Enough is Enough

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Enough is Enough

Postby Draygone » July 12th, 2007, 10:52 am

I'm tired of all this failure. I've been listening to various hypnosis files since December, and aside from a few nights waking up with a furry feeling with the furry transformation or acting like a wolf by listening to the werewolf file without going into trance (didn't seem to "work" after that), I have been hit with constant failure. People keep saying that nobody is immune to the effects of hypnosis. But so far it seems I'm an exception.

I need all the help I can get. I need to know what files I need to try listening to, or what methods I should use to try going into trance. Whatever tips you guys can give me, I'll try.

I don't have a subscription, but I will eventually.
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Postby railswede » July 12th, 2007, 12:30 pm

And blind stubborness.

I have listened to the "Trig slow woman change"-file for 7 months now, almost every day, some days even two or three times.
I have great difficulties in going into trance, it's only the last weeks I have felt a really deep relaxation, and I think I'm still not in a trance deep enough.
From the beginning the result have increased almost every day or week, but painfully slowly.
However, the last weeks I have felt more and more how my body feels like it is changing into the woman in the picture.
Lately I also feel how my stomach seems to get smaller when I lay my hands on it.
I'm just waiting for some changes in how I SEE myself.
I know I still am far from success, but I feel I'm getting there, and since it works better and better every time (but, as I said, in small steps), I can hold out.

Some of us are very hard to hypnotize, but with practice anything is achievable, I think.

Don't give up, but concentrate on one or two files and just keep on and on and on and on.....

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Postby Lxndr » July 12th, 2007, 1:03 pm

Hypnosis works best with relaxation and patience. Trying TOO HARD is bad, because this stresses you out, reducing the relaxed state that makes the trances work in the first place.

Inspecting yourself every day, waiting for the changes, expecting the changes can actually sabotage your effort - and the impression I get from your post (maybe it's wrong) is that is the state of mind you're in.

If you are "trying" to get hypnotized when you listen, if you are "trying" to look for the results, you might be working against the very effects you are trying to achieve. And each failure as a result of your inadvertent sabotage can reinforce subconscious beliefs that you "can't" be hypnotized, which can become a self-reinforcing pattern.

Hypnosis relies a lot on belief, and trust. Part of that trust is trusting yourself.
[url=http://www.twistedconfessions.com/erotichypnosis.php]Twisted Hypnosis by Lxndr[/url]
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Postby Baphijmm » July 12th, 2007, 9:57 pm

You sound very similar to me, actually. Eight months, trying night after night to go under to no avail, with nothing happening at all besides just falling asleep or staying wide awake. Sure, I relax, but go no further. Then, when I finally hit (what I think might have been some semblance of a) success, I stopped listening altogether. :/ And the only reason I got to that point in the first place was because I had recorded my own induction.

I guess my point is, I'm kinda in the same boat and hoping for answers, so I'm throwing a post in. ^^;
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Postby Draygone » July 13th, 2007, 8:57 am

Don't give up, but concentrate on one or two files and just keep on and on and on and on.....

Yeah, that's what I've been doing these past couple weeks. After having no luck with listening to multiple files of various types, I've only been using the furry companion file *click*. Not sure when I started listening to it.

Info on the file: Basically during the body I'm supposed to imagine my companion, and think about how it looks and its personality. And I'm supposed to be dreaming about the companion for reinforcement.
Hypnosis works best with relaxation and patience. Trying TOO HARD is bad, because this stresses you out, reducing the relaxed state that makes the trances work in the first place.

If you are "trying" to get hypnotized when you listen, if you are "trying" to look for the results, you might be working against the very effects you are trying to achieve. And each failure as a result of your inadvertent sabotage can reinforce subconscious beliefs that you "can't" be hypnotized, which can become a self-reinforcing pattern.

