A Question or two about CurseWomb

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A Question or two about CurseWomb

Postby Patience_endures » April 3rd, 2007, 12:01 pm

I'm guessing alot of people try for the breast growth stuff first...
But now for my quick queries of this questionable file I've been eyeing for a while.

Has anyone tried it?


Have you or people who saw you naked/semi-naked noticed any change? (others noticing a plus)

Just wondering this stuff before i decide to commit to it.
I've been using the hormone change one for about a year now off and on.
(listen for a few months.. then dont feel the urge to listen for a while.. then listen again.)
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Postby JHoffman » April 3rd, 2007, 7:39 pm

I was a bit skeptical at first and eventually decided to go along with the file for about a week. There's no change as far as I'm concerned, maybe I'm not writing anything down or paying enough attention (:P). But I've heard what others have said about this file, and it seems that the file's effects seldom happen.

Even some of the best people on this site can't get this to work. However, the ones that do seem to keep a secret.
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Postby oh2bpreg » April 3rd, 2007, 9:03 pm

Despite what some people on here would have you believe, the simple fact is that hypnosis can not cause genetic changes.

Breast growth is not a genetic change. That is merely increasing hormones that your body is already producing (yes, all men produce estrogen) and decreasing others.

Some make the argument that our mind is capable pulling off such a change since going all the way to when we were in the womb, men and women start of the same. However, even back when we're all sexless, we still have chromosomes determining our sex.

Even if it weren't for the chromosomes, the simple fact is that our mind does not know how to reverse physical, genetic changes.

Hypnosis is great for behavioral changes, minor physical changes, but it can not do some of the things that some of the files on here say they do.
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Postby aeroue » April 4th, 2007, 5:28 pm

What about the rare occurance where someone has the wrong chromosomes?
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Postby oh2bpreg » April 4th, 2007, 7:43 pm

aeroue wrote:What about the rare occurance where someone has the wrong chromosomes?

Klinefelter's Syndrome. The syndrome is still caused by the chromosomes. One can not "catch" Klinefelter's. It is not a disease. It's not a virus. It is a genetic abnormality. A person with Klinefelter's has it from birth. They don't become afflicted later on in life (tho in many cases, the symptoms may not show up until puberty.)

And it doesn't change the fact that the mind can not undo your genetic, chromosomal, dna makeup. Medical science hasn't even accomplished this yet (tho, they're close on the preventing abnormalities from occurring in the first place.)
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Postby loony28 » April 4th, 2007, 9:48 pm

Why couldn't the mind transform the body and genetics radically? Basically all the Y-chromosome is is a shorter version of the X-chromosome isn't it. If that's the case then the mind should be able to copy some DNA from the X-chromosome and attach it to the Y-chromosome thus producing two X-chromosomes. It's just an idea that I have.
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Postby JHoffman » April 4th, 2007, 10:37 pm

And how do you get the brain to do that through hypnosis? DNA is embedded practically.. everywhere. It's like you're asking for a hypnosis file to change your blood type.

Physical changes are possible though, it's just that real chromosome changes aren't (At least I believe so).
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Postby demigraff » April 4th, 2007, 11:01 pm

Copying DNA from one chromosome to another would be a trick proposition.

A protein folded in the right way could probably do what you're asking for, its a simple chemical reaction.
And assuming the mind can change the body, it can certainly create a protein. It simply has to strip a certain piece of DNA in half, and allow amino acids to come into contact with the resulting RNA. Unfortunately, that would require your body to contain a piece of DNA whose sequence is encoded for that particular protein ... and as far as I'm aware, your body does not currently have any use for a protein which converts a Y chromosome to an X.

Of course, then you've got the question of how much change would be affected by changing a chromosome. I suspect the answer would be 'not much': the body would gain the genetic blueprint necessary to create certain different kinds of cells, but those would never be called for by the existing structure.

