Orgasm control

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Orgasm control

Postby blah666 » April 23rd, 2007, 10:47 am

Is hypno orgasm control actually achievable, f.e. to cum only with permission, or is it rather the matter of self-control?
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Postby Jack » April 23rd, 2007, 6:55 pm

Yes, but not by you. :lol:
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Postby cardigan » April 24th, 2007, 10:39 am

It's totally possible to make people come through hypnosis - or deny them the ability to come - until they receive permission to come. It's not even that hard to achieve :-)
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Postby blah666 » April 24th, 2007, 1:27 pm

I've listened to a file which was meant to induce such effects for, I think, about 2 weeks with no effect, hence the question. I am a begginer in the long way of hypnosis and this was an experiment, a failed one so it seems. It's always better to experiment with a less dangerous file, isn't it? ;)
I'll get back to the drawing board.
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Postby cardigan » April 24th, 2007, 1:40 pm

Well, are you sure, that you go into trance, when you listen to the files? This is the ultimate question - but it doesn't end there. You might be going into trance just fine, but at the same time be having problems relinquishing control over yourself.

For reasons unknown your subconscious might not want to let other circumstances control your orgasm (or other things also).

If you would care to further explain what the problem is, maybe I can see a way to remedy it? (Perhaps in a private message?)

Best wishes

Certified hypnotist C.I., C.H.
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Postby blah666 » April 24th, 2007, 3:44 pm

Thanks for offering the help.

Well, I'm not sure, I'm new to this, so I can't really tell :) Maybe I'll simply describe my sessions, it will be easier to find a solution. Someone might use the suggestions, as I'm aware, that many people have similar problems.

I find a file which I want to listen to, put in on the playlist and start it. In the meantime I'm taking a comfortable position on my bed, with my eyes facing the ceiling, then I close my eyes and try to focus on the words. Through out the induction I start feeling relaxed, just like I would want to take a break and slow down for a bit. Usually it involves a bit of heaviness in the limbs and a feeling of drowsiness. Not much drowsiness, less than before going to sleep, even less than feeling really bored. I try to focus on the words of the hypnotist and perform the instructions which are given. Slowly everything is getting a bit darker than after just closing my eyes, but nothing really interesting happens, I just stay in a rather focused, and rather relaxed state. After the body of the file, I awaken after the count down (or rather count up).

The problem is not simply with the orgasm control file, it's a general problem with all the files. AFAIK the problem lies in my moral spine. In general I don't feel too submissive (I don't know if this would be the right word) towards authorities and others, which are higher in the hierarchy. Also it might have something to do with my analitical mind in general. I've tried several EMG's inductions, including the one dedicated for analytical subjects, I've also tried your induction, inductions of hypnodommes, and nothing seems to help. Thus I suspect that I should search somewhere around my ability to enter trance and taking suggestions while being under.
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Postby parsub » April 24th, 2007, 6:08 pm

Since Cardigan has been so kind as to jump in here I am going to add a couple of my own problems with regards to going into trance and hopefully someone can guide me.

I hear a lot aobut just listening to the words. Should I be listening to what is being said or just listen and not try and understand. I find it hard to just listen. If someone tells me to feel my legs relaxing should I now focus on my legs or stay with the words and not think about my legs. This may seem obvious to most of you but keeps me thinking about what I should be doing the whole time I am listening and therefore can't get past this.

I also have a tendency to talk to myself while listening. I can't listen without thinking about what I am hearing and what it might be doing to me and then analyzing it as it is happening.

On only a few occasions have I really been able to let go but as soon as I feel myself floating or falling I start to think about what is happening and then it stops.
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Postby dragoner » April 24th, 2007, 6:54 pm

blah666 wrote:The problem is not simply with the orgasm control file, it's a general problem with all the files. AFAIK the problem lies in my moral spine. In general I don't feel too submissive (I don't know if this would be the right word) towards authorities and others, which are higher in the hierarchy. Also it might have something to do with my analitical mind in general. I've tried several EMG's inductions, including the one dedicated for analytical subjects, I've also tried your induction, inductions of hypnodommes, and nothing seems to help. Thus I suspect that I should search somewhere around my ability to enter trance and taking suggestions while being under.

