All About Lucid Dreaming

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All About Lucid Dreaming

Postby danmalara » April 8th, 2005, 8:32 pm

This topic is here for everyone to post about lucid dreaming. Sadly, I have not been able to have a lucid dream yet, but have been trying for several months and I think I'm getting closer. Lucid dreaming is a topic I find very interesting, and you should too. If you don't know what lucid dreaming is go here. For those who have been able to lucidly dream, please share. Post any cool dreams that you have had, and also post anything that could help me (or anyone else) become lucid in a dream. Pretty much just post stuff about lucid dreaming!!! :D
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Re: All About Lucid Dreaming

Postby CAINE » April 10th, 2005, 2:23 pm

I've had three, muahahaha

(1.) It was a couple of months after 9/11. I was outside, and there was thousands of airplanes overhead, dropping bombs, and everyone was running down the road. So I start to run too. Everyone runs inside this one house, and when I run inside, everyone inside is like very calm. Just sitting around, smoking, watching tv, and just talking. I see a staircase to my right, so i walk up it. Then I stop for a moment and think, "wow, this is a dream!", then I think to myself "wonder if you can feel stuff in a dream?", then I slap the wall as hard as I can, and to my surprise my hand and arm get an intense tingly feeling, then I wake up.

(2.) I was in this arcade. I was with one of my friends, and he was playing a pinball game. There are a couple of computers sitting around. Then I relize this is a dream, but I dont have totall control. *A couple of days before, I read that you cant read the same stuff twice exactly the same in a dream.* So I look at the computer screen, and theres just a lot of unreadable jiberish, I turn my head and look back, and theres no writing. I wake up.

(3.) *this is my favorite one*. I dream I wake up. I just wake up, and im sitting up on my couch. I think to myself *hmm, i didnt go to sleep on the couch*. Then I look into the kitchen *I live in a trailer, you can see the kitchen from the living room*, and theres my Uncle cooking eggs on the stove. Then I knew this was a dream, because my Uncle wasnt visiting. So I take total control of my dream. I think to myself "lets see if I can go to a Quake 3 level". *I love the game Quake 3*. And there I am, standing there in one of the levels. I see someone shoot there gun on the platform next to me, but I dont hear the shot. And then I thought to myself "I wonder if you can taste in a dream". I imagine a milkshake in my hand. I try some.. It tasted like a strong black coffee. I then woke up.
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Postby Lord_Mizaru » April 11th, 2005, 9:10 am

Wow you suck. I want a lucid dream damnit :P

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Postby BobbyS » April 11th, 2005, 11:19 am

Hate to piss on your bonfire, but you can't make people do stuff they don't want during hypnosis... :cry:
I had a lucid dream where I developed a vagina after wishing it from a genie. I know...that's fucked up, but it felt amazingly real...
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Postby camann » April 11th, 2005, 12:42 pm

I believe he means during his dreams...
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Postby danmalara » April 11th, 2005, 8:08 pm

caine, when u had these lucid dreams were they unexpected, or did you use an induction?
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Re: cool

Postby CAINE » April 12th, 2005, 2:55 pm

One of them was a false awakening, and one I had when I was reading a lot about Lucid Dreaming, and one of them I pretty much did a simplified version of a WBTB and a MILD *before I knew what lucid dreaming was*
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Postby aeroue » April 12th, 2005, 3:10 pm

I had only one....

I was up on top of a skyscraper and i suddenly thought hmmm this looks surprisingly like GTA Vice City...This cant be real i must be dreaming...

So then i jumped off and flew around like Neo from the matrix till i wokeup
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Postby Folsom_god » April 12th, 2005, 6:56 pm

ive had a couple

1) i was chillin like a villain and found i was in a dream went up and saw god and asked him what his fav band was. unfortunatly i cant remember what he looked like or what his favorite band was.....soooo cool though

2) i was inside my house and looked out my window and saw really dark clouds and thought wooooah those are bad might get some tornadoes. I went outside and saw like 7 of em twirlin towards the house. So i yell "MOM theres tornadoes!" she just ignores me and tells me to get inside, so i say it again "MOM theres tornadoes" no response. "MOM THERES A FUCKING TORNADO COMING FOR OUR HOUSE!!!!" and she goes wow did u just say the F-Word get inside the house theres tornadoes. then i thought about how dumb it was and realized i was dreaming. I walked outside right into the tornado and flew up on top and kinda stood there lookin down then i woke up.