In short, I see no reason why a certain combination of hormones and proteins could induce genetic change ... and the mind is probably able to do something like that. But the physical and chemical environment when your body is formed is very different from the environment where your DNA simply produces proteins to maintain an existing body, so I doubt you could actually make a useful change in that way.
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Postby Patience_endures » April 5th, 2007, 6:20 am

too bad there isnt a way to increase the amount of t-cells in the body to produce the desired effect then...

I mean, would it even be a possibility? After having the mind go through the hypnosis and generating an internal reaction that would start converting the chromosomes of the 23rd pair to XX, then somehow increase the level of t-cells in the body and stimulate them to form the desired parts...

or am i just being too wishful in my thinking?
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Postby Daeth » April 6th, 2007, 11:37 pm

Reading over this something occured to me. Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't cancer cells take existing cells, and convert the cells DNA to be that of the cancerous cells? If that were true then wouldn't it be possible for Hypnosis to tell your mind to create a cell, with a certain blueprint, have it go and clone itself where the changes were wanted?
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Postby oh2bpreg » April 7th, 2007, 6:59 am

No. Cancer cells reproduce by division (mitosis) just like regular cells. Just that they don't know to stop dividing and reproducing and they can be harmful.

Link explaining cancer in easy to understand language:

Daeth wrote:Reading over this something occured to me. Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't cancer cells take existing cells, and convert the cells DNA to be that of the cancerous cells? If that were true then wouldn't it be possible for Hypnosis to tell your mind to create a cell, with a certain blueprint, have it go and clone itself where the changes were wanted?
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Postby dharden » April 7th, 2007, 11:52 am

oh2bpreg wrote:Hypnosis is great for behavioral changes, minor physical changes, but it can not do some of the things that some of the files on here say they do.

Just a thought, but could repeated suggestions that a physical change is happening lead some people to Truly Believe, or even to hallucinate, that it really is happening?
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Postby Blink » April 7th, 2007, 7:55 pm

dharden wrote:Just a thought, but could repeated suggestions that a physical change is happening lead some people to Truly Believe, or even to hallucinate, that it really is happening?
As much as I hate to fuel this debate, the jury is really still out on what physical changes can be brought about by hypnosis. Clearly, there are some things that hypnosis can do, but nobody knows where the limits are.

Here's a link to a citation regarding research at Harvard that indicates hypnosis can speed the healing of broken bones (one of my favorite findings and one I've cited several times before). Here is another describing the statistically significant effects of hypnosis on the immune system. (Both of these are links to abstracts of journal articles provided by PubMed/NCBI.)

This is all to say that the staunch "realists" who say that physical changes from hypnosis are impossible don't have science on their side.

-- Blink

Of course, I don't think you're gonna grow any extra parts by going into trance, either.
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Postby dharden » April 7th, 2007, 8:52 pm

Blink wrote:Of course, I don't think you're gonna grow any extra parts by going into trance, either.

Nor do I, but that's not exactly what I was trying to get at. Let me try another way of putting it.

Could some people respond to repeated suggestions that a given change is happening by coming to believe that it is, or even coming to perceive it in some way, even though it isn't happening and may not be possible?
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Postby oh2bpreg » April 8th, 2007, 6:19 am

Blink wrote:
This is all to say that the staunch "realists" who say that physical changes from hypnosis are impossible don't have science on their side.

I don't think anyone here is saying that absolutely no physical changes can occur. In one of my first posts in this thread, I mentioned that something like breast growth is possible since that is merely changing the amount of hormones in your system that already exist. Hypnosis has been shown to be successful in weight loss (which is a physical change, brought about by behavioral modification)

Genetic changes, on the other hand, just aren't going to happen.

