dear blink -

A place to post about the success you've had with the various files

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dear blink -

Postby joe » November 3rd, 2006, 10:09 pm

it's only been a few days and already your induction is the best thing i've ever heard. it is the most effective, for whatever reason, and i actually know now, for the first time, that i have gone into trance. i don't remember hardly any of the induction itself, or even when it goes right into the EMG hypno file that i've chosen at the end of it.

it's very exciting. thank you, sir.
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Re: dear blink -

Postby Blink » November 4th, 2006, 1:12 am

joe wrote:it's only been a few days and already your induction is the best thing i've ever heard.

Wow. Thank you very much.

joe wrote:it is the most effective, for whatever reason, and i actually know now, for the first time, that i have gone into trance. i don't remember hardly any of the induction itself, or even when it goes right into the EMG hypno file that i've chosen at the end of it.

When I finally give up with real jobs and start that cult I've been thinking about, you'll be getting an invitation. :D

I think we've discussed the memory effects in the thread in General Hypnosis. If you're getting amnesia, then you're getting the best effects from the recording.

joe wrote:it's very exciting. thank you, sir.

You're quite welcome, Joe. I hope you continue to enjoy it.
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Postby joe » November 4th, 2006, 2:59 pm

continuing to enjoy the file, although this time (the second time) i notice that it takes me longer to trance. as before, i can literally feel the sand and feel definite physical tingling in all of my body, in the areas described during the file. this time there was less amnesia and i can remember most of what was said, right up to the end of the induction, but i can remember very little of the EMG file i listened to. i assume i'll have a different reaction each time i listen to it.

i urge anyone who has trouble with hypnosis to try this induction.
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Postby BillionSix » November 5th, 2006, 12:43 am

I have to say, I really like it, too.

It takes me down without even realizing that I am going down. Very nice.

All I need is a warm bed, a kind word and unlimited power.
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Postby Blink » November 5th, 2006, 11:14 am

joe wrote:continuing to enjoy the file.... i assume i'll have a different reaction each time i listen to it.... i urge anyone who has trouble with hypnosis to try this induction.

There will be some variation in how each of the files on this site works for you from time to time. That's more related to how your day has been going up to the point where you listen than it is the design of the file. Generally, though, any of the inductions will work better as you continue to use it over time. That goes for mine, Cardigan's, EMG's and the rest.

Thanks again for your kind comments, joe.

-- Blink
Now this is a familiar favorite....
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Postby Blink » November 5th, 2006, 1:10 pm

BillionSix wrote:It takes me down without even realizing that I am going down. Very nice.

Glad you like it, BillionSix. Thanks very much for saying so.

The techniques used have been discussed on the thread in General Hypnosis, if you're interested.

-- Blink
Aaaand hold it....
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great job

Postby rapmasterdragon » January 30th, 2007, 4:17 am

i'd just like to say that its a great induction, and that it worked brilliantly. thanks for contributing it. =)
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Re: great job

Postby Blink » January 30th, 2007, 5:18 pm

rapmasterdragon wrote:...its a great induction, and that it worked brilliantly. thanks for contributing it. =)

Thanks very much, rapmasterdragon. I'm glad it's working for you.

I've been promising the first follow-up piece for about four months. When I've got it ready to post, I'll make a big noise.

-- Blink
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Postby tsd » February 2nd, 2007, 8:10 pm

*can't wait for your next one blink*

i tried the uploaded version last night..... and WOW...... :D

i'd post more now, but i need sleep...
you have the knack blink..... keep me/us up to date.
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Postby RedruM » March 20th, 2007, 1:23 am

Wow, I've never had such a deffinitive result from an mp3 so far from probably well over 5 years of repetitive listning to various files. I had to relisten to the mp3 to see where I lost my memory of what happened (a lot of mp3s I just seem to fall asleep and wake up at random times during the file) I found it happened just around where you mention something about forgetting. Near the end of the file I found myself snap awake hearing the last few words at the end of the mp3 and not knowing whats going on. Then I realized how effective the file was after i relistened to the mp3 again, very very nice job, your voice and style are exactly the type that would work for me.