Cardigan will certainly give you better advice, but I just wanted to add my two cents here:

This applies, or lets better say applied for me as well. I am always questioning authority and I also consider myself an "analitcal thinker". It took about 3 months of listening (but of course not always the same session) to get any verified real effects besides relaxation. I wanted "badly" to go into trance, but it never seemed to happen. But one day I noticed something else: Why even care whether or not I go into trance? I had found a voice I like so much that listening is VERY enjoyable, trance or not. After this I pretty much listened without expectations or trying to make it happen. Don't know if that's maybe only a coincidence, but I think after this I started to have much more success entering trance. But as I said, it took several months for my mind to become open to and accepting hypnotic suggestions.

As far as orgasm control: I have listened to a file containing a suggestion to not have an orgasm until told to myself. I am not at all sure if I could just have an orgasm whenever I wanted. I simply have no motivation whatsoever to try it out. Without me even really noticing at first I just stopped going for orgasms. Just like something you just do naturally without thinking about it. Well, now that I have noticed it it turns me on very much to resist the urge to go for it. The only times I came in the last month was when I was directly told to. But now for me it does not feel like having no choice, it feels like making the choice myself. But maybe this is just the way it was put in the session. I can't tell because I forgot the actual content of some parts of the it. But I can definately say that it worked for me.
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Postby blah666 » April 25th, 2007, 1:28 am

Dragoner, thanks. I have already got over with wanting badly to go to trance. Now I simply listen and try to concentrate, but still it doesn't seem to work. Could you describe what does it feel when you are entranced?
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Postby cardigan » April 25th, 2007, 10:53 pm

I recommend that you choose a file that is completely vanilla and in now way has you do anything that you would like to do. A file like just an induction would do well to train with. Train with this file and do not think about the words, do not concentrate on the words. Be completely relaxed in your mind and your body. Just listen - but do it in a detached kind of way, where you really don't care what is going to happen as a result of listening. Do this at times when you are tired already. For example right before bed. Your brain is producing alpha-waves, when you are tired, and this is very beneficial. Just try to do it without concentrating on it at all. Treat it like going to sleep. When you achieve "sleep" - you know that you were out for some time, but you wake up when the file tells you to wake up, you will have been in a semi-deep trance.

Then you might try a file to test your susceptibility with. Again - choose something easy and something that is in no way connected to your dreams and desires. Like the file Cardigan - Itching Foot. If you achieve the results of this file, then you are able to go into trance and have things happen.

But there might be things, that you will never be able to do with hypnosis. What you can do is very different from person to person. Some can achieve almost anything they are made to do. Others only see slight results - if any.

But everybody goes into automatic trance each day. Trance is a normal happening phenomenon for all humans. But how deep you can go, and what can be accomplished is individual. Also - one might have serious issues with trusting a hypnotist. We all have a strong sense of preservation, and if the subconscious deems what you are trying to do in hypnosis as bad for you, it will put its foot down and prevent you from having any luck.

So - give it your best shot - be very, very patient and see where it takes you. A client of mine had zero results the first 25 times he tried a file, I had custom made for him. But he kept on, and suddenly all the effects of the file kicked in, and he was able to follow any suggestions I gave him after that and go very deep and have total results.

Don't give up, and be completely indifferent about the end-results.
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Postby blah666 » April 26th, 2007, 1:19 am

Thanks Cardigan.

Would also learning meditation help? AFAIK well developed meditation techniques help to cycle between different brainwaves, but I don't actually know if meditation is of any help in hypnosis. It's probably a similar state.

So in general, it's best to keep trying and let the subconscious work by itself?
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Postby cardigan » April 26th, 2007, 1:21 am

Imho hypnosis and meditation are very connected. So if you are really good at meditation, you should have no problems going into trance either. This means that if you can take a (free) course in meditation, it will benefit your ability to trance.
Certified hypnotist C.I., C.H.
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Postby blah666 » April 26th, 2007, 7:17 am

Thanks a lot, guys, now I understand a bit more. I'll keep trying :)
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Postby dragoner » April 26th, 2007, 11:17 pm

blah666 wrote:Dragoner, thanks. I have already got over with wanting badly to go to trance. Now I simply listen and try to concentrate, but still it doesn't seem to work. Could you describe what does it feel when you are entranced?

Errm, not so easy to describe what the trance itself feels like. I would say the more I lose my sense of time, the more "automatic" I am totally focused on the sound of voice and what it says, and the more I actually feel what the voice tells me to feel, the deeper I consider myself.
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