Ive had about 2 more but they were only slightly lucid.
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Postby Folsom_god » April 12th, 2005, 6:57 pm

by the way the second one happened after i listened to lucid dreaing file on here.....SO LISTEN TO IT. and read up on lucid dreaming before bed, and think about it before going to sleep. Itll happen eventually
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Postby Folsom_god » April 12th, 2005, 7:13 pm

has anyone tried taking vitamin b6 before bed it is said that it will help you lucid dream
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Postby Hatebreeder » April 12th, 2005, 7:23 pm

Does lucid dreaming interfere with getting adequate sleep? God knows, I get little enough as is. I remember reading someone on another board claiming they woke up feeling "not as rested" or something like that.
It's hard to tell what's accurate, and what's someone talking through their back passage when it comes to reading stray accounts. Maybe a lucid dreaming guru could set my mind at ease on this.
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Postby Folsom_god » April 12th, 2005, 7:25 pm

ok so for with my experience not only do i get a better sleep but i feel more awake when i get up and not all groggy and stuff
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Postby Hatebreeder » April 12th, 2005, 7:39 pm

Just what I wanted to hear :lol:
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Postby danmalara » April 12th, 2005, 7:47 pm

aeroue wrote:I had only one....

I was up on top of a skyscraper and i suddenly thought hmmm this looks surprisingly like GTA Vice City...This cant be real i must be dreaming...

So then i jumped off and flew around like Neo from the matrix till i wokeup

I like your's so much better than any of Folsom_god's dreams. GTA Vice city is a cool game, and then to fly like neo through it, makes it even more awsome :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!:
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Postby Folsom_god » April 12th, 2005, 7:49 pm

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Postby danmalara » April 12th, 2005, 7:53 pm

O harsh.. : :( :cry: :cry: :( :cry: :( :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :( :cry: :cry: :( :cry: :( :cry: :( :( :( :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :( :cry: :( :( :cry: :cry: :( :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

P.S. You made me cry.
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Postby Folsom_god » April 12th, 2005, 7:58 pm

sorry freeze time for you now
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Postby danmalara » April 12th, 2005, 8:00 pm

I hate to tell you this, but....I didn't freeze..........and don't you have to go climbing soon.
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Postby Folsom_god » April 12th, 2005, 8:03 pm

nope but i gotta eat dinner later fools
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Postby Folsom_god » April 12th, 2005, 9:09 pm

anybody who has lucid dreamed before or are trying what are your techniques? I read about it then use MILD
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Postby danmalara » April 12th, 2005, 9:52 pm

I've tried WBTB a few times, and I've tried using a strobe light as a cheap Nova Dreamer. So luck :cry:
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Postby Folsom_god » April 12th, 2005, 9:55 pm

one way they tell you is taking in a bunch of salt and being really thirsty but holding out on the glass of water. When you see yourself getting a drink youll know your dreaming, is it just me or is that dangerous?
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Postby danmalara » April 12th, 2005, 10:31 pm

u think that's dangeous, you could drink a lot of water and dream that u are going to the bathroom...i actually read that somewhere. lol
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Postby Linja » April 20th, 2005, 3:23 am

I've been trying incredibly hard to lucid dream. I have only done so on a few occasions in the past, and even when lucid, it was different... I was aware of myself dreaming, and was able to do things I wanted to do, but it was still like a dream, as if I was only dreaming I was aware of myself dreaming. I couldn't change anything, but I didn't try. It just didn't cross my mind, and that was another thing, although I was concious, I was still thinking much differently to normal.
Are other people's lucid dreams like this?

Regardless, I've been listening to the lucid dreaming file for about a month now, with no results. And so, in my desperation I listened to the Curse files. As soon as I read about the curse files I decided to steer well clear of them, as their permenant nature is a little scarey, but desperate times call for desperate measures.

I've been listening to the Curseluciddreaming2 file for a few days now (as I think it's more effective) and last night after trying really hard to go into trance and get the damn thing to work (I'm not sure whether I'm entering trance or not, but I'm giving it the benefit of the doubt). Anyway, it did feel a little different than usual, and so I felt like it was getting somewhere, but just before EMG hit 1 in the countdown, I got an unbearable itch on my nose... yeah... fuck. Regardless, I continued trying, and that night, a wierd thing happened...

I was at work, and I was thinking about lucid dreaming, and then I started to wonder if I was dreaking at the moment. I looked down at my hands and was pondering whether to do the jump in a circle thing that EMG suggests you do to confirm you're dreaming. But then I thought "That's just stupid, I can't do that. I'm at work." Then I noticed some cans out of place.

Then I woke up. Wierd. But the best results yet. Have any of you had any progress with the files or any further advice to give me?


P.S Sorry for the long post, I didn't mean it
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Postby dachshund » April 20th, 2005, 2:50 pm

Folsom_god wrote:has anyone tried taking vitamin b6 before bed it is said that it will help you lucid dream

Hmm, okay, I'll pipe up here; vitamin B6 may risk nerve damage in high doses, so be careful. Personally, I had some rather huge tablets to try to enjoy the other health benefits (weight loss, etc), noticed the numbness/tingling some warn of, and discontinued it. Didn't do much for my dreams, and I doubt you need to overdo it at the ridiculous level the manufacturer happened to formulate those tablets at (something like 1,000% of the RDA, at least).

