Anime World

A discussion area for people into furry files and topics.

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Anime World

Postby FrozenRose » July 8th, 2007, 4:50 pm

I was told there used to be a file where you seen the world and you and everything as anime charaters and anime like world or so, I would love to have that file! I am sure there is others like me out there........hehehe
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Postby demigraff » July 9th, 2007, 7:31 am

That's been on the voting page several times ... always seems to get about into about the top third of the list and then vanish :( I tried the suggestion on MSN last year, but didn't have much success. I guess something like that is going to be one of the harder suggestions to accept.

The first time around, I remember it stuck next to its partner "Furry world" most of the way up the list. It seems so popular, so maybe I should try making it once I've managed to get my mic working again.
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Postby Noin » September 11th, 2007, 5:07 pm

Anime World - OMG yes plz... this would be the ultimate thing, and god dammit would it make life MUCH more cooler...
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Postby Josh_artist » September 11th, 2007, 6:50 pm

i second this i wanna see everyone with outlines~ x3
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Postby jon1223 » September 13th, 2007, 7:43 pm

Lol what a stroke of luck! I have been working on a file(my first file) of similar use. Ill just twist it a bit that way it suits everyone here's needs! I'll continue to work on it ASAP...but I must warn you that I will not speak the file...and that my version will end up being a TTS version. I will provide the script as well for any editing/speaking that anyone wants. Just be patient and I will hopefully have it done by the middle of next week, earlier if my job gives me enough free time.
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Postby Josh_artist » September 13th, 2007, 8:18 pm

OOH! i'll test it out!
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Postby jon1223 » September 21st, 2007, 8:00 pm

sorry its been taking so long but I've been ahving to work overtime for enough cash for rent and, of course, Halo 3 :D I have it writen and TTS'd but haven't proofed it for speech errors. Once I have that done I can release it as a beta, and you guys just say where you want some modifications.
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Postby daxxOr » October 5th, 2007, 6:53 pm

Ooh, oooh! Finally, someone is making this file! I've been waiting for something like this for a very long time
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Postby Noin » October 8th, 2007, 9:20 am

Aight, i need this file, i simply shit on the world were in, k cool. Some of you may have a girlfriend (aint saying i aint, but those who do think the world's all awesome and shit), but look beyond your personal experiences, your family and friends, the world is far bigger, and the world we live in is fucked up, dont look at yourself, look at IRAQ, IRAN, North Korea, Fucked up tribes, and at the overkill suicuidal rate in japan, asia overall.

All the wars, all these "leaders" (Bush for example) lead the world to its miserable failure, now, the plans of nuking iran are coming up, and it wont take long before bush finds any reasonable explanation why to use it...

This world is turning shit, and if id have a choice, i'd leave everything behind and go into a world of anime, im not talking about any specific world (anime) but simply about a world where indeed - brutality exists, but not to such extent like slaughtering hiroshima during the 2nd World War.... i simply want to get away from this whole reality, hell im so desperate to simply get free from this whole linear life bullshit that im ready to go on psychedelics just to experience something different than usual, even if it would be imagined characters, or whatever...

It's better than

Be born > Grow > Go to school > Go to work > retire > Die .

Every single human follows that scheme in an extent.



And the fucked upness of the world itself...

its a serious subject, and a thing to think about.
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Postby Mino » October 8th, 2007, 11:16 am

Noin wrote:Aight, i need this file, i simply shit on the world were in, k cool. Some of you may have a girlfriend (aint saying i aint, but those who do think the world's all awesome and shit...

...its a serious subject, and a thing to think about.

This reads an awful lot like a YouTube post, seriously this is completly irrelevant.
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Postby Noin » October 8th, 2007, 12:27 pm

DO you have any brain? this is VERY revelant, as of this file allows the one who gets affected by it break away from reality, yet maintain his life. But in a new way.

Aint got anything creative to post, then stfu.

Or learn to interpret written things properly.

(Isn't this a basic skill required at ground school on the final exams? READING WITH UNDERSTANDING. I bet you failed at it, or you didn't even finish that school.)

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Postby Mino » October 9th, 2007, 10:28 am

Noin wrote:DO you have any brain? this is VERY revelant, as of this file allows the one who gets affected by it break away from reality, yet maintain his life. But in a new way.

Aint got anything creative to post, then stfu.

Or learn to interpret written things properly.

(Isn't this a basic skill required at ground school on the final exams? READING WITH UNDERSTANDING. I bet you failed at it, or you didn't even finish that school.)


Looks like someone is insecure.
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Postby Noin » October 9th, 2007, 11:09 am

Lol sorry but your wannabe "all-knowing" method's like that don't work.

