I've had this idea recently that should help people achieve results from hypnosis. While the files on here are good some people have trouble with them, like me. Now if you're like me you can read a story and be so focused on it that you don't notice anything else. I believe that some of our hypnotists here can create stories that have hypnotic suggestions in them. The start of the stories should start out with like "My name is" people can fill in their own name here and then have something like "and this is my story.". This will put the story in a first person perspective and it will be you. Here are a couple of ideas I've had.
Relive One Year
This one would enable you to relive one year of your life as the opposite gender in your dreams. What you would do is write down an age before you go to sleep and the next time you dream your dream will be of that year in your life but you will be the opposite gender. The dream will be vivid and clear and you'll remember it all when you wake up.
I'll have to post my other idea later as I have to go now.