Then I take it trying to focus on the words being said would be bad? Because my mind always wanders off and I start thinking of other things, whether due to my relaxing or I'm simply distracting myself with thinking about what I'm gonna do later (former more often). And then when I realize that I'm missing out on what's being said I sorta lose a bit of that relaxation. On the other hand, I have to concentrate in order to imagine my companion as the file is telling me, otherwise I'm probably daydreaming about some TV show or game when I should be visualizing my companion.

I was patient at first. When I started, I figured I'd start getting basic results after a month or so. You know, light phantom feelings while I'm awake, or some other advancement like that. And then I started to realize that, aside from waking up in the middle of the night with strong furry feelings (this being rather infrequent), I wasn't making any headway. And I lose more and more patience as I constantly hear of people advancing better than me. And I don't mean people who are successful after the first week. Those people are just lucky. I mean people who are starting to get successful at the same time I thought I would.

I'm not sure if the lack of patience is really hurting me, though. I do let myself get comfortable and relaxed when I listen to hypnosis, if not completley in mind due to wandering and the seeming need to concentrate. I try not to think about going into trance. But even when I am letting my mind just do its own thing, at some point I realize I'm going out and gotta let it happen again.

I really wonder what I'm doing wrong. And if I should take extra steps to get this to work, or change the steps that I'm already using.
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just a little advice for people

Postby mat422 » July 13th, 2007, 9:43 am

Alright let me tell you a little something about trance. I too use to have difficulty with it, thinking I had to concentrate really hard on the words. It has taken me a couple of months to realize I had been going about it all wrong.

If your mind wanders let it. All the files on this site are for your subconscious mind. What I mean is if lets say your are listening and your conscious mind starts to wander, this is good because you no longer strain to concentrate on the file. Your subconscious picks up on very small things that your conscious mind might not realize, so while you are wandering somewhere else the subconscious decides to listen.

What I find helpful is to listen to the sound of the voice and not directly on the words. I always find I get much deeper with this. Also if I try to create a sinking sensation I fall even deeper. Just imagine with every breath you breathe in you are floating, then with the exhale you slowly drop down further.

Once again let yourself zone out because this is what you want. The first few tries I did this I kept going oh wait I have to listen to the file and I'd snap back into a light trance. Just with practice I managed to zone out longer and longer. Sometimes I fall asleep, I don't let it bother me. Someone also mentioned a tip, to look up with your eyes closed so you don't fall asleep. I have found this works very well also to prevent sleep.

You also mention having to concentrate on the furry you want. Alright this may sound crazy, but don't. You probably want this so bad by now your subconscious already knows what furry you want and everything about it. Just relax and enjoy a deep trance, leave everything to the subconscious. I too believed you had to actively visualize the effects during trance in order for it to happen, but this requires the conscious mind to activate and pulls you out of trance.

Let me give you an example of a wrong way. I was using the file trigboobgrowth and found myself falling deeper and deeper into trance, I completely zoned out but snapped back for the suggestions of having boobs on my chest and tried to imagine it. I was quite frustrated because I didn't actually feel them and I just pushed my chest out to make it seem like it.

The next day I said what the hell and decided to zone out for most the file. Well was I in for a shock. I tuned in towards the end of the file and found I really felt boobs on my chest, they were heavy and I actually thought they were there! I even felt them somewhat after the file was over.

How is this possible? Simple, I left everything to my subconscious which is very open to suggestions and is very gullible. I even thought during trance, man my boobs are big, but then I thought wait I don't have boobs!

Phew that was a lot to write, I hope other people read it as well because it really is very informative and helpful.

oh btw try subliminal blaster, I don't know but ever since using that I have great trances. Here is the script I use for it. Feel free to add or remove anything you want to.

I am easily hypnotized
I enter trance easily
I enter deep trance easily
My subconscious can do anything
I visualize easily while in trance
I am highly suggestibile
My subconscious is open to anything
Hypnosis can alter my reality
I have great visualization skills
I visualize easily

Ok thats it I promise!

