any file for rapid feminization

For discussions of Feminization, Cross Dressing, Male-Female transformation, etc.

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any file for rapid feminization

Postby Hatoko » June 13th, 2007, 8:11 pm

i truly want to be feminize physically n mentally in the fastest possible speed.can anyone on this site suggest files that can bring permenant feminization that can turn me into a girl with maximum effect.
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Postby hypno-nut » June 14th, 2007, 10:47 am

SuperFemaleWhammy should work quite quickly :-)
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Postby Hatoko » June 15th, 2007, 12:06 am

ok,i will start SFW,any file to combo with ?
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Postby CG091581 » June 22nd, 2007, 10:44 pm

You could try curse hormone change (though I edited it, I don't think EMG could even remove it anymore. I removed the addiction suggesstions, as well as the personanlity change lines, and added some parts from train hormone change. ) or train hormone change.

It takes about 21-30 days for a suggestion to fully set in, so don't expect instant results.

Your results may vary depending on age/ sensitivity to hormones/ ability to produce hormones. And your overall devotion to listening to the file.

Hormones are dangerous to mess with, so use any file that alters them with caution.
Six months of use can lead to chemical castration/sterilization,
so even if you get the curse removed it's an irreversible side effect.

I never bothered with SFW, because I'm not looking for hallucinations or forced personality changes.

The curse hormone change file would probably greatly enhance the effects of SFW though.

At first I thought it wasn't working, but after 10 days I started to notice subtle differences. Now there's even noticeable differences in my face, that I may not have seen if I hadn't been taking pictures everyday. I now plan to go on real HRT when I can, because I like how this file is making me feel.

I've been using it daily for about 55 days now, and I've seen some changes mentally and physically. I go into full trance in the morning and night with accelerator and the curse and for 1 hour a piece. Then I looped the curse and train hormone change files while listening to music during the day. In the background I also play binaurals of 7.83hz(Schumann Resonance), 417hz(Undoing Situations and Facilitating Change),and 528hz(Transformation and Miracles,DNA Repair) during all my sessions.

Physical effects:
    My skin's gotten significantly softer,smoother, and less oily.

    My hairline dropped down(went from 3 in. to 2 in. from my brow. )

    My hair is smooth and no longer oily/greasy.

    My hair color is lightening up a bit as well.

    My body hair is getting thinner/lighter/softer.

    My eyelashes are growing out longer and darker.

    My eyelids seem to open wider, at first this made them feel dry, but they've adjusted.

    my body odor's decreased considerably(and has actually slightly changed in smell).

    My lips have started to gain a bit more fullness

    By about day 32 I'd lost 11 pounds(180-169), I haven't been below 175 since I was 16, and I didn't even do anything to lose it. It's been fluctuating between 168-171 since. My waist dropped from 34 to 31, and my hips went up from 36 to 38.

    My body fat in general seems to be redistributing in more feminine ways.

    I lost an inch in height, which apparently can sometimes happen with HRT.

    I went from size 12 Mens shoes to size 11 Mens.

    There's been some breast growth, went up to a small B this week if I measured correctly(36 above and below, 38 bust).

    My butt dropped down a bit, but it seems to be more rounded and sticks out more like a girls. It's getting harder to not look a little like a girl when I walk because of my butt.

    My muscles have gotten weaker(especially in my upper body), things that were easy to lift before seem to take more effort now.

    In general I find myself speaking in a softer tone, I'm finding it harder to talk in an aggressive manner, unless I really need to.

    I swear people are starting to notice a little bit.


Mentally it seems to be changing me as well.
I just seem to feel more at peace in general, but I've been experiencing some emotional ups and downs, that sometimes seem to shift rapidly.

I just want to get on true HRT as soon as possible now, because chances are I can only get so far on my bodies own natural hormones.

It goes to show how strong these files can really be if you believe they work, and devote yourself to listening to them on a daily basis.
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Postby daugo » June 24th, 2007, 1:25 am

How do you set up those frequencies?
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Postby CG091581 » June 24th, 2007, 5:22 pm

I used Brainwave Generator playing simulataneously with the Hypnosis file in media player.
The set-up I use is :
Voice 1
417Hz(left and right,not binaural), 14% volume, Modulation:1000ms(1Hz) depth:50%,

417Hz- "Undoing Situations and Facilitating Change"/Solfeggio Frequency 'Re'. This frequency is reputed to "shake loose" old thought patterns and habits from the cells of your brain and body, so that you can more easily bring about change. Probably makes it easier to reverse your naturally occurring hormone production levels.
Voice 2
528 Hz(left and right,not binaural), 12% volume, Modulation:1000ms(1Hz) depth:50%

