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Postby Patch_Winter » June 9th, 2007, 1:48 am

I decided a while back to write an induction that's more furry-sorta oriented, to maybe make it easier to go into trance and get suggestions about how your dreams are gunna haff furry yiff or you're gunna start growin' fur and the like.

I was going to record this myself, but my soundcard's still messed up, so I can't at the moment. I'm prolly gunna do my own version eventually, but I think after much procrastination I should at least post the script for critiques/suggestions/requests if not to see if anyone would be willing to do a reading of it and put in the "other downloads"-section so that everyone can listen to it without waiting 3 months when it's just a working draft.

As for the content itself:

It's furry-focused and has kindof a your-avatar-is-the-better-part-of-you -take on things. It basically says that the human part of you is crap, and so shouldn't listen to the file, because it won't accept what it's being told. This competent, strong, alternate persona of the listener will take over once he/she is in trance.

That's sortof my view on things, well, when I'm being optimistic; if I had the body I want, I'd be better, entirely: better at getting what I wanted, better at talking, better at doing... I'm not one of those that thinks that I was meant by some higher power to be something other than I am... I don't think I have the wrong spirit in my body or any of that jazz; I just wanna deal with my identity-issues. As many of you also must.

I'm not sure whether that sort of view will help anybody trance better, but I do think it's a start, because as faur as I know there haven't been any furry inductions ever put up here...

Anyway, without further adue:
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Joined: January 16th, 2006, 1:00 am

Postby Draygone » June 9th, 2007, 10:01 am

That's not too bad. I only have two recommendations. First, "neuroses". I had to look up what that means. I would reccommend using a simpler term, one that more people would likely understand, because it would hurt their trance if they have to stop and think about the word that was just used.

Second, reguarding the count-up. First, it comes without warning. All the inductions I've heard (which are only a few, actually) tell the listener that there is going to be a countdown. I don't think it'd be too hard to tell the listender you're going to do that without it seeming out of place. Also, it's usually done by counting down instead of up. Counting down has a more definate goal. No matter where you start, it always ends at 1. But by counting up, the mind is left wondering when the count-up is supposed to end, and to an extent why it would end there. By counting down, it doesn't have to worry about any of that. All it has to think about is becoming super-succeptable once the countdown reaches 1.

But take my advice with a grain of salt, or however that saying goes. I'm no professional 'tist. I just use inductions created by someone else.
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Joined: November 28th, 2006, 1:00 am

Postby Kharon » July 5th, 2007, 5:09 am

Draygone wrote:That's not too bad. I only have two recommendations. First, "neuroses". I had to look up what that means. I would reccommend using a simpler term, one that more people would likely understand, because it would hurt their trance if they have to stop and think about the word that was just used.

Second, reguarding the count-up. First, it comes without warning. All the inductions I've heard (which are only a few, actually) tell the listener that there is going to be a countdown. I don't think it'd be too hard to tell the listender you're going to do that without it seeming out of place. Also, it's usually done by counting down instead of up. Counting down has a more definate goal. No matter where you start, it always ends at 1. But by counting up, the mind is left wondering when the count-up is supposed to end, and to an extent why it would end there. By counting down, it doesn't have to worry about any of that. All it has to think about is becoming super-succeptable once the countdown reaches 1.

But take my advice with a grain of salt, or however that saying goes. I'm no professional 'tist. I just use inductions created by someone else.

Counting Up can work just as effectively as counting down, as it still provides a stable and finite number of steps, and also allows, if desired, for later expansion and growth. I have my subjects measure their depth of trance as if they were proceeding deeper and deeper into their mind from the surface level (Ground Floor, out of trance) with numbers growing higher as they move deeper... like basement levels. Using this allows for several type of expansion as well, non-linear expanded growth (I often begin 1-10, then move on to 1-100 once we're both comfortable working together, with a non-linear synchronization between the 1-10 and 1-100 scales, and beyond 100 if it's absolutely necessary to achieve their desires; usually only with hallucinations and persona changes, though some self help work has benefited from post 100 as well).

The key to any count in a trance is that you should clearly define both where you will start and where you will end. "In a moment, I will begin counting upwards from 1 to 10. When I say 1 you will see yourself at the base of a stairway, and with each number you will proceed higher up these stairs, to a more comfortable and relaxed state." Or you can count down...

Generally, however, I believe that a Count Up works best once the trance is established, as the definite end point of 1 or 0 helps you better define the end of deepening a trance, while counting up may be seen in the mind as reversing the process (Wakening), or a way to learn something new (repetition), or a way to gauge, positively, the progress or movement they make within their trance.

Just my two cents, though.
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Joined: April 16th, 2005, 12:00 am

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