what's the most humiliating thing?

A place to post about the success you've had with the various files

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what's the most humiliating thing?

Postby littlecaltoy » April 28th, 2007, 9:49 am

general question to the group.
what's the most humilating or awkward thing anyone has ever triggered you or hypnotically commanded you to do that actually worked.
i saw a few people had posted the "show me your...whatevers" and i'd think that has to be pretty awkward/humiliating.

to be fair, i'll start.
I had a friend/mistress call me at work on my cell phone. She knew i had listed ot a variation of the masturbation trigger. She told me i had a minute to get somewhere private, cuz whether or not i was, she was going to use it... and I'd BETTER not hang up or next time there would be no warning.
I wasn't convinced that it would really work. But figured i didn't want to take that chance. so i hurried to the rest room (we had one private one with a shower at the office, which was luckily open).
she called a minute later.... and BAM... very effective. so when she "realeased" me, here i was, in the restroom, all hot and bothered and, well, you get the picture, having to return to work.

By comparison, i'm guessing that's not very shocking to some of you, but it was quite a rush for me.

So what's your story?

"to label me is to render me useless" -- Kierkegaard
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Postby hexagon77 » April 28th, 2007, 10:39 am

Well i have a story that did not happen to me, but that i caused. It is almost similar to yours.

The subject i was working with said she would read emails on this special email account at home only, so she told me i don't need to be careful what i put in there. Was pretty much at the beginning of our working together, and we were testing out how she reacts to different triggers and suggestions.

Well she had no time to read them for some days, and then she was curious enough to take a look at them at work, so she would at least be able to answer me. Most of them just contained some stuff what we may try out next, or contained questions to her. And then she reached the one that contained the "test". As she told me she would only read them at home, it contained no warning and no "prepare time". I wanted to test her ability on getting more and moer aroused just by suggestions without touching or other outside help, and if she would be already able to reach an orgasm that way. So i described how she would just get hotter and hotter, and more and more horny every second in the timeframe of the next 15 minutes, surpassing her normal point of orgasm during that time and loading up for one really huge orgasm, that would automatically happen after that time. And that this scenario would start as soon as she was done reading this email. Well it worked like a charm.. she at her work, and she could instantly feel this horniness building in her. Well she told me that was the quickest run for the toilets she ever did, and that she got quite loud in there, as it almost worked word for word, taking her over her normal limits, like supercharging her ;).

Well we both learned from that, and since then i always put more care in creating my suggestions, even when they are only fast shots and tests that should have been "foolproof" due to earlier agreements. But she actually admitted that it was a lot more "interesting" like this as would she have done that at home.
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Postby littlecaltoy » April 28th, 2007, 1:09 pm

hexagon77 wrote:Well i have a story that did not happen to me, but that i caused. It is almost similar to yours.

.. have been "foolproof" due to earlier agreements. But she actually admitted that it was a lot more "interesting" like this as would she have done that at home.

Very cool... or rather Hot ;-)
Anyone else?

"to label me is to render me useless" -- Kierkegaard
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that's it?

Postby littlecaltoy » April 30th, 2007, 5:27 pm

no one has anything more to share?
Maybe we need EMG to post a 'show us your humiliating story" mp3 ;-)

"to label me is to render me useless" -- Kierkegaard
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Postby HypnoFan3 » May 1st, 2007, 4:49 am

Last edited by HypnoFan3 on June 8th, 2013, 9:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby alexander » May 2nd, 2007, 2:50 pm

CheeckyMarc wrote:great topic, wish i could contribute

Yeah, me too
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Postby littlecaltoy » May 8th, 2007, 8:25 pm

Infinitum wrote:Last summer I listened to 'TrigStrip' a few times... my girlfriend at the time had a faint interest in the ability to trigger someone... and we were walking a back path to her house and she just casually said "So what was the trigger again? Strip Time trigger." and in the middle of a public path I just started to strip down... she didn't stop me until I had my pants at my knees... just as I threw my shirt on afterwards, someone came onto the path... a second later, it could have been awkward...

That's as weird as it gets for me >.<

That's good!
thanks for sharing.
i like your gf already ;-)
-- cal

"to label me is to render me useless" -- Kierkegaard
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WMM turned me into a pants-wetter!

Postby Fred_Flintstone » May 10th, 2007, 10:09 am

Mine was when my wife got mad and yelled at me, and I peed in my pants right there in front of her. She laughed and told me that maybe I really did need to go back into diapers full time.

She knows my bladder control is steadily getting weaker (but not about WMM) and doesn't seem surprised anymore for me to have an accident once or twice a week. She knows that when I get tense or worked up I lose control, and I think she even picks arguments with me to see if she can make me wet myself.

She also teases me about being brave if I go out without diapers and asks me if I think I can hold my bladder. I worry that she's getting so used to teasing me that she'll start doing it when we're with other people.

I didn't expect that things would work quite like this - I only used Train Diapers 1 & 2 and thought that I'd only wet when I was wearing a diaper - I'm pleasantly surprised by how strongly everything worked. I think I have accidents because my subconscious tries to give me a reason to wear diapers by providing real evidence of how I really do need them.

The files work! I really like it.
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WMM turned me into a pants-wetter!

Postby Fred_Flintstone » May 10th, 2007, 10:10 am

Mine was when my wife got mad and yelled at me, and I peed in my pants right there in front of her. She laughed and told me that maybe I really did need to go back into diapers full time.