528 Hz- Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair)/
Solfeggio Frequency 'MI'
Voice 3
7.83Hz(Binaural,left:174Hz right:181.83Hz),18% volume, Modulation:1000ms(1Hz) depth:50%

7.83Hz - Earth Resonance, grounding , "Schumann Resonance." ; pituitary stimulation to release growth hormone (helps develop muscle, recover from injuries, rejuvenation effects); Earth Resonance Frequency - 'leaves you feeling revitalized like you've spent a day in the country.; reports of accelerated healing/enhanced learning - "the earth's natural brainwave"

Though anything between 7.5-12Hz would do for entraining your brain to Alpha frequencies to aid in hypnosis. I only choose 7.83Hz for the growth hormone stimulation.

A modulation period of 1000ms = 1Hz binaural
1Hz - Feeling of well-being, pituitary stimulation to release growth hormone(may help enhance the effects of the other hormones, since the body releases less as you get older); overall view of inter-relationships; harmony & balance

The volumes levels can vary depending on what feels comfortable to your ears. In general higher frequencies don't need to be as loud.

With Brainwave Generator play the binaural into a wave file if you want to create a CD, just make sure the output matches(length and quality) the hypnosis file you plan to mix it into. Then use something like adobe audition (was cool edit) if you have it and mix the two files together.

There's no guarentee the brainwave entrainment will work, but can help if it works for you.

I was thinking of maybe uploading my modified file(Curse Hormone Change) with the binaurals, but I think I want to add more suggestions from other files first, to increase it's effectiveness. Since it's all parts of EMG's (free,non-premium) files I probably can't just submit it.

I wouldn't suggest using the hormone change files if your not serious though. Though I doubt you'd use SFW if you weren't serious.

I've been using curse hormone change(edit) heavily, especially in the beggining, I was going into full hypnosis sessions at least 6+ times a day, now(after about day 30) I just trance before bed(tends to get left on overnight) and after waking up, and listen to the bodies of Curse/Train Hormone Change in a loop during the day, along with non vocal trance music(since vocals sometimes break my trance). I think it's mostly maintenance now.

Vitamin C and Boron are also helpful for estrogen(and other hormones) production/regulation, so they may help with the various physical feminization transformations.

It's irreversible in some ways after 6 months(if you ever plan on having children, since the chemical castration sets in). Certain other effects may stay as well like new breast tissue, and you may still end up looking slightly androgynous in some ways after removing the curse(after extended usage), any shrinkage of your genitals may also be irreversible(maybe the curse penis growth would fix it).

Also when your testosterone starts kicking in again after removing the curse, it may make you mentally unstable(extra aggressive, short tempered, etc...) like when you went through puberty, until your body relearns to regulate the levels. It would be pretty much be the same if you
discontinued real HRT.
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Postby daugo » June 24th, 2007, 9:24 pm

Thanks for the expanded configuration. I'm already on hrt so using that file might interfere but do you think it would work with any file that would cause breast growth?
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Postby CG091581 » June 25th, 2007, 1:22 pm

The frequencies might help. If your body can be stimulated into increasing the production of growth hormones, you might get better results from HRT.
I'm no expert on brainwave entrainment though.

I don't think you would need the curse hormone change file anymore, it might make it more effective though (there's a risk you may end up producing too much estrogen, unless your subconscious is able to take the HRT into consideration.)

I'm not sure how much the curse effects hormone levels, but I know it's working on me. Maybe I should have my hormone levels tested to see just how effective the curse is.

I don't think HRT would interfere with the other physical feminization files, but the two could enhance each other.

The breast growth files might work, since there's evidence that hypnosis can cause breast growth. Add in the hormones your giving yourself, and you might make the breast growth even more efficient.

I'm only using the curse file until I can start on HRT myself, since it may be several months before I can even get approved to start HRT.

If your on HRT you probably shouldn't use SFW either, since it may effect natural hormone production as well.
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Postby WhoreDoll » June 25th, 2007, 2:40 pm

CG091581 please could you make an exported file of your brain wave setup I'm a bit of a ditz and have no clue on how to recreate one for myself even wit your instructions.
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Postby CG091581 » June 25th, 2007, 4:54 pm

I'm not quite ready to upload it yet, but I might submit it soon.
I just want to make a few small changes first and add in the binaural entrainment loop.

the version I'm using at night is about 71 minutes per loop, so it's too long in it's current form.I do at least one 71 minute loop before falling asleep. Then I tend to just leave it on overnight while I sleep.

This is pretty much my setup at night for one full loop.