Then I quickly went on wmm to see if you had any more files :x
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Postby Blink » March 20th, 2007, 6:09 am

RedruM wrote:Wow, I've never had such a deffinitive result from an mp3 so far from probably well over 5 years of repetitive listning to various files. <snip> Then I realized how effective the file was after i relistened to the mp3 again, very very nice job, your voice and style are exactly the type that would work for me.
Thank you very much for all the good things you have to say. I really appreciate the positive feedback.

RedruM wrote:Then I quickly went on wmm to see if you had any more files :x
Ouch. :wink:

I promised the follow-up a long, long time ago, I know. I've been working my way through a six-month assignment at work that's been eating up all my time and occupying my thoughts pretty much 'round the clock. That has finally come to an end, so the chances of a follow-up piece are improving.

Thanks again, RedruM.

-- Blink
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Joined: January 8th, 2006, 1:00 am

Postby tsd » April 9th, 2007, 2:07 pm

i am so glad to hear that there may be more from you hun... i really am...

in the meantime, ill just continue with the one that works sooooo well..
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Postby Exrandu » April 16th, 2007, 8:42 pm

I gotta agree, best induction ever.
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Postby Lissar » April 16th, 2007, 11:35 pm

I'm going to give this file a try Wednesday night, when I finally have a break.
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Thanks for your patience!

Postby Blink » May 13th, 2007, 11:31 am

I've finally gotten "Good Boy" recorded in a form that I felt good about. It is available for premium download now. If you liked the previous file (and you'd like to help EMG pay the rent), you can renew your premium subscription right now. :)

This file builds on the previous Basic Induction file. It is intended both as a standalone follow-up to the Basic and as a bridge to later work. Comments are strongly encouraged. If you've listened and you haven't written a comment you're a Very Bad Boy. And only when your comment is ready and you press the "Submit" button, you are a Very Good Boy, aren't you.

I'll note that it originally ran closer to 45 minutes and that I realized I was trying to do far too much for one file. I'd had good success with the longer version with a subject who was very susceptible to trance, but I want to reach a wider audience. I shortened it and sweetened it and I think the result is pretty good.

I'll be recording another version of this using female trigger words as soon as I get some more quiet time with my mic, so those who identify as female won't be left out for long.


-- Blink
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Joined: January 8th, 2006, 1:00 am

Postby maskedsow » May 17th, 2007, 8:03 am

your induction is good only trouble is i get bored of it now and cant listen all the way through :( oh well have to try something else ive been trying for years to be hypnotisable i refuse to belive that i cant be
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Postby sienna » November 8th, 2007, 10:11 pm

blink dearest! ya failed me last night lol. last night was the first time in the 30-100 times ive listened to your induction i didnt fall asleep to it or even go into trance.. to be fair bubble and a couple other inductions totally failed also soo.. and while they occasionally have, yorus never did. it was just a very weird and bad night. lol..

i forgive ya though
have a good night :)
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Postby Blink » November 9th, 2007, 6:25 am

sienna wrote:blink dearest! ya failed me last night lol. last night was the first time in the 30-100 times ive listened to your induction i didnt fall asleep to it or even go into trance..
At least 30 but you think it could be as many as 100. That's a lot of times you're not sure whether you listened or not, don't you think? At least 70 times that you don't really remember.

I'd have to say that one slip over that many listens (it's not more than that, is it?) isn't too bad. Of course my file isn't perfect. You know that my file isn't perfect and if you'd asked me all the way back at the beginning I'd have told you. Maybe I did. Everyone knows that my file isn't perfect. If they didn't, then they do now. No file is ever perfect for every person every time. I'm just very happy for the 99 times out of 100 that it worked for you, even for the 30-or-so comfortable trances that you still remember.

One of the talented hypnotists here once told me that if you're going to put a lot of effort into doing something, you should be sure that it's something you want to do. You want to wake up tomorrow and remember having a good, deep, comfortable trance or maybe you want to wake up tomorrow and forget having a good, deep, comfortable trance. I don't know. If I were going to spend a lot of energy putting the memories of good, deep comfortable trances in the right place, then I would do that with no need for distraction.

