I'm up for a dare

A place to discuss the files and hypnosis in general

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I'm up for a dare

Postby maineboy » May 24th, 2007, 6:16 pm

Hi all,

I'm a 40 y/o single gay white male, in decent shape (work out 3x a week), 6', 193#. I've listened to a few of the files on this site occasionally, but I guess not enough to have an effect. I am willing to download and listen to whatever files you suggest for one month. Since it is now May 24, maybe I can download whatever you suggest and listen daily for the entire month of June. I'll send updates on a daily or weekly basis, depending on the effect of the file(s). If I need to go longer than a month, I'll consider that. Does that sound like a plan?! I'm looking forward to this, and to seeing if the files have any effect on me. I should state that I am a bit submissive by nature, and that I am not dating anyone at this time. I hope to hear from you!
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Postby vulture3000 » May 24th, 2007, 8:38 pm

Ok, I dare you to listen to this one and see what happens. You did ANY file.

Name: SuperFemaleWhammy Additional Types: Body/Subliminal/Binaural/Script All additional types are only available to Premium Members Become a Premium Member
Description: WARNING: THIS FILE CANNOT BE REMOVED EVEN BY EMG HIMSELF AND THE END RESULTS ARE PERMANENT. Step 1: will cause your penis and ballsack to shrink until both are completely invisible. This will continue until all that is left is a smooth crotch with no visible signs of male genitalia. The only thing that will remain is a small hole at the base of your crotch so you can urinate.(this is esentially the Curse Penis/Ballsack Shrink) Step 2: all your body hair will fall out except for scalp, eyebrows and eyelashes. Step 3: your body will redistribute all of the fat till you have a female figure. Step 4: your breasts will grow till they are large and firm(essentially the breast curse) Step 5: your new breasts will lactate. Step 6: your vocal chords will change till you have a high pitched female voice(think female ranma, or the don't get mad get glad lady)
Author: EMG PlayTime: 00:22:52 Added On: 2004-05-11 Downloaded: 18872
Your Rating: 1 2 3 4 5 Average Rating: 3.6458 Total Votes: 96 Comments: 1
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You're right

Postby maineboy » May 24th, 2007, 9:20 pm

I should have specified if there were any files I wanted to avoid. Well, I will download that file this evening and start listening on June 1, if not sooner. If anyone else has any suggestions (or warnings) please share them with me. Thank you.
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Postby loony28 » May 25th, 2007, 7:10 am

Well you did say you'd listen to whatever files we said. Now for my suggestion. Listen to Female Dreams, that is tame compared to the SuperFemaleWammy but you may like it.
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Postby maineboy » May 25th, 2007, 7:43 am

Perhaps this i what I will do. I will wait until the end of May, to see what suggestions are posted in this forum for files I should listen to. Maybe I can create a poll at the end of the month, and whichever file gets the majority of votes, that is the file I will listen to nightly for the month of June. Does that sound like a good plan?
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Postby Draygone » May 25th, 2007, 9:46 am

Do you have a subscription?
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Postby maineboy » May 25th, 2007, 11:58 am

I don't think I do. I have a profile, but is a subscription a paid feature of this site? I currently am not paying anything.
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Postby CycoMelody » May 25th, 2007, 9:41 pm

maineboy wrote:I don't think I do. I have a profile, but is a subscription a paid feature of this site? I currently am not paying anything.

you could find a file without a script and type it out. that would get you a premium subscription. just a thought. :D
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Postby liljonny » May 26th, 2007, 12:30 am

Since your profile says you are into regression, you might try curseNightDiapers or CurseThumbSucker. Files you have an interest in are more likely to work than ones you don't.

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Postby Diapered_Cherub » May 26th, 2007, 11:23 am

mainboy: Check your PM inbox. I sent you a dare,,,, with a compelling reason to take me up on it. I await your reply! :twisted: 8)
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another dare

Postby mirage2101 » May 26th, 2007, 11:33 am

hmm this sounds like a good idea!!

ok same deal here, i'll listen to any file for a month every day.
if needed longer. the only thing is no diaper/bedwetting/bladder stuff..
otherwise just go ahead.

i have to warn you though up untill now i've had little effect from file, though cardigans files horny and itchy foot seemed to have worked very well..

reply through pm PM or in this thread i'll make a new thread in the succes stories forum when i start listening. if more then one dare is given i'll pick one to start with myself.
I have nothing again superfemalewhammy, but something original would be nice ofcourse :)
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Postby Diapered_Cherub » May 26th, 2007, 10:06 pm

I am awaiting maineboy's reply. My incentive for him to take me up on my dare had to be okay'ed by EMG first (hint: I'm putting a pretty good offer on the table, but don't want to tell what it is,,,as I migh use the same offer to another person) 8) .

