I need help

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I need help

Postby CrashMasterH » September 5th, 2007, 3:35 am

Ok, heres my problem. I have been a member of this site for some time now and have tried many of the files on here, but none of them work. I never seem to manage to go under. I have tried everything to make it work and I really just cant seem to make it work. I was wondering if it was something I was doing wrong.

When I try to use the files I lay on my bed, get nice and comfortable and play the file on my mp3 player. I have tried using headphone and external speakers on it and still nothing works. I have tried sitting and listening to the files while watching those swirling patterns you can get and all that manages to do is give me a headache.

As you can imagine this is very frustrating. I have wanted to experience hypnosis for such a long time and am still no closer than when I started. I have read somewhere that some people just cannot be hypnotised, is this true and if not what else can I try. I have been looking to see if I can find a hypnotist in my area to see if it may work better in person but thus far I cannot find anyone. I live in the UK in Doncaster so if there is anyone who thinks they may be able to help I would love to hear from you and I will tell you in more detail what I am looking for.
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Postby whatthe75 » September 6th, 2007, 12:39 am

Everyone is hypnotisable.

A few pointers.

What do you think trance is like when under?

How do you know your not in trance?

How many inductions have you tried. If you are only using the inductions from one hypnotist that might be a problem. Not all inductions work on everyone.Different people need different inductions. Try a few different tists inductions - there are a few on here.
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With a grain of salt

Postby Noctifer » September 16th, 2007, 9:10 pm

Please take this reply with a grain of salt because I am still new to hypnotizing others (I've brought under everyone I've worked with, with the exception of one person with ADD) and self-hypnosis. I will say that what helped me with these files (aside from trying different inductions) was to actively try to go under. So when a file starts saying 'you are in a soothing bubble' I don't just picture the bubble, I actively try to feel soothed, to tell myself I am even more relaxed, to sink deeper into myself. At times I just ignore the voice if its saying something silly and go back to an earlier suggestion they were saying, acting on that.

Oh, and the cadence bubble induction was great for me, but each to their own and it does tend to be a bit long.
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