want a fem voice.

For discussions of Feminization, Cross Dressing, Male-Female transformation, etc.

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want a fem voice.

Postby loadedkaos » September 17th, 2007, 6:56 pm

Hey I was thinking how fun it would be to have a fem voice to really get into character I usually play online as a female, sorry I don't think being female in real life is practical for me and my brain is a bit androgenous cause I seem to be able to switch back and forth quite comftorable. Is there any tips or strategies to getting a fem voice to use online, I don't want to change it permanently but I think it would be nice to use, I don't mind voice morphers but they can be limiting to maybe using both would be fun also any information would be apreciated.
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Postby hellion0 » September 29th, 2007, 8:25 pm

I think the method I used to change my own voice is suitable here. There's no technology involved. If used over the long term, it becomes much easier to do, but it is reversible.

Focus on your throat. Notice your Adam's Apple. Use the muscles in your throat, and move it upwards. It can be moved, and it can be held in place there with minimal effort. Now speak. Speak as you normally would, but with your Adam's Apple held at the top of your throat. What is coming out is your "natural" feminine voice. What this does, is it raises the intonation of your voice naturally by slightly constricting the ability of your vocal cords to resonate. The more training you do with it raised, the easier it becomes to raise.

To go back to a male voice, just relax your Adam's Apple. This will allow your vocal cords to resonate normally, allowing for a deeper, more masculine voice.
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Postby loadedkaos » October 2nd, 2007, 7:36 pm

hehe I played around with it a little works ok still needs practice, oh and I found this website out for those who are interested in being a cyber fem or need to change their voice completely for drag or gender reassignment.


It really just has more tips.
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Joined: April 5th, 2005, 12:00 am

Postby CycoMelody » December 18th, 2007, 3:39 pm

this is something I am going to have to try. It would be great to get my voice to reflect my mindset. :)
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