[quote="dharden"]Could some people respond to repeated suggestions that a given change is happening by coming to believe that it is, or even coming to perceive it in some way, even though it isn't happening and may not be possible?[/darden]

To an extent, yes. Probably the best mainstream example of this is anorexia. Where a person can literally be skin and bones, yet, they still see themselves as fat (they don't see themselves as 500 pounds or anything, but when they look at themselves in a mirror, they still see fat on their bodies)

It's not easy, and the more complex the transformation, the harder it is to successfully do.
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Postby Kalendaine » April 8th, 2007, 9:50 am

Just a quick thought - what is DNA? simply an instruction booklet. tells you how to build and run and maintain your body. However, no single cell is going to need all of the information that is in the genetic code, so large portions of it are 'turned off' in every cells - for instance, why would a muscle cell need to know how a neuron is made, or a neuron a muscle cell? if needed, they just switch them back on - and the kicker here is that it's mostly environmental, external factors that tell it to turn on and off a specific portion of code. environmental, in this instance, is outside the cell - for instance, a drug, hormones, neuropeptides, RNA chains, etc.

And that's not all. A cell sometimes keeps several 'working copies' of a specific part of its code, working like machines for a particulular purpose. Every once in a while, it'll also send out little snippets of DNA - in the form of RNA chains - to other cells nearby - sort of like messages to your next door neighbor, which also counts as an external stimulus for the next-door cell. In fact, that's how the immune system stays on top of things - the white blood cells (there's a specific type that i'm describing, but i forget what it's called) tag identifying traits of bacteria and virii and pass along the message in a RNA chain, floating through your bloodstream, which 'updates' the other white blood cells.

Now, combining that with Blink's comment (and reference) about how hypnosis can produce 'statistically significant' effects in the immune system, would it not be possible to state that maybe hypnosis could have a larger effect than you're giving it credit for?

i think it's very possible that hypnosis can change the genetic code - and if not change, then perhaps selectively 'turn off' those parts that are unwanted/unneeded. Our bodies are supremely adaptive - our minds, just as much, if not more. perhaps it actually can, but if you don't believe it can't, then it has just as much effect as if it doesn't.
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Postby Blink » April 8th, 2007, 11:17 am

dharden wrote:Could some people respond to repeated suggestions that a given change is happening by coming to believe that it is, or even coming to perceive it in some way, even though it isn't happening and may not be possible?
Absolutely. Sarnoga found and posted a copy of the Davis-Husband scale. That shows the phenomena associated with various depths of hypnosis. Everything you'd need to have a very "real" experience of physical change happens before you "bottom out" on the scale.

YMMV, of course.

-- Blink
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Postby loony28 » April 8th, 2007, 12:06 pm

Ok we seem to have a helthy debate going on here. For myself personally I believe that it is possible to drastically change the body through hypnosis. This has been posted before but there are frogs who, if they are in a same sex society, will change there gender to continue the species. There is a lot of DNA in our cells that scientists call junk DNA, DNA that serves no purpose. Who knows, maybe some of that junk DNA contains instructions for gender change and maybe more. Also when you catch a virus it inserts it's own genetic code into your cells thereby changing your cells genetic code to reproduce more of itself. That's all I have to say for now.
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Postby oh2bpreg » April 8th, 2007, 1:02 pm

Kalendaine wrote:Just a quick thought - what is DNA? simply an instruction booklet. tells you how to build and run and maintain your body. However, no single cell is going to need all of the information that is in the genetic code, so large portions of it are 'turned off' in every cells - for instance, why would a muscle cell need to know how a neuron is made, or a neuron a muscle cell?

Welcome to the wonderful world of stem cell research. Scientist are still studying how it is that we star as one celled organism, and become billion (trillion? quadrillion?) celled creatures, with cells o different from one another.

But your theory still has one huge flaw. stem cells are, for lack of a better term, blank cells. cells that are awaiting "programming" after the first several months in the womb, a person no longer has any "blank" stem cells in them. And no matter what , a red blood cell can not suddenly become a white blood cell, or a brain cell, or a muscle cell. Once the cells are programmed, they can't be deprogrammed.
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Postby oh2bpreg » April 8th, 2007, 1:13 pm

Frogs that can change sexes are enabled to do this from their genetic makeup. Humans are not. There has never been a case of men, when in an all male or near all male environment of changing sex. And we have plenty of places there are near all male populations. It's called prison. Long ago, we had ships, that spent months, at seas with all male crews.

