Trying out E-Mail Slave

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Trying out E-Mail Slave

Postby DianaW » March 17th, 2007, 3:08 pm


I've been curious for a while now so I figured that I would try out the Hypno-Slave file. I made a new profile for it here becuase I am a little self consious. I set up an e-mail addy specifically for it too.

I listened to the file for about 3 hours yesterday, and I looped it and played it all night while I slept, and I listened to it for two hours today while I was meditating.

I'm 22, female (not transgendered, its all natural), and a College Student studying Psychology at ASU.

While I would prefer a female to trigger me (as I don't want to kinda do any kind of sexual stuff or like be forced to do something gross like take pictures of me touching myself and posting them or anything) but as long as it is kinda tasteful it doesn't matter.

Willing to try just about anything even DL/Incontinence stuff, just please nothing too public ok?

E-Mail is:
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Re: Trying out E-Mail Slave

Postby Blink » March 17th, 2007, 3:55 pm

DianaW wrote:While I would prefer a female to trigger me (as I don't want to kinda do any kind of sexual stuff<snip>

Um... Diana, I'm afraid you've got a faulty assumption in there. :D

I will, through great force of will, resist the temptation to elaborate on that.

-- Blink
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Postby hexagon77 » March 18th, 2007, 12:00 am

Oh well but she is not too far off.... talking to other females from here, this seems to be the usual "request". See my long posting in the multi-page email slave thread
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Postby DianaW » March 18th, 2007, 2:49 am

On the nature of hypnosis....

A lot of people on here don't have a clue. Sorry EMG to say that about a lot of the clientelle but let me give you an idea of what I mean.

There is a reason I asked for a female trigger... Which I did not get... Two people who both contacted me were male... I am sickened to say that the first thing anyone wants it seems is me to send them my picture. I went along with that one...

I say went along with for a reason... Hypnosis cannot (not even a curse) make you do anything you really don't want to do. I will say that this one's pretty strong to fight off though. One of the two people who contacted me wanted:

My name, age, sex, a photo, and my primary e-mail addy...

There is a REASON I had a seperate e-mail account for just this kind of thing. Unfortunatly I wasn't able to really stop myself from giving the real one out. Lucky for me once I realized what I did I had sense enough to block that user's e-mail from my primary account.

The second person talking to me turned from what looked like innocent experimentation into something that really struck a nerve with me and luckily snapped me out of it. First of all for one of these guys I had to explain step by step how to properly send a freaking e-mail slave e-mail... Grrr...

So I don't know if the file is still working anymore since I disobeyed orders already. Though if the next person who contacts me starts in on this whole:

"Send me a picture of you"

I am going to start fighting right there. I am not a source for your masterbation material.
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Postby hexagon77 » March 18th, 2007, 5:53 am

This is really saddening, and i can really understand if this takes out the fun for the whole hypnosis thing. Usually you would be better off to get to know the persons here, and then maybe contact one in private.. this may give you a lot better result than this public posting. There are some great, serious and helpful persons around here, i had the fun and honour to meet. And i also try to give that "good feeling" i was able to experience to others too. That there are also great and memorable ways to experience hypnosis.

It is really to bad that this seems to be the "usual" reaction female postings produce, and it is really that way. I did not talk to every female here who posted publically, but for those few i talked to it was like all the same, a 100% quota for dumb requests.

There aren't many females around here, and i guess even less on the "dominant" or "triggering" side, all i have met so far were definately on the sub side, so another reason you may not find many females that are willing to "play" with you, to trigger you... but there must be some out there too, so don't give up the hopes. In fact i know a girl who likes hypnotizing other girls, no clue if she is still around here tho. If you want i can ask her if she is interested in working with you.

I already wrote a long posting about all this in the other thread, so i will not go into more details again, you can always look up this other posting from me. I hope you may still find or meet a person here, you are able to have some fun with. To find what you were looking for.

Too bad you made all those "bad" experiences so far. It is always nice to see who you are talking to, but i will not "request" pictures, i wait till i get them offered voluntarily, cause i earned the trust. And i won't mind if i get none at all.....
Just have to say i got to know one of the greatest persons around that way, and it was worth every second of it!
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Postby Blink » March 18th, 2007, 8:52 am

DianaW wrote:On the nature of hypnosis....
Diana, lemme back up a minute and say that I'm going to revise the tone of my previous post. If I seemed snippy, that wasn't really my intent. It seems to me that you have several issues combined here under a single heading. Please bear with me while I respond to each.

