Forced Straight

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Forced Straight

Postby kaiser » August 1st, 2007, 10:00 pm

I can not seem to locate the file suggestion page anymore, maybe I just forgot where it is. However, I was wondering if someone could create a forced straight file similar to the forced gay one that already exists. I would love to have that file.

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Postby ShadowSabre » August 4th, 2007, 9:31 pm

The file suggestions are under "voting." The link is on the left, the first option in the fourth clump from the top. Along with making a suggestion, you can also vote on suggestions you find interesting.
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Postby ctlgb » August 7th, 2007, 10:13 pm

It is, of course, always possible to create your own file. If you take the text of the Forced Gay file (or, if not available, listen to the file piecewise, pausing to assure yourself that you are not entering trance) and transcribe it, you could read through and redesign the script to have the effect of a "Forced Straight" file. Then you could record it yourself.

Just a thought!
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Postby Draygone » August 8th, 2007, 10:16 pm

While these aren't general forced straight files, you can just listen to the one opposite of your gender to make yourself straight. I assume.

· Name: TrainSexMen
Description: sexual preference change - prefer men
Author: EMG PlayTime: 00:12:15

· Name: TrainSexWomen
Description: sexual preference change - prefer women
Author: EMG PlayTime: 00:13:04
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Forced Straight

Postby susandirs » August 10th, 2007, 4:02 pm

I think people listen to the "forced gay" files because it lowers their inhibitions and allows them to explore what is already a part of them through hypnosis. I'm curious, would you be using a straightening hypnosis file to make straight sex more enjoyable, or to "cure" gayness?
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Postby kaiser » August 13th, 2007, 9:51 pm

I would be listening to it for kind of both reasons. I have a hard time visualizing sex with a woman while I masturbate. All I ever seem to think about is guys. I want a file that makes me think more straight. I want to get married and have kids, but i lack confidence around women. I fear rejection, and not sure what else to do. I thought maybe a forced straight file, would help me to think MORE about women. Less about men, and make me be more comfortable around women. Then again maybe a different file would be possible. Who knows
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second option?

Postby Noctifer » September 16th, 2007, 9:20 pm

Each to their own choice of course, people on here are using scripts for a lot of very controversial things already. But if I may suggest, I believe there are one or more bi files around here if I remember correctly - if you don't want to record your own straight one that is.

I prefer females but when I started being open to both options.. lets just say its wonderful being able to look at any porn and flirt with anyone you want without having to debate what you're 'supposed' to do. (And I still have had wonderful, healthy relationships - I just find people who are alternative to begin with so they don't ask me to make a choice between my interests. And believe me, there are quite a few wonderful girls out there who appreciate a guy who enjoys other guys)

The other reason I suggest this is more practical - if you like guys you like guys, and hypnosis (without deep therapy I would assume) won't change that, it will likely just suppress it, and perhaps cause more problems down the line. So instead of working against yourself, why not work with yourself - instead of using negative language 'I am bad and I should not do this' say 'This is similar and I can allow myself to enjoy it as well'. (Maybe start playing with women who really like anal on either the giving or receiving end) Then further down the line, who knows, perhaps changing will be easier if its still what you want.

As for shyness, that I know there are scripts on here for, I've made my own mix based on them and will probably record my own soon enough!

I hope this helps, and if not I wish you the best of luck in your search - and forget both those that tell you that you have to be straight and those that tell you its wrong to want that. Just try and be happy, whatever you think that will mean.
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