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Postby Draygone » July 13th, 2007, 11:06 pm

Just imagine with every breath you breathe in you are floating, then with the exhale you slowly drop down further.

That sounds like something that would actually take a bit of concious concentration, but I'll give it a shot.
Someone also mentioned a tip, to look up with your eyes closed so you don't fall asleep. I have found this works very well also to prevent sleep.

There was an alternate version of EMG's Furry Transformation file that had that part in the induction, looking up as he went through the countdown. My eyes kept fluttering and getting a little sore, and if I stopped thinking about it, my eyes would start looking back down.

In any case, I'm not so worried about falling asleep anymore, as I was told that me waking up after the wakeup sequence (not during) still shows that I was in trance since my mind realized that nobody was talking.

I'll go ahead and stop with the concentration, and let my mind do whatever it feels, and I'll try the deep breathing. If it still doesn't work, maybe I'll try that subliminal blaster thing.
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Postby whatthe75 » July 13th, 2007, 11:53 pm

Your belief in the file not working to me sounds like a barrier.If you believe a file wont work then it will pretty much wont.

As mentioned before you are floating away and start to lose concentration on the words being said.This is a sign you are going deeper and your subconcious is listening and your concious mind is off doing it's own thing. Concentrating too hard can get in the way. Trust your unconcious mind.

Even if you conciously say to yourself the file will work it DOES NOT means your unconcious belief is the same. Do some Belief work first using NLP or alternatively try an easier file.The furry files are quite complex and involve hallucination. Take small steps at a time and guide yourself slowly but surely.Get an easier file to work before you move onto the more complex files.
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Postby Draygone » July 14th, 2007, 9:55 am

Well I was kinda hoping that this file wouldn't be too difficult since it involves dreaming before any actual hallucination needs to start, and actually that part isn't even mentioned in the half I'm listening to now (it's a two-part session).

I wouldn't know what file to try besides this one. Nothing easier here really interests me. Except the no more procrastination one, but I don't see myself getting to that one any time soon. And BabyTime, but I'm way too afraid of having messsy pants if I tried it, and I listen to the files in too much of a confined space. And that may not really be an "easy file" anyway. NLP, though, I'll go ahead and try, if it means the furry companion files working sooner and better. ...Um, I don't see any file called NLP. What file are you talking about?

In any case, I would think that me subconciously not believing the file wouldn't work would be so much of a hinderance. I keep seeing people come on and say that they didn't believe a file would work but it did. That tells me that this should work even if I don't expect it to.
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Postby Draygone » July 23rd, 2007, 9:15 am

Well apparently I'm now failing to go into trance, now that I've got the idea of mind wandering off = going into trance. I'm either finding myself concentrating too hard on not concentrating, or when I do start going into trance, I suddenly jerk out of it when I realize I am. I wonder if I was better off trying to concentrate on the file, 'cause I went out a lot easier then.

Although I do wind up frequently starting to go out when it's time to wake up. Maybe I'll use a longer induction. If anybody has any helpful tips, though, I'm all eyes.
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Postby Draygone » July 24th, 2007, 9:59 pm

Well, I currently don't have a subscription with which to try it, but I'll get one soon enough. In any case, I've got my own recording of one of EMG's inductions lasting over 18 minutes that I'll probably try now that I've got it recorded how I want it. Heck, the file I'm listening to only has a body of 5 minutes or so. I could go the extre quarter-mile and record myself reading it as well. Though I'm just a tad worried that, even though it hasn't had any effect, my mind is already too used to the reader now to suddenly switch to myself. Just a tad.
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Postby Draygone » August 8th, 2007, 10:34 pm

I forgot to mention this a while back, but I tried the breathing thing. It didn't work out because I wanted to focus too much on the file to focus on my breathing. Like really, I started trying to take deep breaths, but then I quickly started to pay attention to the file and stopped with the deep breaths. Or is this the intended affect?