Ahh yes, now you think like this:

Hah, im sooo clever, i will tell this guy how he feels and look like a pro

Wrong call idiot, for one im very secure lately, thanks.

For two, you're hilarious...
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Postby jon1223 » October 9th, 2007, 3:11 pm

Wo wo wo! Chotto matte oy! Just everyone calm down, I dont want this topic to be blown to hell and gone when im getting close to finishing. I have someone planing on testing the beta version starting next monday and anyone else who wants to beta test it just PM me, I do ask though that you make a one month comitment if that is ok, at least 1 week. Just please, stop arguing.
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Postby Noin » October 11th, 2007, 5:12 am

dammit, you gotta fix many things in this file

The voice is way too robotic and way too "sharp" it's hard to relax by it

Also the induction is far too long compared to the main part.


Change voice (or ask someone with a smooth relaxing voice to record it), make the induction shorter/deeper and finally - the main part has to be longer and more detailed, it was a bit too chaotic.

btw. If you can't find any voice guy, i can do it, since my voice is deep and "dark" if you get what i mean.

It get's even better after i modify it a bit
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Postby jon1223 » October 11th, 2007, 3:27 pm

Alright, I thought that it was too short but couldn't really think of anything to put in. Thats the only problem about my writings, I always have goood ideas but i can never get them all the way done with enough substance to do any good. And im really sorry about the voice, I agree that it is too robotic but thats as best as I could get it with the software I have. And I grabbed the induction off of another file(I forget which...just chopped it off another file a long time ago) Someone out in this world needs to make a TTS that acutally has smooth voices. Ill try and think up some ideas on how to make the script longer, and if anyone puts on here that they want to record I will post the script up here.
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Postby Josh_artist » October 11th, 2007, 9:27 pm

i don't know about recording but i could help fixing the script, or helping you expand it.
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Postby DazDude » October 17th, 2007, 1:07 pm

If anyone is interested I have done this kind of file over IM with several people before so if anyone is interested please feel free to contact me on yahoo, my addy is hypnodaz


DazDude :)
If You Cannot Read This then you are NOT Hypnotized ;)
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Postby whatsername100 » November 24th, 2007, 5:04 pm

Back to discussing the actual concept of the file. I think this would be an excellent file if it were perfected. But, that might take some work. For instance, most anime is 2-dimensional. It might get confusing seeing things this way. Second, there are many different kinds of anime drawing styles, ranging from cute to creepy. If the file gave you the ability to choose, that would be great. Lastly, the issue than troubles me the most; how your mind would process everything in anime. It would have to immediately show everyone completely different from what they normally look like. Also, the instant you see someone new, it would have to immediately make an conception of what that person would look like in anime. If you go to any places, it would have to show it in anime. If the human mind can really do this, I would be shocked with amazement.
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Postby jon1223 » November 25th, 2007, 1:02 am

Thats funny, because the way my file works is that every time you listen you imagine someone and change them into a character. Basically you practice this by listen to the file and the more you listen the more natural it becomes. I'm surprised attempted to finish the file, lost interest after a while.
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Postby whatsername100 » November 25th, 2007, 3:22 pm

Ah, I see. What about places? Does it make those into anime-style? Or is it just people?
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Postby SomePerson » April 8th, 2008, 7:03 pm

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Postby FrozenRose » April 11th, 2008, 3:35 pm

uuuuuuuuhhhhhhhh *blink* I was shocked when I saw my name as the person who started this post, I havn't replyed or remembered it for so long, suprised its second on the page, thought it would be well hidden. I should try making an anime file or files. Be alot of work to do them up lol.
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Postby tehgunnman » July 31st, 2008, 1:40 am

well, here's my opinion on this file:

personally, i love the concept, would love to use it (if only i were a little more suggestible, *sigh* oh well) but, a valid point has been brought up, the part about new places, and new people, and the whole 2D/3D thing.

it seems that in order to cover everything, the file would have to be pretty long, and if it's long, it would be more diffucult for a real person to record the whole thing. also, i just see a bunch of possible problems with this, but the concept is so cool.
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Postby Aestrius » July 31st, 2008, 2:01 pm

I totally agree with you with all the points you have, However I would much rather regress that that of a very young and innocent girl (with cat ears, YAY!) without caring about the world, rather than changing the entire world, just change yourself, when I see myself as this young girl, I know that I can be completly innocent and care free without knowing what politics is, or what wars are, just completely innocent and happy with what she has.

seems a lot simpler than changing the whole world, and besides, they have files for THIS(not the anime world one) already on the site :D
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