Advice please. New to hypnosis.

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Advice please. New to hypnosis.

Postby damican » February 23rd, 2007, 9:59 pm

Hi everyone! I notice a few quit smoking files on this website, and really wanted to give them a go.

Now, I have no idea what trance feels like, or should feel like. Sometimes I get itchy during the induction phase, sometimes I just feel like doing the opposite of whats asked, and I don't know why... Also, I can never feel the whole becoming more relaxed part.. I don't really know what more relaxed feels like, after you get comfortable :(

I can't really put it all together, but I'm hoping someone here might have experianced the same things when starting, and would have some advice.

Oh, and I did notice I wanted to listen to the whole file though..
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Postby lazyboi » February 24th, 2007, 12:30 am

ahh using hypnosis for a good purpose.

Well, you concentrate and visualize on what they say. Thats all i can say.

Im currently working on the EnchantedKeyboardCurse file

so far not working =/
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Joined: February 10th, 2007, 1:00 am

Postby Axiom » February 24th, 2007, 12:49 am

I have no idea what trance feels like

This seems strange to me. I am just learning about hypnosis but one thing I have learned is that everyone has trances every day. For example, when you make the transition between waking and sleeping - that's two trances each day for a start. Or when you are driving and you become aware that you have been driving competently but you can't remember it because your mind was somewhere else. One day I went out to walk round and buy something from a local convenience store and "woke up" a mile further on outside the library. Haven't you ever watched a movie or TV program that grabbed your attention so strongly that your body froze and you became unaware of anything beyond the edge of the screen? That's a trance. The common feature of the trance state is that your consciousness is divided between what you are doing with your body and what you are doing internally; in contrast to the waking state in which your mind is fully engaged with what your body is doing.

If I understand correctly hypnotism aims to use the special strengths of this divided state which include enhanced healing, enhanced rest and recuperation, acceptance of suggestions, changing your habits and beliefs, forming new habits and beliefs and changing your perceptions. As I understand it, the trance state can be made more effective for change if it is induced when you are physically inactive and relaxed, if it is sustained longer than a typical "natural" trance and if it is deliberately enhanced by "deepening".

I have often found that my understanding of something that I am learning becomes much clearer if I try to explain it to someone else. That's what I am doing here. I have also noticed that providing a wrong answer to a question often prompts an expert to provide a better answer. So I am hoping that we will both win one way or the other ;-)

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Postby Draygone » February 24th, 2007, 11:32 am

The way I figure, if you're comfortable, you're relaxed. You can't be comfortable if your anxious.
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