Help to trance?

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Help to trance?

Postby ohwowno » September 21st, 2007, 10:53 pm

I just can't do it, i can get really relaxed, but there is no other feeling beyond that. It feels nice, but the only effects i ever feel are ones i force myself to feel and those aren't anything real anyway, it's just trying to hard.

So, does anyone have advice for me to get to trance? Should i take something to make me really sleepy, like nyquil? I really want to get effects but i can't even manage a trance
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Re: Help to trance?

Postby whatthe75 » September 21st, 2007, 11:53 pm

ohwowno wrote:I just can't do it, i can get really relaxed, but there is no other feeling beyond that.

And that is exactly what trance is.What else were you expecting?

A short example i give for all people wanting to know what trance is like.I tell them to close there eyes and after a few seconds to open them again. Thats it?

If you do everything the file tells you too ( eg relax ) and then you wake when it tells you.Then you are in a trance.
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Re: Help to trance?

Postby ohwowno » September 22nd, 2007, 1:31 pm

whatthe75 wrote:
ohwowno wrote:I just can't do it, i can get really relaxed, but there is no other feeling beyond that.

And that is exactly what trance is.What else were you expecting?

A short example i give for all people wanting to know what trance is like.I tell them to close there eyes and after a few seconds to open them again. Thats it?

If you do everything the file tells you too ( eg relax ) and then you wake when it tells you.Then you are in a trance.

i don't get it. "awake" from it? I'm not asleep, my mind keeps thinking other things for small amounts of time, i'm constantly destracted by thoughts that aren't going along with the file. I don't think i'm getting it
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Postby scottyboy » September 22nd, 2007, 1:55 pm

Yeah, same with me, I can't stop thinking about other stuff and I get distracted by my own thoughts. Whatever file I listen to I only get a really relaxed feeling, but no results other than that. I often feel like I'm really close to going into a trance, but I still have thoughs, and if I want to move I can (sometimes I get annoyed by the fact that I can't seem to enter trance, so I just give up and take of my headphones, if I've gotten the right info, I'm not supposed to be able to that if I'm in a trance.) It's all rather confusing :(
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Re: Help to trance?

Postby whatthe75 » September 22nd, 2007, 10:17 pm

i don't get it. "awake" from it? I'm not asleep, my mind keeps thinking other things for small amounts of time, i'm constantly destracted by thoughts that aren't going along with the file. I don't think i'm getting it[/quote].

No you are not getting it.The idea of what trance is that is.

Again your explanation of your experience is a very good explanation of trance.

Hypnosis is intended to contact with your Unconcious mind. When you trance, your conscious mind has no need to listen what is said. So the fact that you are having other thoughts whilst the file is playing is a very healthy sign that you are trancing well.In fact it is showing you are going quite deep.The less you hear of the file and conciouslly remember the better.This means your unconcious is listening and your Concious mind is off doing it's own thing.

As long as when at the end of the file when the suggestion to come back to conciousness is given and you do , then you are doing very well.

Carry on listening to the files you are using and CONTINUE LETTING YOUR CONCIOUS MIND DRIFT.
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Postby Henrique » September 22nd, 2007, 10:51 pm

It is it? Let the mind think other things while listening the files?!?

Now I'm confused :!: :?: 8O
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Postby scottyboy » September 23rd, 2007, 9:27 am

Henrique wrote:Now I'm confused :!: :?: 8O


What about my case then? I have a similar experience, but I'm fairly confident that I don't enter a trance as I can hear both the hypnotist and my own (annoying) thoughts. And, as I mentioned, if I get really bored I can just sit up like I wasn't listening to anything at all. Someone ought'a make a guide on this as I hear different things everywhere.
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Postby Blink » September 23rd, 2007, 10:21 am

scottyboy wrote:...I'm fairly confident that I don't enter a trance as I can hear both the hypnotist and my own (annoying) thoughts.... Someone ought'a make a guide on this as I hear different things everywhere.
You hear different things everywhere because there are different people talking about different situations.