Simple fact is, not once in recorded history has there been a human that has spontaneously changed sex (closest thing to that has been hermaphrodites who were not diagnosed until puberty.)

In fact this hasn't even been recorded in a mammal.

I do encourage everyone here who is trying to change their sex through hypnosis alone to document it in great detail. If you succeed, you'll be of great interest to researchers everywhere and EMG will become extremely rich as will most other hypotists.

loony28 wrote:Ok we seem to have a helthy debate going on here. For myself personally I believe that it is possible to drastically change the body through hypnosis. This has been posted before but there are frogs who, if they are in a same sex society, will change there gender to continue the species. There is a lot of DNA in our cells that scientists call junk DNA, DNA that serves no purpose. Who knows, maybe some of that junk DNA contains instructions for gender change and maybe more. Also when you catch a virus it inserts it's own genetic code into your cells thereby changing your cells genetic code to reproduce more of itself. That's all I have to say for now.
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Postby Kalendaine » April 8th, 2007, 2:10 pm

Oh2bepreg, i wasn't talking about stem cells in particular. Theose just have larger sets of accessible data. I was mentioning that every cell in your body has a massive amount of information 'turned off' either by branch reproduction/specialization (many generations of skin cells, for instance) or by 'choice,' to use a loose term. If the cell is faced with something it doesn't know how to do (for instance, absorbing a specific protein) then it will unzip the DNA in its possession until it finds instructions on how to absorb it.

Stem cells are different. As you said, they are blank - they have all sorts of informational pathways available. the 'neuron' and 'muscle' and 'nerve' information sections in the DNA-book are still open; they could go any way, which is their strength and why folks are so bent on using it.

What my thought was was not having cells spontaneously try to turn from muscle to nerve cells, but to vary the internal mechanisms they work with. For instance, a skin cell is much the same from one human to the next - yes, there is a *slight* genetic difference, but not much; it's still about 99.999999997% the same. They're even the same between genders.

Much of the structures found in both sexes are similar; exposing a male to too much estrogen will produce gynecomastia, while exposing a woman to too much testosterone will produce a deep voice, facial hair, and an extremely large clit. We're far more alike than we realize, and almost all differences can be laid at the feet of three intermixing hormones - progesterone, testosterone, and estrogen - NOT genetics. It simply seems to provide the baseline, nothing more. In compu-speak, it gives you the hardware and installs the basic OS - how you customize it is up to you.
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Postby oh2bpreg » April 9th, 2007, 4:43 pm

Kalendaine wrote:I was mentioning that every cell in your body has a massive amount of information 'turned off' either by branch reproduction/specialization (many generations of skin cells, for instance) or by 'choice,' to use a loose term. If the cell is faced with something it doesn't know how to do (for instance, absorbing a specific protein) then it will unzip the DNA in its possession until it finds instructions on how to absorb it.

That's not how it works. Let's use an example of cold medicine. The medicine is designed to relieve congestion in the nose. The medicine goes through the blood stream until it gets to the nose and does it's magic. Now, as the medicine travels through the blood stream, it comes across millions, billions, trillions of cells. Those cells don't say "Hey, what's this? I better check my DNA. Oh, I guess I need to become a nose." It just gets ignored. (yes, there are side effects, but nothing that affects every part of your body.)

