A little more on four file ideas

A discussion of the files on the voting page.

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A little more on four file ideas

Postby loony28 » February 3rd, 2007, 8:49 am

Ok I'm posting this so everybody has an idea of what four of the files on the vote page do. These files are; Curse body of 18 year old girl, Curse body of prepubescent girl, Curse body of 18 year old boy, and Curse body of prepubescent boy. Now as I'm sure you all will have noticed the are basically the same thing except for differences in the final gender and age. These files will only work one way on the age issue. For example, if you listen to Curse body of prepubescent girl the only other file that will work for you is Curse body of prepubescent boy. The other two will not work for you as the files will only let you reverse age, they will not speed up the aging process. During the de-aging your body will return to just about what it was like during those years. This means that your skin will firm up, any scars you may have gotten after those ages may fade away, organs may repair themselves, and limbs may grow back if they became missing after those ages. This will mostly depend on if the body has a memory of itself during all the time you have lived. I think that this is possible due to the phantom limb phenomena that amputees experience. The only thing that could be different is that if you were fat at those ages but have now lost that fat, you will not be fat again. Of course the speed at which this transformation take place depends on how old you are, how young you will be, whether or not you change gender, and how much the body has to repair or replace. Now you can just grow younger if you want by listening to one of the same gender files or you could change your gender at the same time by listening to one of the opposite gender files. Once you have reached the age and gender as specified in the file you will age as you would normally as that gender. You can use these files any number of times that you want as long as you are over the target age. This could lead to an almost immortal existence, you wouldn't die of old age if you so choose but you can still die by other means even when you are reverse aging.
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Hi, my 1st post here

Postby citerehetilop » February 12th, 2007, 7:15 pm

Well, Loony *Btw, Hi! I remember you from Occultforums.com*
I am very interested in the files you have suggested. Now, these would cause actual physical change, right? As in, guy listens to 18 yr old female file, he turns into an 18 yr old girl, right? *Imo, files that just make you think that youve changed are...interesting, but not very practical on a larger field...*

Btw, I am TS *pre everything, girl stuck in a guy's body, if anyone could tell me what the best file for me to listen to to bring about a physical change in my body towards the correct gender would be, that'd be greatly appreciated*

~ Jenny
Last edited by citerehetilop on February 18th, 2007, 9:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby loony28 » February 12th, 2007, 10:35 pm

That is what I had in mind when I suggested the files. It's not limited to just changing gender though. If a male listened to Curse body of 18 year old boy he would change into an 18 year old boy. If he listened to Curse body of 18 year old girl he would change into an 18 year old girl. It doesn't matter what gender your body is, you can listen to any of these four files. That's what I had in mind anyways and yes it would be a total physical transformation.
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Postby citerehetilop » February 14th, 2007, 10:28 am

So how do we get these files made? :) *I'm a noob to this site and sites like it* Oh, and how long do you think it would take the transformation to complete? *I know for each person it'll be different, but just a general guesstimate*

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Postby loony28 » February 15th, 2007, 8:34 am

citerehetilop wrote:So how do we get these files made? :) *I'm a noob to this site and sites like it* Oh, and how long do you think it would take the transformation to complete? *I know for each person it'll be different, but just a general guesstimate*


Well as to getting the files made, EMG might decide to make them if they get enough votes or someone else could make them or someone could pay EMG money to have them made. As to how long the transformation will take, I'm thinking the longest would be a week and the shortest would be a day. There is a story somewhere that some gal in India I think just changed into a guy overnight. If that's true then a day to a week for a transformation to occur completely is quite doable. And if I'm anticipating your next question right the transformation is complete, as if you were born that gender (this is assuming that you are using one of the files to change your gender) and it is real physical transformation.
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Postby citerehetilop » February 15th, 2007, 7:07 pm

Yay! :D But seeing as I'm new to hypnosis, do you think it would take longer, or do you think it wouldn't matter? And do you think that since I'm a beginner *well, mostly, only been tinkering with this a little for a month or so* there are any files that I should listen to that would help with this one? *besides accelerator* And about how many times a day should I listen to the file do you think? *Sorry for all the questions, lol, I do tend to overthink things*

~Thanks a bunch, Jenny :)

ps-you can pm me if you dont want to take up room on the forum
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