DianaW wrote:A lot of people on here don't have a clue. Sorry EMG to say that about a lot of the clientelle but let me give you an idea of what I mean.
Don't apologize. Such is the nature of all human endeavor. Most of us are still waiting for the evolution bus to pull up. This isn't so much an issue of hypnosis, or this site, as it is an issue of human nature. (There's also been research that shows that the perceived anonymity of the Internet brings out the worst in all of us. It's similar to road rage, where the presence of a sheet of safety glass seems do completely divorce us from the social norms we embrace when we're face-to-face with people.)

DianaW wrote:There is a reason I asked for a female trigger... Which I did not get... Two people who both contacted me were male... I am sickened to say that the first thing anyone wants it seems is me to send them my picture.
Here's where I poked you last time. I need to explain what I meant. You're expressing a gender bias in this statement. Admittedly, your biases are shared by many others and are probably fact-based, but don't believe that your generalizations* are immutable truth. Not for a minute.

* I read them as "Women will be more ethical regarding sex than men," and "Women will not be intrusive or impolite via Internet." Do not assume that women are "safer" in any way than men. The best you get there is "statistically less likely." I'll point out, too, that you can't reliably determine sex/gender via IP.

DianaW wrote:went along with for a reason...
While I don't question your reasons, I am going to take this opportunity to repeat some general safety information.

    Never give out your contact information via the Internet.
    Always conduct meetings in a public place, no matter how you "found" each other.
    Know who you're playing with. This means more than just first names! See a photo ID! Best: photocopy the ID, verifying the address is correct, and leave it with your safe-call.
    Negotiate everything. Be suspicious of anyone who doesn't.
    Let someone know where you are at all times and who you're with.
    Have someone call to check on you, even though it's a bummer to answer the phone mid-scene. They should talk to you and recognize your voice and understand that you're OK. Else, they should send in the cavalry.
    There are crazy subs, too. Follow the rules even if you're a dominant.

DianaW wrote:One of the two people who contacted me wanted: My name, age, sex, a photo, and my primary e-mail addy...
That certainly starts things out with a "stalkery" flavor. I'm a dominant sadist with a penchant for mind control. The bozos who open up with "ASL? Pic?" or treat people abusively in the guise of being dominant are peeing in my (applicant) pool. This does not a happy Blink make. Still, with great reluctance, I recognize my own limits. The best I can do is spread some safety information and hope for the best.

DianaW wrote:There is a REASON I had a seperate e-mail account for just this kind of thing. <snip> The second person talking to me turned from what looked like innocent experimentation into something that really struck a nerve with me and luckily snapped me out of it. <snip> I am not a source for your masterbation material.
Here's the part that's hardest to write and hardest to read, I'm sure. People suck. All people. Everywhere. There are mindless exploiters who don't care about your reasons or your safety or your limits or your wishes. These people are right here among us, right now. They're reading along. Laughing, probably. If you listen to the file that opens you up to being commanded by anyone who knows the secret, and you shout the secret to the world, then you are going to be the subject of masturbatory fantasy, at least. I hope masturbatory fantasy is the worst of it.

If you're looking for harmless experimentation, you really need to know with whom you're experimenting. Find someone trustworthy first, then give him or her the keys to the kingdom. Don't just leave the keys in the ignition switch and hope for the best.

I've been casting about for a RL submissive for some time now, and separating the wheat from the chaff is a serious chore. Every time I see a message like yours, I imagine dozens of intelligent, sensitive, capable people who fit my selection criteria removing themselves from the applicant pool. I hate that thought. That's why I spout safety information if you squeeze me, and why I support the accelerated extinction of clueless dominant wannabes.

If you have questions, want more information, or want to give me a poke in the eye and tell me to mind my own business, feel free to PM.

-- Blink

And since I'm apparently writing a manifesto, I'll include a musical bit as a mood... lightener? Here's a Disney thought retooled by Duck Logic:

It's a world of acne, a world of germs.
It's your brand new dog coming down with worms.
It's the notes being played
By a cockroach parade,
It's the real world after all.

It's a world of ulcers, a world of cysts.
It's the hole in the road that you never miss.
It's the cheap underwear
Creeping up to your hair,
It's the real world after all.

It's the real world after all,
It's the real world after all,
It's the real world after all,
It's the real world after all.

It's a world of hunger, a world of sin.
It's a million products to keep you thin.
It's machinery exhaust
Causing air to be lost.
It's the real world after all.

It's a world of stark mediocrity,
It's a world of mindless activity.
It's the little white lie
Inside Mom's apple pie,
It's the real world after all.

It's the real world after all,
Cold hard steel world after all,
Slimy eel world after all,
Well, it's the real world after all.

It's a world that's black and a world that's blue,
And you must duck logic to get you through.
It's the sudden attack
Of a knife in your back,
It's the real world after all.

