A few questions with a file and hypnosis.

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A few questions with a file and hypnosis.

Postby Insane1 » June 6th, 2007, 10:47 pm

Is the furry transformation remix for use as subliminal in a way, or should I try adding an induction(?) or such to it? And are there any hints or tricks anyone has tried with hypnosis files that have worked well for people who are easily nervous or anxious...? Or any hints in general.

All help is appreciated!
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Postby Draygone » June 6th, 2007, 11:08 pm

If you're nervous before listening to a file, then take the time to calm your mind and body before listening to it. Just sorta sit there and meditate a little. I've found that having a fan blow a light breeze on me helps even furthur.

It can also help if you listened to the file before going into a trance. That way you can find out whether or not it's a file you'll like without the need to worry about being affected.
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Postby Patch_Winter » June 9th, 2007, 1:00 am

If you have any audio-editing software (there's lots of it free online if you want it) what you can do is download an induction and then cut it off at the part where it tells you that it's time to start waking back up. If you don't start going black after a single induction, you can do the same thing to another one and stack 'em up until its long enough to bring you into trance.

After you do that you can just put a file that has suggestions in it in your playlist, and you'd wake back up after that. If you find you have trouble going under, then try the file(s) you want as subliminals by playing some music at normal volume with the files barely (barely being the operative word) audible at the same time.
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Postby Insane1 » June 11th, 2007, 2:03 am

Draygone wrote:If you're nervous before listening to a file, then take the time to calm your mind and body before listening to it. Just sorta sit there and meditate a little. I've found that having a fan blow a light breeze on me helps even furthur.

It can also help if you listened to the file before going into a trance. That way you can find out whether or not it's a file you'll like without the need to worry about being affected.

Alright, problem is I have a sort of hyperactive mind, it's fairly difficult for me to relax in any way, and I get nervous easily. Although maybe if I listened to something like audio of a river or such that might help me calm down prior to trying the files. Or perhaps if I put the audio of a river or something relaxing in the background of a file...think that would work? I already do listen to files before I use them, just to be sure there's nothing hidden in it, as I tend to be just a tad paranoid. Thanks for the tip though.

Patch_Winter wrote:If you have any audio-editing software (there's lots of it free online if you want it) what you can do is download an induction and then cut it off at the part where it tells you that it's time to start waking back up. If you don't start going black after a single induction, you can do the same thing to another one and stack 'em up until its long enough to bring you into trance.

After you do that you can just put a file that has suggestions in it in your playlist, and you'd wake back up after that. If you find you have trouble going under, then try the file(s) you want as subliminals by playing some music at normal volume with the files barely (barely being the operative word) audible at the same time.

I might just try to do that, seeing if multiple inductions after another work. Maybe I could also try one first that's based on concentration just to help me get my mind off of everything, then afterwards switch to something a little longer. As for attempting to use a file as subliminal, what type of music do you think I should use with it, and also, how "audible" is barely audible as compared with the music in a file? Able to make out the voice at all or...? Sorry if I'm being a bit of a bother.

Thanks to the both of you for the replys, however. I really appreciate it.
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Postby bubblebutt » June 11th, 2007, 7:08 pm

I recommend Blink's basic induction for a hyperactive mind. The induction would work extremely well for you then because its an Ericksonian technique. The more you think about the induction, the more you seem to go into trance . BTW, you don't really need to look for "hidden messages" in files because for the most part I doubt anyone here would bother and secondly if you were that adverse to having that in the file you will snap out of trance because your mind will reject the suggestion.
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Postby Blink » June 12th, 2007, 11:28 am

bubblebutt wrote:I recommend Blink's basic induction for a hyperactive mind. The induction would work extremely well for you then because its an Ericksonian technique. The more you think about the induction, the more you seem to go into trance.
Thanks for the positivge comment, bubblebutt. I was considering a comment on this thread, but when you mentioned my name I couldn't resist jumping in.

I like to use relaxation for trance 'cause most people enjoy the way it feels. Trance is not the same thing as relaxation, though, and you don't need to be able to relax to go into trance. Long distance runners and cyclists routinely experience trance while they're not at all relaxed, and there's the common experience of the "driving trance" that Sarnoga skilfully uses in his induction.

I've got too many projects cooking already, but at some point I'm going to have to cook up a non-relaxation induction for people who have a poor opinion of their ability to relax.

All you really need for trance is an open line of communication with your subconscious. Get your trouble-makin' conscious mind out of the way and you're there. (Neither a bat nor a mallet is recommended.) I've worked with people who were totally incapable of doing "normal" trance, but who could do arm levitations in the waking state. You need to find a hypnotist who's got the right set of burglar's tools to open your head. That's all.

-- Blink
Ask me about the sock-full-of-pennies induction.
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Postby lorcain » June 12th, 2007, 1:41 pm

[quote="Blink Ask me about the sock-full-of-pennies induction.[/quote]

I can't resist it, ok, whats the sock full of pennies induction Blink? Sounds interesting... Also, what exactely is a non relaxation induction? (ok, i know its an induction, but how would it get you into a trance, and would a recorded one work? from what i have read about them, which isn't too much really, it seems they work best in a person to person environment.)
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Postby MN_FriendlyGuy » June 12th, 2007, 2:29 pm

I believe Blink is having a laugh with the sock-full-of-pennies induction.

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Postby Blink » June 12th, 2007, 6:19 pm

MN_FriendlyGuy wrote:I believe Blink is having a laugh with the sock-full-of-pennies induction.
I do believe you're right.

Sorry for the confusion. I've an odd sense of humor.

-- Blink
Home of the Trance Hammer™.
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