Thanks for your kind comments. I'm glad the file has been working so well for you. I wonder if you remember listening to the "Good Girl" file. Even if you don't, you can certainly understand in some meaningful way what I mean by it, now, can't you. Good girl.

-- Blink
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Postby TheKnife » November 10th, 2007, 7:04 pm

Your induction is awesome.
It's the only thing that's worked for me so far.
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Postby Blink » November 10th, 2007, 10:28 pm

TheKnife wrote:Your induction is awesome.
It's the only thing that's worked for me so far.
I'm glad you're getting good results from it. Thanks for telling me so.

-- Blink
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Postby lauramcan » November 12th, 2007, 2:56 pm

And the Blink craze continues (for obvious reason)!!! :wink:
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Postby TheKnife » November 12th, 2007, 6:00 pm

Now all we need is a file to make EMG sound like Blink.
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Postby Blink » November 13th, 2007, 7:08 am


Um... for the record, I've posted three files. There are plenty of other hypnotists who've done as much or more. The one who's done the most, though, is EMG. Not only does he have the most content, he built the place. Hammered each of these electrons into place with his own two hands, he did.

He runs the site. He does the spade-and-shovel work behind the scenes. He invited all of us in. He's also the one who has files on this site that have been downloaded tens of thousands of times, meaning he's probably had more people sleep with him than Wilt Chamberlain. And, like Wilt, he's giving it away. Most of the content on this site is free, and most of the content that isn't free will become free if you wait for it.

EMG also gets props from me for not expressing an overt sex/gender bias or for being kink-specific in his work. For those of us who are polymorphously perverse, that's way cool. :D


I'm 100% pro-EMG.

-- Blink
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Postby Carolientje » November 13th, 2007, 12:33 pm

Well I`m joining the Blink fanclub, I`ve been trying other files on the site for quite some time without actualy going into any kind of trance, mostly I just got bored with them.I took a big break of it and decided to take another look 2 weeks ago, I was gone about 10 minutes in the file at least i think it was 10 somewhere after the second sand part, and I`ve been listening to both of them ever since. The only real problem I`m having is that I start to itch half of the time, it`s my foot or my hand or my face or something and it just keeps itching and when I try to ignore it it just gets worse so about a third in the file I sit up and just go do something else , but when the habit of me keeping myself out of trance doesn`t kick in it works great, thanks alot.
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Postby Blink » November 13th, 2007, 7:14 pm

Carolientje wrote:Well I`m joining the Blink fanclub, I`ve been trying other files on the site for quite some time without actualy going into any kind of trance, mostly I just got bored with them.I took a big break of it and decided to take another look 2 weeks ago, I was gone about 10 minutes in the file at least i think it was 10 somewhere after the second sand part, and I`ve been listening to both of them ever since.
Goed meisje! :D

Carolientje wrote:The only real problem I`m having is that I start to itch half of the time, it`s my foot or my hand or my face or something and it just keeps itching and when I try to ignore it it just gets worse so about a third in the file I sit up and just go do something else , but when the habit of me keeping myself out of trance doesn`t kick in it works great, thanks alot.
The sand is very soothing. Sometimes it might itch or tickle as you sink in even deeper. That's fine. You can move just as much as you have to in order to get even more comfortable.

-- Blink
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Postby sienna » November 13th, 2007, 9:31 pm

aww dearest blink. i was teasing hun :) i love your file. never listened to good girl though for some reason :)
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Postby Blink » November 14th, 2007, 5:37 am

sienna wrote:aww dearest blink. i was teasing hun :)
That's the way I took it, love. Even so, I try to never miss a chance to make it better.

sienna wrote:i love your file. never listened to good girl though for some reason :)
You don't have to be a good girl for me. It's something you want to do or don't want to do. You choose.

-- Blink
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Joined: January 8th, 2006, 1:00 am

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