal action will be taken against you and
the person. A copy of this email will be forwarded to my lawyer. I have had
it with your nasty unscrupulous ways

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thanks EMG!

Postby NativeMan » January 11th, 2007, 9:31 am

I appreciate it!!
Let me know if there's anything I can do to help.

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Postby missypuss » January 11th, 2007, 12:01 pm

Can I just add that no one E Mailed me and asked me any questions about the programme or what I was being asked to do.
And that I am not a gay man,
But a straight female.
As it seems a lot of the row seems to be resting on the fact EMG was supposed to have E Mailed people with questions.
I for one was NOT E Mailed.
By EMG at least............ :?
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Re: legal Action

Postby TheRatisDead » January 11th, 2007, 4:03 pm

GreyHawk wrote:This was the legal action statement sent to you to remove yourself or who ever from the program:


It has become very obvious that you have some one inside the program maybe
even yourself who is spying for some reason. This has been concluded from
certain statements you have made that you would have no knowledge of
otherwise. I do not intend to get into a pissing contest with you over this
issue or any other issues associated with your unscrupulous ways.

Since you have disavowed yourself of this program then you have no right in
it or involved with it or to spy on what is happening in any manner or form.
Therefore you are to cease and desist from any activity of this nature.
Further more you need remove yourself and have whoever is your inside person to resign immediately. If I should find out who is responsible then and the above actions does not occur then legal action will be taken against you and
the person. A copy of this email will be forwarded to my lawyer. I have had
it with your nasty unscrupulous ways



Thanks Greyhawk, I needed a good laugh today.

You are deluding yourself if you think you would be able to get anywhere with this legally. Even if you could prove that EMG was spying on you (lol), it was, if I recall correctly, an open call for participants, meaning that EMG (or a mole representing EMG) would have as much right to enter as anyone else. It's not like EMG was going to release private information to the forums (and thus the public at large), he just needed to ensure that nothing was going on that could bring legal liability on the site (a very valid concern considering the nature of a site like this).

If I was EMG (who I obviously am not) I would have banned you already for making an idiotic and baseless legal threat, but I do frequent one of the most ban-happy forums on the internet, so my perspective could be a bit skewed... [URL=]Image[/URL]

Anyway, I see that you learned your lesson about trusting people on the internet, EMG; but I do think you handled it quite well (after the fact at least) and never stepped outside your authority as the owner of this site.

(Also, I got the mysql error as I was trying to preview this post, so you can put your tinfoil hat away on that front Greyhawk)
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Postby missypuss » January 11th, 2007, 4:50 pm

And Missypuss got the mysql error notice ten moments ago also.
I think my work here is done.
Im no longer interested in being a part of the programme.
Its all gone a little too into the realms of weird for the Puss.
She thinks she prefers to stick with who she knows.
As an aside to this-
Any chance of the E Mail slave test done privately for me EMG?? :wink:
I promise you my utmost attention to the programme.
And Im very prompt with feedback....x
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Re: legal Action

Postby GreyHawk » January 12th, 2007, 7:08 am

Well laugh all you want. I did check with my lawyer and he said that it would be a valid issue if I care to persue it. It was reference to "Invasion of privacy without permission" In both the case of the people involved in the project at that time and the program after he had disavowed any connection with the program.

We; the whole thing is a mute point now as I have cancelled the program

[quote="TheRatisDeadROTFLMAO. :lol:

Thanks Greyhawk, I needed a good laugh today.

You are deluding yourself if you think you would be able to get anywhere with this legally. Even if you could prove that EMG was spying on you (lol), it was, if I recall correctly, an open call for participants, meaning that EMG (or a mole representing EMG) would have as much right to enter as anyone else. It's not like EMG was going to release private information to the forums (and thus the public at large), he just needed to ensure that nothing was going on that could bring legal liability on the site (a very valid concern considering the nature of a site like this).

If I was EMG (who I obviously am not) I would have banned you already for making an idiotic and baseless legal threat, but I do frequent one of the most ban-happy forums on the internet, so my perspective could be a bit skewed... [URL=]Image[/URL]

Anyway, I see that you learned your lesson about trusting people on the internet, EMG; but I do think you handled it quite well (after the fact at least) and never stepped outside your authority as the owner of this site.

(Also, I got the mysql error as I was trying to preview this post, so you can put your tinfoil hat away on that front Greyhawk)[/quote]
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Postby GreyHawk » January 12th, 2007, 7:14 am

Missypuss you could not received any emails that we are referring to because at the time this occured you were not in the program. Well you can consider it weird if you want but I consider it a integrity and the right of people to expect their privacy to be protected. I still ask the question: "why was it necessary to send a triggered email to ask these type of question." The people in the program had the right to know and a right to answer of their own free will and he took that right away from them by used a triggered hypnotic phrase.

missypuss wrote:And Missypuss got the mysql error notice ten moments ago also.
I think my work here is done.
Im no longer interested in being a part of the programme.
Its all gone a little too into the realms of weird for the Puss.
She thinks she prefers to stick with who she knows.
As an aside to this-
Any chance of the E Mail slave test done privately for me EMG?? :wink:
I promise you my utmost attention to the programme.
And Im very prompt with feedback....x
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Joined: December 11th, 2006, 1:00 am