Accelerator ( full induction+body) (I have no idea if it actually helps)
Curse Hormone Change(my remix)(countdown+body)
Train hormone Change (countdown+body)
Curse Hormone Change(my remix)(countdown+body)
Train hormone Change (countdown+body)
Curse Hormone Change(my remix) (countdown+body+wake up)

Everything but accelerator has only the countdown(only the countdown from 1-5 to maintain/deepen the trance)part of the induction + the body of the files. I find that multiple repetitions of the same files works better in a single trance session. The 3 sound frequencies play in the background.

I don't really know if EMG can remove the curse anymore, so there won't be any guarantees of removing it.
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Postby CG091581 » June 26th, 2007, 1:41 pm

For those of you who just want the preset for Brainwave Generator, I can tell you how to set it up. It's a free program so all you have to do is setup the preset on your own. The volume levels I use can be set however you want them.

Create a new preset(don't add any additional voices yet)
1)Voice 1(7.83Hz Binaural beat)

Step 1: Voice 1 sound tab : In Audible pitch check the box that says "set left/right separately" then uncheck it again(the reason for this is that it allows you to set the carrier pitch for the binaural instead of BWGEN setting it for you. Normally if you set the binaural the audible pitch section is grayed out, but checking and then unchecking the box makes the program forget to set it back to automatic.

Step 2: Set Audible pitch to 174Hz(You could use another frequency but I did it for the harmonics. 174=3 1+4+7=12 1+2=3. Anything that adds to 3, 6, or 9 would work with the other 2 frequencies) 174Hz is the carrier pitch for the binaural.

Step 3:Then in the binaural beat frequency set it to 7.83Hz.

Step 4: Manually set volume to 18%(or whatever you want as long as it's still higher than the other voices, but not too loud)

Step 5:Click on the button that says modulation (off)

*set sound modulation depth to "Half of Volume Range"

*Leave sound modulation period alone since it's at 1000ms by default

*Leave modulation phase alone as well.

*close that tab and the box you clicked before should say modulation (on)

That's it for voice 1, the other 2 voices are much easier.
2) go back to the general tab and add 2 more voices(it's more work if you did this before setting up voice 1)
3) Voice 2 417Hz(this is not a Binaural)

Step 1: in the Sound tab(make sure voice 2 is selected) set the Binaural Beat Frequency to 0Hz

Step 2: Set the Audible pitch to 417Hz

Step 3: Manually set volume to 14%

Don't worry modulation is already on, because the two new voices you added started out as copies of voice 1.
4) Voice 3 528 Hz(this is not a Binaural)

Step 1: in the Sound tab(make sure voice 3 is selected) set the Binaural Beat Frequency to 0Hz

Step 2: Set the Audible pitch to 528Hz

Step 3: Manually set volume to 12%
5) Give your preset a name
*check the "continue playing after the end of all segments" box, if it's not checked
*segment length of file doesn't matter, the default 10 minutes is fine.
Click the OK box and save.

That's all I did, it's actually pretty simple.

Then just play this preset in BWGEN while you listen to the hypnosis MP3 in another program.

You may want to listen to your BWGEN preset for about 20 minutes(only takes me about 5 now, but I've been using BWGEN for a few years) before starting your hypnosis session, to allow time for the entrainment to set in.
Then just let it keep playing during your session(s).

If you want to use music in the background you could use a third program, just make sure it's not too loud.
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Postby CG091581 » June 26th, 2007, 5:06 pm

I have a file that's ready to upload, but I don't know if I can upload it.

Is giving credit to EMG(it's just a remix of EMG's curse hormone change, with a few pieces from his train hormone change file) good enough to submit it, or do I need his permission?

It's just that I'd rather not be banned.

It's really the only thing that's still holding me back from submitting it.
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Postby boomsmee » June 26th, 2007, 5:18 pm

If you have any questions about submitting a modified file of EMG's or anyone elses, Just PM them for permission beforehand. I have yet to have someone say no to one of these requests.
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Postby SaraGurl88 » July 4th, 2010, 10:22 am

Did this file ever get posted? It sounds great!!
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Postby CycoMelody » July 4th, 2010, 11:38 am

I know this is a bit different but hey, I actually mixed a file containing SFW, Curse Hormone Change, and the accelerator file. Its called the Estrogen Cocktail. I have gotten good reports from it so it might be good for what you are looking for.

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Postby sarnoga » July 4th, 2010, 2:10 pm

boomsmee wrote:If you have any questions about submitting a modified file of EMG's or anyone elses, Just PM them for permission beforehand. I have yet to have someone say no to one of these requests.

Just wanted to add that Boomsmee modified one of my files and did an excellent job. I wouldn't hesitate to let him do so again if I ever had another file that interested him. I listened to it and had I not recorded the original myself would never have known it was altered.
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