I've been listening to the file using my recording of EMG's induction for I think two weeks. That hasn't had any effect. It's probably safe to say that listening to the body's original reader hasn't had any real effect. So it's on to me recording the body myself. My mind should be more easily effected hearing myself, right?

I kind of find it funny how my post count lables me a "mentor" yet I'm still trying to figure out how to get hypnosis work on myself.
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one final suggestion

Postby mat422 » August 9th, 2007, 4:56 pm

Try some meditation. I've been doing meditation for the past few weeks now and it is a great way to learn to block out thoughts and stay aware. Also I have found it helpful to not lay down when going into trance.

The reason for this is in meditation one should sit upright and be conscious. I however can not do the full lotus position because I'm not flexible enough :( So I just sit in a chair. I find I get much deeper this way.

Also you can try this great meditation cd called awakening prologue by centerpointe. Once you meditate with the cd for about a week you will find that you can almost enter an altered state by closing your eyes. If you look hard enough *cough*torrent*cough* you can get it for free. Make sure you download its in FLAC though. Anymore questions just PM me.
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Postby Draygone » August 10th, 2007, 9:36 am

I prefer laying down because quite often I get uncomfortable when going into trance sitting up. When I start relaxing, I'm either haunched on top of myself or I've got my head back and my mouth wide open (in which case I'm distracted by my mouth getting dry and having to do an awkward swallow).
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Postby Draygone » August 20th, 2007, 8:06 pm

A thought. If the idea behind IM hypnosis is being focused too much on the IM to pay attention to the outside world (effectively being in trance), would the same work with the random patterns that play when you listen to music and stuff on Windows Media Player?
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Postby Draygone » August 27th, 2007, 9:13 am

Okay, let's try this question instead. How do I know if I go into hypnosis? I'm worried that I'm only falling into a light sleep instead of a deep trance, due to how I am doing some dreaming while I'm "deep", and this dreaming is never related to the file I'm listening to. How do I prevent myself from falling asleep? Besides trying to loop up into my forehead and distract myself from the feeling of my eyes trying to not look back down. Does anybody ever go out by the time the induction's countdown reaches 1? If I am in trance, am I supposed to wake up when I'm told? 'Cause I rarely wake up when I'm told. Usually some amount of time after the file ends.
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Postby mat422 » August 27th, 2007, 10:02 pm

It seems to me you have a very analytical mind. Just relax, don't worry about whats going on. Just enjoy it, you may hate to hear it but files like this take a long time to work. Acknowledge every little thing you see that seems like a change. Above all don't get frustrated. Just keep at it, convince yourself it will work. Do not have any doubt in your mind.
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Postby Draygone » August 28th, 2007, 8:13 am

Doesn't work too well if it turns out I'm falling asleep, though.
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Postby Kimberly_tv » August 29th, 2007, 4:36 pm

So tips:

I use a sock filled with rice now, to stop REM when in trance - as it used to happen and it bothered me. What it also does, as an added bonus, is it stops the "noise" that your brain sometimes has -- you know, lots of concious thought... it kinda relaxes you more. So... try that.

Also, I have practiced a dicipline called "Feldenkrais" in my time at Drama College, and found that my mind did what other people have described as "wondered off"... but not in the usual way. I have seen memories as clear as any 'real' thing, and I've also seen some pretty surreal stuff! This is great, and so when I want to go into trance, I can use some of these things that I learnt through Feldenkrais to let my subconcious come through... because subconcious = imagination... so indeed, let it wander.

The Feldenkrais thing is very personal, and worked well for me - so all I can say really is experiment, see when your imagination works most, and try to use hypnosis in those circumstances.

A very simple thing to get your body to relax is a drama warm-up. Tense different parts of your body, then let them go -- starting with feet and moving up (left followed by right), and see how you feel after. Perhaps play the file straight after? Just a thought.
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Postby Draygone » August 29th, 2007, 10:14 pm

Um... rice socks? Maybe I missed it, but how do I use such a thing?
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