File taking effect without trancing?

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File taking effect without trancing?

Postby Draygone » February 3rd, 2007, 3:01 pm

So last night I was searching through the file listings for something to try other than the Furry Transformation (which has remained mostly ineffective so far). I decided to take a listen to LRHousecat, though I didn't listen to anything but the body and didn't let myself go into a trance, as I wanted to make sure it was something that sounded okay to actually try. It sounded okay. I decided to listen to it and go under its effects later.

Well, later, I instead became curious about TrigWerewolf, and did a evaluation-listen like I did with LRHousecat earlier. For the heck of it, I decided to try the trigger and see if I could feel anything. I figured that if I did feel anything, it would only be a slight effect. I did wind up feeling a little tense. And as I was pacing around my house, I felt a little uncomfortable walking around upright. In fact, I started to feel weak walking around like that, and lost my balance, being forced onto all fours. I figured that perhaps I was merely playing a trick on myself, and proceeded to get up and move around/act like a human. But I still had this urge to let myself drop back onto all fours. After a while, I realized that the file said it would take several minutes, 5-10 minutes for the transformation to complete, yet I was into the 15-20 minute timeframe and I hadn't fallen under any other effects other than a grunting yet still understandably human voice. So I figured once again that I was fooling myself. A little bit longer, I decided to stop trying to fight it, and layed down on the floor on my side.

Another minute or two passed, and I wondered if any other effects finally took place. I tried speaking, only to find that I could only do a light growling/whining sort of voice. If I tried I could kinda make words, but my voice was still dog-like. I'm sure if I really tried hard, I could've talked normal again, but I really didn't feel like it. Eventually I got tired of it, and decided to use the trigger off. I didn't really "howl" it like in the description of the file, but it was still in that dog-like grunting voice. I proceeded to get back up, and eventually, felt completely normal again. I never really felt like my body had shifted to a wolf while I was affected, but it was still really fun.

Later on, I listened to the file again, this time listening to the induction and going into a trance (or at least as close to a trance as I've been able to so far). I then went to bed, using the trigger on again. I felt a little tense, but didn't bother trying to test anything again. I wanted to see if I'd find myself under its affect when I woke up the next morning. As it turns out, I was "normal" by morning. And another use of the trigger on proved that it was easier to resist the effect. Trigger off, trigger on again later, I let it affect me more, but I have so much doubt that it's really having effect and trigger off before getting too far.

Again, the first time I didn't listen to the induction or fall into a trance, yet it seemed to take some effect. I'm kinda wondering if it's because I had listened to the Suggestive file on loop while wandering around the net a few times. Is that file even supposed to be listened to in the background while doing other stuff? Still, maybe the file really didn't have an effect, and I was just fooling myself. Though since I wound up wanting it to work so much that I started acting like it was trying to take effect, the file did sorta affect me in that sense, I guess. And aside from an occasional warm fuzzy feeling I get when I go to sleep when transformed by the Furry Transformation, this is the closest I've come to falling under hypnotic control so far.

EDIT: I meant I listened to the Suggestive file on loop, not the Acceleration file. Fixed.
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Postby Kanibal » February 5th, 2007, 4:41 am

I really wanted a reply to this by someone at least semi-professional.

You are either VERY lucky or you've found a way of getting these things to work I hadn't thought of.. *Starts the suggestive file loop*
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Postby Draygone » February 5th, 2007, 1:13 pm

I dunno. I haven't really tried it since, partly because it hurts my right wrist when I try walking on all fours (bad wrist). Maybe I should try listening to another one of EMG's files and see what happens.
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Postby loony28 » February 5th, 2007, 3:32 pm

Draygone wrote:I dunno. I haven't really tried it since, partly because it hurts my right wrist when I try walking on all fours (bad wrist). Maybe I should try listening to another one of EMG's files and see what happens.

That might be a good idea. Let us know how it goes.
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Postby Draygone » February 10th, 2007, 1:00 pm

Nope, no idea. The way I figure, I simply liked the idea of it working without trancing so much that I started acting as though it was trying to work. Subconciously faking it just so I could say it did do something. Either that, or being on all fours and unable to talk leaves so little to the imagination that acting on those instructions was just easy to follow. Maybe a combination of both. I just couldn't get the same results for anything that required more imagination or hallucination.

But really, I haven't had much luck with imagination anything. For now I'm just gonna stick with the furry transformation. Maybe once I get my mind to follow detail like that, I'll try this again. Maybe.
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Postby Ys » February 27th, 2007, 3:34 am

what you expect is having a tendency to be realized, no matter what.

HF :)
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