Improving your mind

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Improving your mind

Postby blah666 » May 4th, 2007, 10:28 am

I thought about the files, which are supposed to improve your thinking, make you know more and hone your skills. How would that suppose to work? I know hypnosis works and it makes miracles, but how is it supposed to make you know things out of the blue? Don't those files only make you think, that you're better and know more, instead of actually making you better?
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Postby Draygone » May 4th, 2007, 11:59 am

Maybe they make it so you more easily learn stuff and are more anxious to learn that stuff.
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Postby Kharon » May 4th, 2007, 12:43 pm

Yes and no. Take the account of people who, having listened for some months to TrainSuperhumanMind and report that they have just the effect you are reporting -- remembering things without remembering learning them.

Improvement of thinking is one of two things, the first of which is a physical change in the wiring or chemical structure of the brain to be more efficient and 'normal', much akin to that achieved by the drugs given to treat disorders such as depression or attention deficit. These chemical fixes we have come up with are not especially long lasting, as the pills must be taken daily or more often to retain the desired effects. In addition, these pills may have other side effects as well as withdrawal symptoms (I suffered in my childhood through a rough weekend of ritalin withdrawal) if suddenly discontinued.

The second is iproving how we connect our thoughts and knowledge together in a metaphysical way. Telling our mind better ways to fire off the neurons of our brain, perhaps, but also learning how to better connect information. Considering that you were not at your full present level of intellectual development at 6 years old, this method CLEARLY works. However you may also want to consider the common story that we utilize only 10% of our brain's potential. So what if it is possible to train our mind to unlock the rest of our brain's potential?

What exactly IS this potential? Eidetic, or photographic, memory is one potential. Not everyone has eidetic memory, yet it's one of those simple things which could be tapped into as part of our potential. The ability to acquire and retain knowledge more quicly is something we are trained to do throughout school, and which, like many trained abilities, dulls when we leave and no longer use the skill. True speed reading (with retention of the knowledge) is another of these possible parts of our potential.

I'm not going to say that supernatural abilities such as precognition and telepathy are undeniable parts of unlocking our brain's full potential, however I do believe in the supernatural and the metaphysical. Precognition can be an enhanced knowledge for reading the events of the past as they impact the future. Telepathy could be reading body language, rather than the metaphysical thoughts and dreams.

Do the files word? Yes. They improve your thinking and allow you to learn better and perceive things with greater acuity. Often those two factors are all we need in order to "know things out of the blue" as you put it. My restaurant has a very important rul put up for all of the servers:

"Perception is reality." Sure, the rule is in regards to customer complaints, but here's a big question for you: If you believe that you learn better and have greater mental and perceptive acuity, why would you want to prevent that belief from becoming reality?
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Postby whatthe75 » May 4th, 2007, 5:31 pm

I am sure you can remember when you were a child or you see other children and how quickly they can pick language up for example.

Children can do that because there minds take in every stimulus around them.

As you get older your mind starts to delete out a lot of these external stimuli so that your concious doesn't have to deal with them and can just concentrate on a few things at once. But your subconcious still notices them.

If you change this deletion rate for example it can make you a lot more aware of the surroundings and help your learning and perceptions.

If done enough you can start to learn and take in information as much as a child again.
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Postby OMGWTFBBQ » May 6th, 2007, 6:24 pm

Anyone see Derren Brown last Friday? That's convinced me of hypnotism's potential.

For those not in the UK, he's a 'psychological illusionist' and stage hypnotist, and he had sessions with a woman who hadn't played the piano for 20 or so years since she was 7. He taught her a very complex classical piece while she was under, and she performed it in front of a live audience without having set hands on a piano before the sessions.
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