It's the real world after all,
Spinning wheel world after all,
Cold hard steel world after all,
Well, it's the real world after all.
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Postby Lissar » March 19th, 2007, 1:16 am

DianaW, I am so sorry to read about your experiences. I'm also a woman on this site, and I too have experienced men behaving in this manner (although the behavior was only during attempts to trance me, since none of EMG's files have worked for me). You should not have been treated that way, and while, yes, we all take risks on the internet, you should not be forced to take all responsibility for the pervy nature of some men.

The thing is that you requested that a woman trigger you, not a man. Both these men ignored that request. You also said that you wouldn't mind a guy emailing you, so long as the orders were tasteful. Tasteful can mean a lot of things, yes, but from your post, it was very clear to me that you wanted to test a trigger for yourself. You wanted a fun, interesting experience. And these two men ignored your very clear boundaries and asked you for inappropriate information.

If anyone wants to say, "Well, asking for primary emails or for information isn't exactly the opposite of 'tasteful,'" go ahead and say it. It might not be tasteful or in bad taste, that's true. But it's terribly inappropriate and unsafe.

It's also a complete abuse of power. Hypnosis is based on a lot of trust, and while, yeah, you can't trust people on the internet, that doesn't mean that people who are abused should take all responsibility. The bottom line is that, yes, DianaW took a risk. But so what? These two men deliberately ignored what she wanted so they could get their own kicks and giggles, I suppose.

While I have met and spoken with many nice, respectful men on this forum and in the chatroom in the past, I have also experienced very degrading treatment at the hands of some men here. Never from women, only from men. It's a gendered issue, I think. I also think that's why not a lot of women post here, or advertise that they are women. We don't feel comfortable or safe in a place where trying to experience a kink means putting ourselves at the mercy of men who have no respect for women.

If it happens to some men, here, then feel free to think of it as a power issue. It is a power issue, after all. Of course, in American society at least, gender inequalities create a power unbalance that is so incredible, women are disempowered. So whether it's men taking advantage of submissive or young men, or taking advantage of women, it's a power thing.

So don't tell DianaW, "Gee, we're sorry about what happened. It really sucks, and I wish it won't happen again. But honestly, men will be men, and it's what happens on the internet."

Instead, we should be hearing, "Gee, we're sorry about what happened. It really sucks, and I wish it won't happen again. In fact, let's talk to EMG about this and make sure that the guidelines and rules are incredible clear, and let's get him to make an announcement about how inappropriate this behavior is."

Don't say that we can't stop it, even if it's true that we can't prevent this behavior 100%. But being a role model and raising awareness is important. Blaming DianaW, who has been victimized, is absolutely ridiculous.
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Postby Kalendaine » March 19th, 2007, 3:24 am

Lissar: first, i read your post, and it seems to me that you're unfairly categorizing all men in the 'asshole' class. just because a couple of idiots didn't have the brain capacity to respect limits does not mean the rest of us with an extra appendage do as well.

Second, as far as i'm aware, no one even came close to blaming DianaW. the most i could find - stretching it considerably - is Blink's post. As far as i've gathered, the entire tone there is that he's seen someone stub their toe, and offered a few helpful suggestions so that they don't lose thier leg as well.

Thirdly - and this is my own personal observation - many guys tend to be overzealous simply BECAUSE women don't announce themselves. When there's so few - or seems so, anyway - guys tend to rush in and hurry things up considerably, before another guy can come along and ruin it. Not that i'm excusing in any way the guys who possess no brain. But if there were only 50 (genuine) guys on the internet, and one announces that he's available, would you not be intrigued?

Just a thought.
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Postby MasterGreg » March 19th, 2007, 8:47 am

My name is Master Greg, and you probably won't care about what I have to say, but I'm going to rant and discourse anyway because over the last few years I've seen more than I ever care to have seen.

People are power hungry, people are unethical, and people are stupid. To most people on this site, this is a game, to almost every person on this forum, on this site that has never downloaded a file, it's a game, they think the other person is roleplaying and they think it's a fantasy that's being played out.

This is false. Hypnosis is real, and its effects are real and longstanding.

Then there's the people who know its real who prey on the people who think it's roleplaying. The people who see someone just vague or nieve enough to suggest a course of action and they take control before the target knows what's going on. Those people are dispiciable and untrustworthy, yet in this environment they tend to get power too quickly and too deeply.

So yes, it's dangerous. But what can you do?

Well, there's a few things. First of all, don't give out ANY trigger to ANY person without talking to them first. Learn to make someone trust you, make them jump through hoops. A subject OR a submissive is NOT a welcoming mat, they are a person, and some "Doms" or "Tists" need to be reminded of that.

Secondly, try finding respected members of the community. I don't intend to promote myself, but we ARE trying to build a good community in the chat, but NOBODY seems to stop by there. If you want to chat, then come chat. There are people there you can trust and we DO regulate it, so try us out at least.