There's only so much that can be done in a recorded induction. In live work, the hypnotist can see that a particular technique isn't working and can adjust. With an MP3, you get what you get. So, out of the box, the "success" rate for recorded inductions is going to be a little lower. Does that mean you can't trance with a recording? No. It means that it's up to you to keep shopping for different styles until you find what works for you. (And this is directed to everyone on the thread, not just scottyboy.)

You can do a lot by getting comfortable before you start trying. Do whatever you need to get ready. That can be different for different people but there are some general suggestions that often help. Take off shoes and at least loosen belts or ties. Make sure that you've finished any important work that you're not planning to put off until the next day. Go to the bathroom. Get a drink of water if you think you're going to be thirsty. Lie down, or at least sit in a chair that reclines or on a sofa. Fluff your pillows. If you're starting out drowsy, you might want to set an alarm, just in case. Just knowing that you won't go entirely to sleep can be reassuring and relaxing.

Starting where you are, though, go ahead and listen to your thoughts.

Yes, you can ignore the hypnotist for a minute or two during the induction and listen to your own thoughts.

Analyzing what's being said.

Gaging your reactions to it.



All that's cool. Really.

You have to remember that your subconscious mind--all of it--is there to help you out. It's doing what it thinks is best for you at the moment. The problem is that your logic and its logic are just slightly out of synch.

Since the part of you that the hypnotist and I are talking to is really the one in charge, that part can change the voice you think with. I don't know if you were aware of that before, but you're going to be surprised at how cool it is.

The voice that's cataloging your thoughts--the one that's reading along inside your head right now--can be a little deeper now, and it can talk a little slower. It sounds like a voice-over actor for an insurance commercial, doesn't it?

It sounds a little drowsy, too.

Did it just yawn? Listen closely. I don't know, and I can't tell. You'll have to listen for it and let me know when it happens.

Now the best part is that this deep, drowsy, warm voice that's talking and talking and talking is recorded on an old reel-to-reel tape recorder. That's pretty good, really. I've still got old Westinghouse steel consoles with Bakelite knobs on 'em inside my head. Your reel-to-reel machine is up to the minute: woodgrain case and brushed aluminum knobs and everything.

See it?

Watch the reels turn as that voice drones on and on in the back of your head.

Now reach out and gently touch one of the reels with your fingertip and as you feel that slick, smooth sensation on your finger you can listen to the voice... slllowwwingggg... doooowwnnnnnn.

It gets deeper and deeper and deeper as it goes slower. Have you noticed?

How does that feel?

And there's something that you've known all along, but you didn't know that you knew it until you finished reading this post.

And you might not know it in every part of your mind, but the deep, quiet part in the back of your mind knows it, and that's really all that matters.


-- Blink
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Postby scottyboy » September 24th, 2007, 2:36 am

Thank you for a thorough reply, I'll try and make some sense of it when I'm a bit more awake (just woke up you see).
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Postby Blink » September 24th, 2007, 10:19 pm

scottyboy wrote:Thank you for a thorough reply, I'll try and make some sense of it when I'm a bit more awake (just woke up you see).
Take your time. Wake up as much as you need to.

...But no more than that.

-- Blink
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Joined: January 8th, 2006, 1:00 am

Postby scottyboy » September 27th, 2007, 8:23 am

I've tried out a new file now, 4HoursSleep, the trance I get is a lot deeper than any trance I've experienced before, but after the file ends I'm supposed to be in a super-deep trance that can be a substitute for normal sleep, however, that's not the case; I'm still in a deep trance, but I have normal thoughts, and I wouldn't call it anything like sleep, after a while I get bored and sit up.

I guess I'll just have to keep trying ... without really trying? :?
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Postby Detestai » October 14th, 2007, 12:09 am

Sounds an awful lot like manipulating chi in martial arts, do without trying ;)
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Postby claymore58 » October 18th, 2007, 1:44 am

I've found from personal experience,that using one of the free spiral screen gif files helps with going into trance.
It seems to speed the process,and allows your mind to focus on the words
instead of other thoughts that may be bouncing around.
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