One thing that did work for me, when it comes to vivid dreams, was the combination of melatonin and DMAE, perhaps with methylcobalamin* or pantothenic acid (vitamin B5). The first one is, of course, the 'sleep hormone' of sorts (and you may wish to question its safety, if you want), while the last three prove 'alertness-supporting' compounds for my particular metabolism, and are generally considered pretty safe (give the DMAE some research, too). No need to go crazy**, follow label directions, I am not a doctor and make no claims, etc.

My personal protocol would be to gulp both about an hour before bed, with enough beverage to make sure it rinses down (not fun to swallow melatonin dry and realize it's just stuck in your throat until your morning coffee), then get into the habit of scribbling your dreams down in the morning if you're trying to steer them -- it's a pain, but if you develop the habit, you'll find you start "remixing" imagery, which makes it easier to recognize you're dreaming (and thus at least remember the interesting parts).

*Methylcobalamin's a "methylated" form of B-12; "dibencozide" is a similar form, and works just as well for me, while B5 is supposed to be present in everything but I find my stamina improves noticably with something like a 200%-400% RDA supplement (or at least, a multivitamin that includes it at all). YMMV, depending on your diet or genome any of this might do exactly squat... Though I do recommend the methyl B-12 to any vegetarians in the audience, if only as a tool to guess how deficient you might be getting.

**Trust me, melatonin in large amount doesn't exactly do anything other than make you sleep longer and leave your biological clock in limbo. It's exactly as recreational as being naturally tired, which is to say, not very at all.
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Postby Dammi » April 20th, 2005, 3:37 pm

I've had one.. and it helped me alot! 8)

Well.. when I was little I always got nightmares.. night after night.. but I didn't tell anyone about it, don't know why, I was about 8- 9 years old and one would think that a kid on that age would run right into their parent's arms after a nightmare but I didn't. 8O

My nightmares were mainly about something trying to kill me and I tried to call out MOM!! HELP ME! and she wouldn't help.. just stood there. I don't remember one good dream when I was little .. so I don't know how often I had nightmares .. but all the nightmares I remember were something like that.

Then one night.. a bunch of cannibals were cooking me in a giant pot and dancing around me when I was tied up in the steaming pot ( Hey.. give me a break.. I was 9 years old ! :P ) Then I think to myself all of a sudden.. why are there no colours? Just a simple thaught like that made me realise that it was just another nightmare.. so I began to dream about Donald Duck and flying candy or something like that. But that was not the amazing part.. since THAT dream... I've never had a nightmare again... never.. not even a littlebit scary.. I remember almost all of my dreams vividly and always about my wantings ( Fly.. save the world and such :D )
So I think this is true and very possible... but I can't get into a trance.. but I'm happy about how I dream though ;)
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Postby Cubeguru » April 20th, 2005, 4:19 pm

i once had a dream where everyone i hated was so god damn cool, cos when i hate someone, i really hate them
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Postby makidas » April 20th, 2005, 5:32 pm

when i was younger the samething happened every night, different dream but recurring nightmare. I would be having my normal dream, and i would always suddenly realize hey im dreaming, and then i would lose my sight, lose my hearing, lose all energy and fall to the ground, and everything slowed until i couldn't move and i couldn't even speak and i would be stuck like that until i woke up. it sucked so bad and it happened so often, i was so terrified of going to sleep that i was put in some kind of hospital specializing in child sleepdisorders. well thats my experience with lucid dreaming.
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Postby CAINE » April 21st, 2005, 12:35 pm

Sleep Paralysis
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Postby makidas » April 21st, 2005, 7:24 pm

i dont know about specific names, but i will say it was terrifying and it hasn't happened since i was very young
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Postby n00b » April 21st, 2005, 7:45 pm

A long time ago I was having a dream where some guy was chasing me, then I realized it was a dream and reached behind my back, and pulled out guns that were larger than I was.

...ever since then, pretty much all of my dreams have been lucid. If I want to not have a lucid dream, I have to make the decision to stay back and watch it like a movie. (the good ones always end with the alarm clock just before the finale...) It's to the point that sometimes I need to initiate the dreams.
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Postby danmalara » May 17th, 2005, 11:44 pm

Here's a question for someone other than makidas that might be able to answer it. To kinda merge the Uberman topic and this one; will being on the Uberman Sleep Sched increase the likeliness of having a lucid dream? I know that dreaming occurs in REM sleep, and that the Uberman Sched is when you skip right to the REM sleep, so you would think that it'd be easier to have a lucid dream. I've read that the Uberman makes your dreams more vivid, which would probably also increase the chances of a lucid dream. Well I doubt anyone has an expirence with a lucid dream on the Uberman, simply because they're both pretty unknown topics, but if there is someone out there....please post!
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Postby Agriff » May 18th, 2005, 3:28 pm

Ive only had one lucid dream, and it was so long ago I forgot what it was about. All I can remember is that somebody else told me that I was dreaming but I didnt believe them in the dream, and the dream resumed...