Finally, I offer this.

ANYONE WHO HAS BEEN A TARGET, get in touch with me. I promised myself I wouldn't do this anymore, as it takes up a lot of my time, but I AM here to help, and I always will be.

Like I said, these words will probably fall on deaf ears, but until there is RESPECT in this community, you will NOT be rid of me.

BOTH SIDES are important to this thing, let's all try to remember that and be adults, hmm?
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Postby hexagon77 » March 19th, 2007, 1:27 pm

So the chats got better? Someone i knew got triggered and "abused" in there, and since then i stayed away from the chat. That someone was maybe a little bit blue-eyed, but i never really trusted the chat anymore since then.
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Postby MasterGreg » March 19th, 2007, 6:33 pm

Well I obviously can't promise complete safety but we do our best, we have a good op core and a few trusted hypnotists/triggers. It's better than jsut throwing random triggers around anyway.
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Postby Lissar » March 19th, 2007, 7:06 pm

Kalendaine, please reread my post. I refer to the behavior of some men, specifically, and I also said that I have met plenty of nice and respectful men here. The issue with the gender divide isn't that all men are scum. It's that men, much more often than women, abuse power when it comes to the other sex. I can't cite any internet sources on this information, but go read The Gendered Society by Michael Kimmel if you wany my source.

"Blame" is a loaded word, that's true. However, when we are faced with situations such as this one, many people tell the victim of the inappropriate behavior to modify her own behavior instead. Yes, we can all lower our risk of being taken advantage of. However, even if we take a risk, that does not justify the behavior that we experience as a result of that. No one is saying, "This is your fault, DianaW," but by focusing on her behavior instead of trying to come up with ways to prevent her from feeling so threatened and violated, we ignore the persons' whose behavior is causing the issue.

I don't understand your part about fifty guys on the internet. The internet is only part of the problem. The issue is the treatment of a woman by some men. The internet is the medium through which it happened.

If you mean that if this community were mostly women, with a few men, and only one or two "nice guys," and I met one of those nice guys, then yes, I would probably want to get to know them. Of course, I would do so by being respectful and talking with them. I wouldn't ignore their requests and desires, and I wouldn't ask for incredibly personal information.

I'm not saying, "All men are scum, all women are pure." It's unfair of me to blame a societal issue on men. But in a society where women are made to take responsibility for the abuse they take, men tend to be unknowing abusers. Just because you don't know you're doing something unfair doesn't make it okay. Male privilege is invisible to those who have it.[/i]
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Postby getpumped87 » March 19th, 2007, 9:16 pm

Kalendaine wrote:But if there were only 50 (genuine) guys on the internet, and one announces that he's available, would you not be intrigued?

Just a thought.

i'm a genuine guy who's available haha. I seriously had an e-mail about sent because I too am I psychology major and just wnated to start friendly convo, but she said no guys, so I held off
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Postby DianaW » March 19th, 2007, 9:40 pm

I never said no boys,

I said boys are ok as long as they are decent guys. Sheesh
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Postby mat2blue » March 20th, 2007, 12:38 am

I'm decent! :D
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Postby whatthe75 » March 20th, 2007, 1:50 am

Isn't that similar to the line "Trust me"

ANy man that says he is decent or trust me is surely not. And only a man that said he isnt would be.

Dont trust me.

But i said the words trust me in that sentence so that means you cant trust me.
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Postby MasterGreg » March 20th, 2007, 7:44 am

The issue isn't trust, it's the anonymous nature of the internet. People aren't protecting themselves anymore, they're handing over the keys to their mind in an instant to people that re basically complete strangers. I can't stress enough how real this stuff is, and anyone who thinks it's a game or thinks it won't work should probably back off.

Please, PLEASE, people, take the time to at least talk to someone before you tell them your trigger. Get to know them, foster SOME level of trust, don't make it easy for predators, PLEASE.
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Postby mat2blue » March 24th, 2007, 4:46 pm

whatthe75 wrote:Isn't that similar to the line "Trust me"

ANy man that says he is decent or trust me is surely not. And only a man that said he isnt would be.

Dont trust me.

But i said the words trust me in that sentence so that means you cant trust me.

i'm sort of offended!
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Postby MasterNarman » March 24th, 2007, 5:19 pm

mat2blue wrote:
whatthe75 wrote:Isn't that similar to the line "Trust me"

ANy man that says he is decent or trust me is surely not. And only a man that said he isnt would be.

Dont trust me.

But i said the words trust me in that sentence so that means you cant trust me.

i'm sort of offended!

it's a confusion induction. you'll wake up naked in the park with a duck on your head, singing "mull of kintyre" on the banjo.
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Postby mat2blue » March 25th, 2007, 3:22 am

now I'm sort of confused! :wink:
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