Soy causes feminization?

For discussions of Feminization, Cross Dressing, Male-Female transformation, etc.

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Soy causes feminization?

Postby NeKofLiP » June 30th, 2007, 8:31 pm

I read somewhere that Soy can cause feminization in males. You can Google the article, I think.

I would guess it would be because of the PhotoEstrogen the plant makes naturally.

If someone drank and ate Soy as a diet for a long period of time, would it be possible for someone to grow breasts, wider hips, higher voice, fat redistribution, et cetera, without using any file here or injecting hormones?
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Postby MovZig » July 1st, 2007, 3:14 am

I do not believe your voice will actually go up in pitch from anything short of surgery, helium (squeaky!) or practicing :(

I am not a doctor, but testosterone causes the voice to drop; and since your vocal cords don't get re-built from hormones you have to do it manually (to the dismay of many transexuals).

Hope this helps,
hope someone can prove me wrong on this one though :P
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Postby VeryGnawty » July 1st, 2007, 5:18 am

I've heard lots of claims that X food/substance causes X bodily result.

IMHO, most of these are bunk. Either the effect is exaggerated, or completely fictitious to begin with. Soy may have some hormonal effect, but don't expect it to turn you into Dolly Pardon by eating a pound of soybeans everyday.

It should also be noted that Soy protein isolate doesn't have the same effect since it doesn't contain the lignans supposedly responsible for the hormonal effect.
I get extremely horny until I have to masturbate, every time this is posted.
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Postby Jacara » July 1st, 2007, 6:05 am

I'm no expert, but I'll chime in with what I know and/or have read on Wikipedia so far :P
A couple corrections:
- it's "phytoestrogen"
- Lignans are a different kind of phytoestrogen than the kind that's mostly in soybeans, flavonoids (specifically isoflavones, a kind of flavonoid). Both are phytoestrogens and should theoretically do the same things, but Lignans are mainly found in flax seeds.
- it's "Parton" ;)

MovZig is right that hormones can't make your voice go up (just like they can't make your adam's apple go away). Supposedly they could make your breasts grow, although if eating a lot of tofu caused that then Japanese women (and men!) would have bigger breasts than they do ;)
In recent years I've started eating a lot more soybeans in various forms, as well as flax seeds, and I haven't noticed any changes in myself.
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Postby Morticia69 » July 28th, 2007, 5:36 pm

Soy DOES cause feminization. I know because I'm doing it.
I'm m2f transsexual and I'm going all the way, 100% female.
I'll eventually have FFS and SRS (facial feminization surgery & sexual reassignment surgery) to complete my journey.

I have a long way to go yet before I reach that point, mainly because of money.
It will cost me around $20,000 for all the surgeries I need.
But before I get there, I have to feminize my body and begin to physically and emotionally transition from male to female in every way.

In Jan of 07 I began to take OTC herbals to begin the process.
Some of the things I take are Red Clover, Soy Isoflavins, Black Cohosh, etc..
Just look up phytoestrogens and breast development.
In 7 months I've grown tits and need to wear a bra now.
My body fat is redistributing into a typical female arrangement, I lost all muscle tone and definition, I can't "make a muscle" even if I had to. I'm now soft and curvy like a woman, my body barely resembles a male body any more with the exception of the plumbing problem. There is no way I would take my shirt off in front of anyone any more than any other woman would. My legs are very female now and my butt is getting there too.
I just hope that my hips will widen so I can achieve that oh so blessed hourglass shape.

I'm also using large doses of Saw Palmetto (otc herbal) as an AA (anti-androgen) to suppress testosterone and it's my hope that my regime will eventually cause chemical castration and all testosterone production will cease forever even if I stop taking everything.

A few months ago a GG friend turned me onto something that's far more potent, Bovine Ovary. There's a place called DNE vitamins that sells it, it's cheap.
I take 12 capsules a day which is a very high dose. This is MAJOR estrogen and I'm getting a lot more than I would via prescription hormones (which as dangerous!)..

For body hair, it takes a long time to get that under control, some say it takes a few years. I believe that. Well I use an epilator and I remove ALL my body hair (except private area) and I also use the epilator on my face too. After using the epilator for a few months the hair comes back much finer, like baby hair compared to before.
To heck with shaving, that's horrible. Epilation is the only way to go if you really want to experience truly smooth and feminine skin. It's heavenly to be utterly hairless (body/face) like any normal woman is. It's just heavenly! Over time with the epilation and the AA's, body/facial hair will become very minimal and then laser treatments will go fast and easy and have a profound and permanent effect.

If you want to really, really feminize in a profound physical and irreversible way, herbal phytoestrogens and Bovine Ovary is the way to do it.

Make no mistake about it, this is for real and it WILL cause your body to become feminine and it will sterilize you so you will never again be able to have children. It also causes you to have serious mental and emotional changes. Your MIND will also feminize.

Oh yeah, one very weird side effect is that it causes me to have female like orgasms.
They are so intense they scare me. I have to relieve myself every few days (pain and swelling from fluid build up). When I do, it's insane, like my orgasms won't stop and I spurt like tons and tons. About 20-30 seconds into my orgasm I'm thinking "oh god, please stop! I can't take it anymore, please let this be over now!" and at the same time I'm also wishing it to NOT stop. Orgasms last well over 30 seconds and for several minutes afterwards I have aftershock minigasms. A GG friend told me flat out that I'm having female orgasms. Ok, fine with me, I can't complain. I can't wait until I have my surgery and can have REAL female orgasms. :D

Oh, and btw, I've never listened to any of the files here, I just found this place the other day. The changes I've attained have all been because of me taking hormones.
It's going to be interesting to see what happens to me by listening to some of the files here.

Also, one last thing. Hormones will NOT change your voice in anyway.
You have to train yourself to speak in a more feminine way. It's not possible for female hormones to alter male vocal cords. Period. However, female to male transsexuals DO get voice changes to a deeper voice. But male to female do NOT.
No amount of female hormones can give you a female voice. Period.
I'm a transsexual, I know these things. I'm not playing games, I'm really going through the things I have to do to become a woman.
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subjective hormonal changes?

Postby allison_in_love » August 2nd, 2007, 11:53 am

could someone please post a detailed descripton of
HOW taking hormones feminizes your mind? one reads
this everywhere, in particular that they change one's
emotions, and to a lesser degree, senses. I think one could
largely simulate those changes (maybe) through hypnosis,
but one would need very precise information to make
the suggestions work...."you are becoming more emotional"
for instance isn't going to help very much as its too vague...
how it really feels to have hormones effect your mind would
make this a lot easier...thanks.
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Postby NeKofLiP » August 6th, 2007, 4:16 pm

Well, testosterone causes agressiveness and others, why wouldn't estrogen affect your mind as well?

That is a very interesting story. I may buy the herbal hormones you mentioned, and try it out for myself for some time. Are they ridiculously expensive?
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Postby AuntKay » August 6th, 2007, 7:25 pm

When they neuter male dogs (remove their testicles) they beome less aggressive. This is the effect of hormones on the mind.
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