What happened to Makidas strikes me as hilariously funny for some reason, I guess thats just my sense of humor :lol:
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Postby loony28 » May 19th, 2005, 10:05 am

that_guy_812 wrote:I have strange experiances with lucid dreaming, because some of my dreams consist of me saying "I am dreaming"

And then I feel kind of awake, but then if I go back to sleep, I forget all about it

:twisted: You might want to keep some paper by your bedside and when you wake up write down all you can remember of your dream. That will help you to remember your dreams. :twisted:
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Postby Power » May 19th, 2005, 5:50 pm

I listened to the CurseLucidDreams2.
It worked pretty well, after just one session I've remembered all of my dreams, and I've been able to sway some of them to which direction that I want to. It's pretty cool :p
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Postby Agriff » May 19th, 2005, 7:46 pm

Oh, really? What kinda stuff did you do in your dreams?
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Postby danmalara » May 24th, 2005, 12:11 am

so, mr. that_guy, how did you bring your self to say "I am dreaming." What triggered it? How do become enough aware of your sourundings to ever say that?
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Postby Phoenix-D » May 24th, 2005, 9:29 am

"I am dreaming" isn't always enough. I've done that a few times..then promptly convinced myself that no, this wasn't a dream.
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Postby loony28 » May 24th, 2005, 10:19 am

that_guy_812 wrote:I Had a lucid dream last night, but it was very weird. So the dream started, and suddenly I said to myself "I am dreaming". I noticed this and looked around and said my name, date of birth, ect ect, Then I really started looking at my enviroment around me. What was weird was that the place I was in was a EXACT replica of my garage. Normaly something is differant, like a wall that was red is now blue or something like that, but this was EXACTLY the same. after that it degenerated into a normal dream, about something to do with germans and the aceint greeks

But that exact replica of my garage really freaked me out

:twisted: More than likely when you were in your garage what you were actually doing was astral projection. :twisted:
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Lucid Dreaming

Postby Max » May 24th, 2005, 11:26 am

I have lucid dreaming all the time. Some times I try and change things in the dreams and get weird results though.

Also now in my dreams I can jump off or fall from any height and just land lightly on the ground below. Also flying in the dreams is really easy too.

Basically I just realize that what's happening in the dream can't really be real. Then I relax cause I know it's a dream and just try to move around or do things in the dream.
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Postby Jordan33 » May 24th, 2005, 3:29 pm

How do you know that you're not dreaming right not?
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Postby danmalara » May 24th, 2005, 7:34 pm

Jordan33 wrote:How do you know that you're not dreaming right not?

You have to do a reality check. My question is, how do I bring myself concious enough to preform one? So if, anyone has any tips at all on how to achieve a lucid dream (beside keeping a dream journal [which I already do]), do tell.
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Postby Agriff » May 24th, 2005, 8:55 pm

I think jordan was asking Max a question, trying to wierd him out. Max has had several lucid dreams and jordan was trying to make Max think he was having a dream of going on the site.
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Postby makidas » May 24th, 2005, 9:19 pm

that_guy_812 wrote:Two: There was this weird orange/red glow coming from the door to my backyard

Dude those colors are almost always associated with an OOBE. Most likely you were astral. Everyone does it when they sleep once in a while, but few remember. Lucky lucky! :) :)
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Postby Agriff » May 24th, 2005, 9:21 pm

What does OOBE stand for? Im going to google that, sounds interesting.
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Postby makidas » May 24th, 2005, 9:23 pm

OOBE = Out of Body Experience
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Postby Agriff » May 24th, 2005, 9:25 pm

Oh ok. But that guy really didnt describe anything that would seem like an astral projection or an OOBE, the only tip is the colors.

Edit- Cross that out I just figured out what that guy meant when he said the door to his backyard.
Last edited by Agriff on May 24th, 2005, 9:29 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby makidas » May 24th, 2005, 9:31 pm

All the time dude, theirss a whole bunch of techniques out there to force yourself to have one.
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Postby Agriff » May 24th, 2005, 9:38 pm

The website that I was just looking at described a relaxation processs for inducing OOBEs that was almost identical to the process of hypnotic induction. Perhaps they're interrelated somehow, and that in some cases of deep trance you are also in a mild OOBE
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