She knows my bladder control is steadily getting weaker (but not about WMM) and doesn't seem surprised anymore for me to have an accident once or twice a week. She knows that when I get tense or worked up I lose control, and I think she even picks arguments with me to see if she can make me wet myself.

She also teases me about being brave if I go out without diapers and asks me if I think I can hold my bladder. I worry that she's getting so used to teasing me that she'll start doing it when we're with other people.

I didn't expect that things would work quite like this - I only used Train Diapers 1 & 2 and thought that I'd only wet when I was wearing a diaper - I'm pleasantly surprised by how strongly everything worked. I think I have accidents because my subconscious tries to give me a reason to wear diapers by providing real evidence of how I really do need them.

The files work! I really like it.
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Humiliated with Instant Wetting...

Postby steve2femme » June 23rd, 2007, 9:14 am

My most humiliating time with a trigger was when I pissed myself at a Walmart while on a five hour road trip last July. At the time, I'd been listening to the InstantWetting file for two years, with great results (I'm into the bdsm scene...the trigger WORKS on me!). For those that don't know, the file and trigger make you uncontrollably empty your bladder and wet yourself.

Anyway, a woman in a nurse's uniform was talking on her phone as we passed each other through the doors, and I guess she was talking to someone about a patient, because I heard her say "and the doctor told him that he had to urinate now or they wouldn't be able to do the tests today", or something like that. I don't know whether she actually said "urinate now", but for damn sure that's what I heard. I suddenly felt the urge hit me, and even though I tried to hold it in I couldn't keep myself from letting the pee flow. I'm glad I was coming out of the garden exit and that there wasn't any one else walking up at that time, because I had a pair of green khakis on, and the entire crotch area and down the insides of both legs were quickly changed into one big dark wet spot. As I made my way to my car, I had to move between cars to different aisles a couple of times when I'd see someone walking towards me, and I can still remember the baffling "what the f----?" look on the face of a guy that was sitting in his car. I finally made it to my car, and ended up driving the remaining two hours of the trip with pee soaked pants in a car that smelled like a urinal. I spent the rest of the drive replaying the whole thing in my head, mentally kicking myself in the ass and thinking about how embarassing it was.

I felt like a damned fool at the time, but now I look back on the whole thing and laugh my ass off...and I'd give anything to know what was going through the mind of that guy sitting in the car! :lol:
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Re: Humiliated with Instant Wetting...

Postby littlecaltoy » June 24th, 2007, 6:44 am

steve2femme wrote:My most humiliating time with a trigger was when I pissed myself at a Walmart while on a five hour road trip last July. At the time, I'd been listening to the InstantWetting file for two years, with great results (I'm into the bdsm scene...the trigger WORKS on me!). For those that don't know, the file and trigger make you uncontrollably empty your bladder and wet yourself.

Anyway, a woman in a nurse's uniform was talking on her phone as we passed each other through the doors, and I guess she was talking to someone about a patient, because I heard her say "and the doctor told him that he had to urinate now or they wouldn't be able to do the tests today", or something like that. I don't know whether she actually said "urinate now", but for damn sure that's what I heard. I suddenly felt the urge hit me, and even though I tried to hold it in I couldn't keep myself from letting the pee flow. I'm glad I was coming out of the garden exit and that there wasn't any one else walking up at that time, because I had a pair of green khakis on, and the entire crotch area and down the insides of both legs were quickly changed into one big dark wet spot. As I made my way to my car, I had to move between cars to different aisles a couple of times when I'd see someone walking towards me, and I can still remember the baffling "what the f----?" look on the face of a guy that was sitting in his car. I finally made it to my car, and ended up driving the remaining two hours of the trip with pee soaked pants in a car that smelled like a urinal. I spent the rest of the drive replaying the whole thing in my head, mentally kicking myself in the ass and thinking about how embarassing it was.

I felt like a damned fool at the time, but now I look back on the whole thing and laugh my ass off...and I'd give anything to know what was going through the mind of that guy sitting in the car! :lol:

wow... that's a pretty intense reaction.
Thanks for sharing.

"to label me is to render me useless" -- Kierkegaard
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Postby hhhh » June 28th, 2007, 9:55 am

not strictly on topic, but this thread needed a bump.

well it was a file on this site that forced me to expose a part of my body in public. Although I ended up flashing about 3 times, in public places, but only when I was sure there was nobody around or looking. Twice in a village, and once on a train, on the same day, I didn't have to do it more than once but I felt compelled to. Either way, I still feel awkward walking through those places, like a sense of paranoia. Wasn't "humiliating" at the time, it was like an urge I had to relieve, and I suppose it stands as proof that I can be affected by hypnosis in such a way
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Postby TWilliams » January 3rd, 2008, 6:25 pm

Granted, I'm a beginner (basic Elman induction/relaxation techniques, etc.) But when your subject is a naturally sexually submissive woman, you don't need a ton of skill.

I set a trigger with one of my exes so that any time my member touched the back of her mouth, she would orgasm. ("There's a string connecting the back of your throat to you clit, etc.) She wasn't a fan of giving oral, so I thought that would provide her extra motivation. It did.

But two weeks later, she put a soup spoon a little too far in her mouth and came on the spot....in her teachers' lounge.

Doh. My bad. She yelled at me. Had to fix that trigger.
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