Postby missypuss » January 12th, 2007, 10:12 am

Actually, and if you think deeply about it greyhawk, had I recieved the E Mail with the triggered phrase in it.
If it worked as was to be expected...........
I would not have remembered.
Therefore I WOULD deny recieving it would I NOT??
Just a thought..................................................
GreyHawk wrote:Missypuss you could not received any emails that we are referring to because at the time this occured you were not in the program. Well you can consider it weird if you want but I consider it a integrity and the right of people to expect their privacy to be protected. I still ask the question: "why was it necessary to send a triggered email to ask these type of question." The people in the program had the right to know and a right to answer of their own free will and he took that right away from them by used a triggered hypnotic phrase.

missypuss wrote:And Missypuss got the mysql error notice ten moments ago also.
I think my work here is done.
Im no longer interested in being a part of the programme.
Its all gone a little too into the realms of weird for the Puss.
She thinks she prefers to stick with who she knows.
As an aside to this-
Any chance of the E Mail slave test done privately for me EMG?? :wink:
I promise you my utmost attention to the programme.
And Im very prompt with feedback....x
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Joined: April 18th, 2005, 12:00 am

Postby GreyHawk » January 12th, 2007, 11:32 am

Except the emails that were sent out did not have the forget trigger in them as I understand from the program participants that complained. They only had the do this trigger. So yes you would have remembered the email as a matter of fact

missypuss wrote:Actually, and if you think deeply about it greyhawk, had I recieved the E Mail with the triggered phrase in it.
If it worked as was to be expected...........
I would not have remembered.
Therefore I WOULD deny recieving it would I NOT??
Just a thought..................................................
GreyHawk wrote:Missypuss you could not received any emails that we are referring to because at the time this occured you were not in the program. Well you can consider it weird if you want but I consider it a integrity and the right of people to expect their privacy to be protected. I still ask the question: "why was it necessary to send a triggered email to ask these type of question." The people in the program had the right to know and a right to answer of their own free will and he took that right away from them by used a triggered hypnotic phrase.

missypuss wrote:And Missypuss got the mysql error notice ten moments ago also.
I think my work here is done.
Im no longer interested in being a part of the programme.
Its all gone a little too into the realms of weird for the Puss.
She thinks she prefers to stick with who she knows.
As an aside to this-
Any chance of the E Mail slave test done privately for me EMG?? :wink:
I promise you my utmost attention to the programme.
And Im very prompt with feedback....x
Posts: 8
Joined: December 11th, 2006, 1:00 am

Postby GreyHawk » January 12th, 2007, 11:47 am


Just a second thought here. If the forget trigger had been used then would any of the participants even been able to complain. i think not because they would not have even remembered what to complain about.

missypuss wrote:Actually, and if you think deeply about it greyhawk, had I recieved the E Mail with the triggered phrase in it.
If it worked as was to be expected...........
I would not have remembered.
Therefore I WOULD deny recieving it would I NOT??
Just a thought..................................................
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A request from Master Hypnotist to all..

Postby GreyHawk » January 12th, 2007, 12:49 pm

I ask that everyone please remember that I did not start this to get into a pissing contest with EMG.

This started because participants complained of EMG's actions.
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Re: A request from Master Hypnotist to all..

Postby EMG » January 12th, 2007, 12:54 pm

I stopped pissing about 8 messages ago. Take care.

GreyHawk wrote:I ask that everyone please remember that I did not start this to get into a pissing contest with EMG.

This started because participants complained of EMG's actions.
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Re: legal Action

Postby TheRatisDead » January 12th, 2007, 4:29 pm

GreyHawk wrote:Well laugh all you want. I did check with my lawyer and he said that it would be a valid issue if I care to persue it. It was reference to "Invasion of privacy without permission" In both the case of the people involved in the project at that time and the program after he had disavowed any connection with the program.

We; the whole thing is a mute point now as I have cancelled the program

Moot. A moot point.

IoP would never stick, considering everyone was implicitly invited into the program by the open recruitment. Not to mention the fact that EMG never threatened or implied that he would release any information to the general public, and the fact that disavowing responsibility for the program didn't mean that he wasn't within his rights to still enter it if he so desired.

Your lawyer is either fictional, doesn't have all the facts, an idiot, or trying to milk you for consulting fees.

Regardless, it doesn't matter now, so shine on you crazy diamond! :D
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Postby missypuss » January 12th, 2007, 4:35 pm

Im dreadfully sorry.
But I have forgotten what it was we were arguing about in the first place.
Must be my age.
Please forgive me....... :?
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Postby Younghypnomaster » January 19th, 2007, 1:21 pm

I thought I'd save my first post to the forum for some memorable occasion. This, for some odd reason, strikes me as memorable.If anything just for the sheer idiocy that Greyhawk has displayed. As a completely unbiased third party (hell I didn't even know that this experiment was going on), it seems to be that EMG was EXTREMELY good natured and laid back about the whole ordeal.
If Greyhawk thought that EMG was going to set up something like this and not check up with a few random participates ( or plant someone to see what direction the experiment went towards), then someone was burning a bit too much of the crazy dust. If EMG hadn't shown the prudence that had in canceling the experiment, he could have been in extremely deep legal trouble, probably not from a IoP concern though. Which could have lead up to anything from a fine, to shutting down the site, to jail time. If EMG had been taken to court over an IoP concern; EMG could have counter sued for defamation, infringement on intellectual rights, etc etc etc, or the judge would have thrown it out as a frivolous lawsuit. Which then the state that it was filed in could have fined Greyhawk for (which happens in some states I do believe).

All I know is that if I was in EMG's place, which I'm not, I would have asked for an extremely detailed explanation of what the experiment was ment to accomplish, and a schedule, and also the understanding that I would have the right to pull the plug at any time for any reason.

Overall I think that Greyhawk was extremely deluded about the situation, and I applaud EMG's decision.

I think I'm done pissing
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