However,,, if maineboy does not answer me, or turns me down I might be looking for another person to take up the dare. My dare has a decent reward to it. :P 8) :D
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Postby Diapered_Cherub » May 27th, 2007, 9:44 pm

Maineboy has accepted the dare! :twisted: :D 8) I will update with more details after we get everything set up and going :D
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Postby landers » May 27th, 2007, 11:33 pm

hey, I wanna be part of this too. I'll listen to a file each day for a month, you choose through PM. Dare me. No diaper and/or bladder thing though
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Postby maineboy » May 28th, 2007, 4:56 am

Good morning everyone,

Yes, I have decided to accept Diapered Cherub's dare. I will keep you all posted as to my progress. I will begin listening to the three files he suggested on June 1. I will start a journal on that date, and mark my progress for one month. :D
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Postby Diapered_Cherub » May 28th, 2007, 10:06 am

Okay. I know some of you are curious as to what was going on behind the scenes of this dare to mainboy. I will now disclose the details since everything is now set up.

Main boy posted a comment on the forum that he was up for a dare to listen to ANY file on the site. I noticed he mentioned he was into regression on his profile. So this got my curiosity,,,,,,how far would he go to back up his claim, lol. So I contacted him through a PM and offered him a free premium mebership in return for him listening to three files at least every other day for a month and to post his progress,,, or even lack of progress. I am realistic in that I know some people may not have any affect at all from these files, but the dare to mainboy seemed too good to pass up.

The reward part of mainboy taking up the dare is that he now has a premium membership for at least a month. If he already had a membership I would have extended it for him. He is also free to do as he wishes with is new membership, to include downloading other files as he wishes. However he must keep up his end of the dare and download the files we agreed upon first. I like this idea, Mainboy liked the idea and took up the dare, and EMG didn't mind the arrangement at all, so I might be looking for others to take up a similar dares in the furute.

I think Mainboy will be posting the results of his dare in either a journal or in the "Diapers and Incontinence" part of the forum. I'll leave that part up to him. One thing for sure,,,,, I lookforward to reading about how this all will unfold.
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Postby liljonny » May 28th, 2007, 11:07 am

Nothing was said about what files were used. My guess for two of the files would be Train Diaper Wetting and Train no bladder Control both by abissy. I believe both these files are perminant. Another good file for a dare is DiaperedDaysOff forcing babyclothes.
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Postby Diapered_Cherub » May 28th, 2007, 8:26 pm

oh man, I sure did forget to mention the files, LOL. Can't beleive I did that. I meant to name them at the conclusion of my post, but forgot. Anyhow they are: Diaper Dependence 1 , HT HappyToWet, and
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Postby maineboy » June 2nd, 2007, 12:48 pm

:D Hello everyone,
It's Saturday, June 2, and I plan on dowloading two of the files today, and I'll start listening to the three files tonight. I plan on downloading the Happytowet file and diapertraining2 today. I hadn't originally planned on paying for files, but since I posted the dare I feel it's my responsibility to carry it through! I will post a journal entry by Sunday evening.
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Postby maineboy » June 3rd, 2007, 7:03 am

Hi all,

I listened to a number of files last night. Please check out my journal (maineboy) for my progress as I go through this dare!
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Postby liljonny » June 3rd, 2007, 12:06 pm

I thought you were listening to

· Name: TrainDiapers2 Additional Types: Body/Subliminal/Binaural/Script
Description: This file increases your desire to wear diapers, and whenever you do wear them you will find yourself wetting whenever you drink something or hear the word diapers.
Author: EMG PlayTime: 00:19:42 Added On: 2004-02-06 Downloaded: 9483
Your Rating: 1 2 3 4 5 Average Rating: 3.3000 Total Votes: 40 Comments: 1

and not

$ Name: Diaper Training 2 Price: PAID Additional Types: Body/Subliminal/Binaural

Description: Purchase grants the buyer access to a series of Diaper Training files. People buying this set will also have access to a private forum for their discussion. :

BabyInduction - A guided imagery induction that uses nursery images to lead you down into trance.
MagicPacifier - This file makes it so you need a pacifier, the more you use it the harder you find it to talk and the more you want your pacifier.
DiaperDreams - This file causes you to dream of being diapered and treated like a baby or toddler every night.
CribBedtime - Every time you go to bed while wearing a diaper, the bed you are laying in will become a crip until you have messed your diaper.
Toilet Un-Training - Reverses the toilet training process taking you to a point you can't be toilet trained again.
Diapers Only - Makes it so that you can only wear diapers and aren't embarassed by it.
Diaper Clothes Trap - Once you put clothes on over a diaper you can't remove them until you wet/mess the diaper.
Can't Feel Your Bladder - You will no longer be able to tell when your bladder is full so you'll just automatically empty it when it's full.
Diaper Controls You - As soon as you put a diaper on it seems to take control of you, making you wet and mess uncontrollably and making you need to wear diapers more often.