Now as to your statement about how men and women are similar and that the differences are the result of hormones. This is true for secondary sex characteristics (i.e. breast size, facial hair, voice pitch, etc) however, it is not true of primary sex characteristics (i.e. the actual sex organs) You take a newborn girl and inject her with testosterone for the rest of her life, her sex organs aren't going to be replaced by male organs. (same if you take a baby boy and inject him with estrogen. In fact baby boys are exposed to a lot of estrogen in the womb. This leads to the phenomenon known as witches milk.)

btw, we also have 98% of the same DNA as chimps, 85% as mice, and 60% as chickens. yet, despite all that shared DNA, we just aren't going to be able to become one of them (heck, we can't even cross breed with them)
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Postby Diapered_Cherub » April 9th, 2007, 10:31 pm

finally someone who truely understands the limits of hypnosis! Good explination!
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Postby loony28 » April 10th, 2007, 1:50 pm

I hate to say this but no one knows the limits of what the mind can do. If hypnosis can affect the mind then logically no one knows the limits of what hypnosis can do. I had seen a story in the past year, sorry can't remember where I saw it, where I believe it was an Indian woman went to bed one night and the next morning woke up completely male. If this is true, and I have no way of knowing if it is or not other then it was reported by mainstream news outlets, then it shows that indeed a complete gender change is possible without going down the path of horomones and surgery. The only question would be was it her mind that caused the transformation or a higher being.
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Postby adriana » April 10th, 2007, 6:34 pm

loony28 wrote:I hate to say this but no one knows the limits of what the mind can do. If hypnosis can affect the mind then logically no one knows the limits of what hypnosis can do. I had seen a story in the past year, sorry can't remember where I saw it, where I believe it was an Indian woman went to bed one night and the next morning woke up completely male. If this is true, and I have no way of knowing if it is or not other then it was reported by mainstream news outlets, then it shows that indeed a complete gender change is possible without going down the path of horomones and surgery. The only question would be was it her mind that caused the transformation or a higher being.

Well I find that story a bit hard to swallow..maybe it was a guy passing himself as a woman for some reason (possibly to get on the womens cricket team :lol: ) who got caught out & made up a sudden transformation to explain it away..
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Postby oh2bpreg » April 10th, 2007, 7:02 pm

I remember that story. I'm pretty sure that indeed turned out to be a hoax. Remember, just because the news reports it, doesn't mean it's true (Just look at all the stuff the current and previous President has said that got reported by the news that turned out to be false.)

And while it is true that no one knows what the full capability of our brains is, it is very safe to say that changing sex, or growing new body parts is not going to happen just from listening to an MP3.

I would love to be proven wrong. But there is not a single shred of evidence that indicates that I will be. Maybe you'll be that person who proves me wrong. Go get a complete, thorough physical, put your fingerprints on file, and then when you hypnotize yourself into making genetic changes happen, go get another thorough physical, and you will singlehandedly be responsible for a giant surge in popularity for hypnosis therapy. EMG, and many like him will become instant millionaires. You'll get wined and dined as you go on news and talk shows telling your story, be offered monster book deals, heck, you'd probably get your own reality show.
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:O A Stranger Appears...

Postby TheForgottenBard » May 3rd, 2007, 4:38 am

Alright,I'm not trying to openly challenge anyone on the subject but I've set my goal with my hypnosis to transform others;if not in their minds,physically. I myself believe more of a base fact from the root word and atone it to the past of hypnosis. IE- Hypno-Hypnos ~ God of Sleep. I myself am a deep delver of the occult however but continue to search for more of a plausible reason for actual transformation..and yes I do have physical evidence of male to female transformation and I'm willing to share if you contact me. . . >.>
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Postby Draygone » May 3rd, 2007, 11:47 am

Go ahead and share here. This is an 18-years-and-older site, anyway.
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Postby TheForgottenBard » May 4th, 2007, 12:17 am

It'd take a good bit of digging on my part. I've got some evidence from an induction that I had done a while back...
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Postby Diapered_Cherub » May 4th, 2007, 12:55 am

I'm curious to know what your evidence is. Please share it with us.
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Postby loony28 » May 4th, 2007, 6:47 am

I too am curious what evidence you have. How far did the transformation go? Was a complete transformation from male to female, that is to say all the right sex organs as if the subject had been born female?
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