What are some tricks you all use to enter trance?

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What are some tricks you all use to enter trance?

Postby Icethedog » January 23rd, 2007, 2:52 am

So yeah.. Pretty self explanitory I guess. I'm new to hypnosis, and am having trouble with trance where I feel dense/heavy and tired, but not really in what I've seen a trance described as. (Floating, disconnection, etc.) Then, shortly after the induction to files, I find myself waking up and unable to focus. Occasionally I make it all the way through, but I'm pretty sure I'm not in an actual trance. So, does anyone have any tricks to telling if/when I reach trance, or tricks to easily enter?
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Entering Trance...

Postby Mari4199 » January 23rd, 2007, 10:46 am

Basically, trance is just a state of deep relaxation. First of all, you need to be comfortable with your surroundings and usually without anything that might disturb you. Second is that you need to be comfortable physically. Find a position that is right for you. Some people concentrate on one thing, like the voice they are hearing, or a focus sound, or maybe if there is music. Try narrowing your focus to the exclusion of all else. Now, if that doesn't work you may want to try binaurals. Find one at a delta or theta frequency and listen to that while you listen to the hypnotic file. Some hypnotic files include them. You can find such files here on WMM. Also, here's a scientifically tested method. : Close your eyes and look upward, just a little. Don't make them roll back but just raise a little. This position promotes the brainwaves associated with trance in studies. I hope this little bit of information was helpful to you. :)
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Postby Icethedog » January 23rd, 2007, 2:20 pm

Thanks, I'll give it a try.
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Postby crayola » February 19th, 2007, 11:47 pm

I'd also add not to focus too much on what you should or shouldn't be feeling.. which is kind of like saying don't think of a pink elephant, I know =P

Also keep in mind that there are different levels of trance.. some say that simply by closing your eyes you're putting yourself into a state of (albeit light) trance..

As for me, while doing meditative training, it took me a while before I got that "disconnected" feeling of the limbs--which is possibly just a muting of the nerve endings--and some people never claim to have gotten it, but they find they can still go to pretty deep levels and do some amazing work.

If you stick with it you'll see results eventually.. it's a culminative thing for many people
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Postby whatthe75 » February 20th, 2007, 12:31 am

When you listen to the files do you wake up when it tells you too. If yes then sounds fine to me. If you cant remember the middle bit of the file then thats just your subconcious listening and your conscious mind doing its own thing.
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