Author: EMG PlayTime: 03:18:15 Added On: 2006-11-02 Downloaded: 377
Your Rating: 1 2 3 4 5 Average Rating: 5.0000 Total Votes: 5 Comments: 0
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Postby maineboy » June 3rd, 2007, 12:25 pm

Oops! I think I may have been downloading the incorrect file, according to the previous posting. I'll double check and be sure I am listening to the correct "dared" files.
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Postby liljonny » June 3rd, 2007, 3:42 pm

You might like the diaperDreams file. I stopped using it myself because it says something about acting on your dreams.
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Postby Diapered_Cherub » June 5th, 2007, 10:17 am

Well I'm back from my trip to Wisconsin. I went there for about a week to visit a friend. I am glad to be home now, and to read up on Mainboy's posts and how things are going for him and his dare, lol. I am sure this will be interesting to read throughout the month of June. It's too bad we can't posts pics on this site (for things other than hypno stuff) The sky was overcast in Wisconsin the day I left, but as soon as I got above the clouds it was beautiful!
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Postby etrain911 » June 5th, 2007, 6:51 pm

My aunt died so I can't do any dares sorry
Last edited by etrain911 on June 8th, 2007, 1:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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I'll toss in my own mind!

Postby Revant » June 8th, 2007, 12:47 am

I would also be willing to listen to some files on dares, however no sissy, crossdressing, scat, or wetting/regression stuff...
Anyone wanna dare me?
I'd be glad to start a journal here as well!
*and I already have a premium membership!*
(Also, I can't afford pay files, so please make sure they are free to premium members! Thanks, and look forward to doing some dares for a month!)
P.M.s are gladly accepted!
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mid-June update

Postby maineboy » June 14th, 2007, 8:09 am

Hello everyone,

I thought I'd write a note with my progress thus far. I don't have much to report, unfortunately. I am now in the habit of wearing an abriX-plus diaper and plastic pants to bed nightly. I have been listening to diaper dependence (the narrator has a very soothing voice), train diapers2, and a few other diaper files nightly. I have yet to wet my diaper, at night or in the morning. There is a part of my brain, I guess, that doesn't want to let go of the control. I will continue listening, since I said I would as part of the dare. If anyone has any pointers or suggestions, I'm all ears! Thanks again.
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Postby Diapered_Cherub » June 14th, 2007, 9:01 am

Glad to see you are still listening to the files. I am also appreciative of the honesty of your posts. I too am nearly in the habit of wearing diapers daily, and frequently at night; But like you, I've not had any uncontrolled wetting. I had hopes that something would have taken hold at some point during your dare, but I'll take the honest report anyday over a fake one!
I've downloaded several diaper files myself, and have listened to them frequently (when time in my schedule permits). Other than deciding to wear diapers on a near daily basis (which I feel is by my own choice rather than a compulsion caused by a file, but then again who knows) So far I've yet to have a file cause its intended affect (uncontrolled wetting while in a diaper). Perhaps someday I will notice a change, and a file taking hold, but nothing as of lately. Having said that, I am not upset at all about it, as I do find the files very entertaining, and relaxing.
Onace again, Maineboy, I am glad to see you are listening to the files as outlined in the dare. I log on here frequently to look for updates to your dare and any progress. Thanks for keeping everyone updated!
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my pleasure

Postby maineboy » June 14th, 2007, 9:11 am

it's my pleasure to provide updates, Diapered Cherub. I find I have a growing interest and desire to be diaper dependent. I don't know if that is due to listening to the files, or some latent desire on my part. I know that I'd enjoy the experience of wetting, perhaps even messing a diaper, and then having a strong, caring man clean and change me. I don't think any of the files mention that specificially. Then again, I tend to nod off or go into a trance when listening to the files, only to awaken at the very end. So, in that effect, I think the files are working on some level. I'm able to go "under", so to speak. Perhaps the files are starting to work. :D
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Postby Diapered_Cherub » June 16th, 2007, 1:37 pm

It sounds to me as if you had a desire to be diapered all along, and the files are just magnifying what already exsisted. I'm not a psycologist or professional hypnotist, but that is my theory. I say that because that is how I feel myself. I've had a liking for diapers since way before I even knew what an AB or DL ever was to say the least about diaper hypnosis.

Well in anycase, June is half over and I've very much enjoyed how this has gone, and look forward to some more updates before the month is out. Keep up the good work! :)
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Postby LDark » June 28th, 2007, 12:31 am

Hm. This is a bit old, but I'm up for something similar to this. The only thing is that it need to be hidden from anyone but me and... well, the people on this site. My current situation kind of prohibits much of anything else, but I'm up for anything that fits that.
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