Suggestions with online session

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Suggestions with online session

Postby HypnoWraith » September 29th, 2007, 3:10 pm

I originally tried posting this in the meeting grounds area, but maybe it would be better over here. Pardon me if this was answered in a long ago post. I've noticed that IM, Chat, and other online methods are often used for sessions between people on this site. In my experience, I've only done sessions face to face, so I'm not sure how to handle interactions without the visual feedback. Even webcams would be too low resolution to see subtle eye movements, shifts in body weight, etc. That being said, I'm sure there's tricks that you all have learned along the way. Any advice is appreciated.
Always looking for comments and suggestions on my new Hypno Domination blog, !
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Postby lauramcan » October 2nd, 2007, 9:10 pm

I started out by listening to it just to make sure you're ok with it. If you are fishy about a file or aren't sure you really like one the ideas, chances are you aren't going to allow yourself to really be taken under. Start listening to a bunch of different inductions- if you rush into something like "curse-pain and pleasure" like i did, its not going to do you any good. Find a voice and style you don't hate and try listening to it before bed, maybe even falling asleep to it. Even if you aren't sure whether you just fell asleep during it or were actually hypnotized, its a lot easier to convince yourself of the latter. After a few times of this, try it when you're sleepy but not ready for bed. Remember that you were able to zone it out when you listened to it before bed. If at the end, you pull one of those "sorry, I was daydreaming...what did you say?" type of moves,'ve been in a trance!

Thats just my humble opinion...i just started experimenting too so any other suggestions would help us both! Personally, Lutz's Bubble Induction and Blink's files work wonderfully for me. I'm a thinker and somehow, these files make it ok for me to stop trying to trip them up....its refreshing! :)
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Postby cardigan » October 3rd, 2007, 7:11 am

Online hypnosis is of course a bit more of a challenge than face to face. But I've done hypnosis via Messenger - by typing text back and forth. However I did condition the subject first with a modifed email slave file that I had made. So first step was actually to get her used to being hypnotized by me - via files. This worked well. Next step was the special email slave file, that conditioned her to go into trance if I sent her a mail with a certain phrase in the subject line and another phrase as the first word in the mail itself. When that worked too, we took it one step further and into Messenger, where I just told her to think of my next message there as a mail and react accordingly. It worked very well, and we've had great fun.

Real online hypnosis where you start in Messenger, induce trance and everything there is a bit more tricky - of course, but webcams shouldn't be necessary - as long as you both are wearing a headset to speak back and forth. Then it would be just like hypnotizing over the phone - and better than listening to a ready-made file.
Certified hypnotist C.I., C.H.
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Postby HypnoWraith » October 3rd, 2007, 8:16 am

Thanks lauramcan! I probably should have been clearer, I'm looking at it from the hypnotist side, not as the subject.

Cardigan, thanks for your suggestions, they're very helpful! What do you use as feedback on depth of trance? Obviously, you can't see their eyes closing, or more important to me, the REM-like eye movement that usually comes with trance. I can see where you could use verbal cues as a replacement, but I would be concerned about that weakening the trance. The other one I had previously wondered about was things that the subject didn't realize, but I figure these can be checked after the event, or by giving them realization in the middle of it, or having these things be audio (causing a sneeze instead of a scratch). Thanks again!
Always looking for comments and suggestions on my new Hypno Domination blog, !
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Postby cardigan » October 3rd, 2007, 9:32 am

Well, I ask her if she is deep. If she answers yes, then I know that she is. The second way I test it is if she does and experiences the things I tell her to. And one way to test depth of trance by text is if the sentences are short, precise and in the present tense. A normally talkative subject goes very quiet in trance. The same goes if you are in a voice session. You can hear it. Your ears will pick it up, once you've tried it a couple of times.

But yes - sitting right next to them is better, of course :-)
Certified hypnotist C.I., C.H.
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Postby lauramcan » October 3rd, 2007, 4:43 pm

:oops: Maybe I should have read better. I was all excited to finally have experienced trance that i got ahead of myself! Sorry!
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Postby HypnoWraith » October 4th, 2007, 6:51 am

lauramcan wrote::oops: Maybe I should have read better. I was all excited to finally have experienced trance that i got ahead of myself! Sorry!

No apologies necessary! Since you are an excited beginner, I'd love to hear how your sessions are going. You mentioned a "voice and style you don't hate". I assume the inductions mentioned are examples of that, but what styles don't you like? Have you done anything past the inductions yet? I find your "thinker" comment fascinating. Do you actively fight the trance, or is it more of a distraction? Do you actually sleep through the end of the file? Do they work better or worse if you are asleep at the end? And of course, what type of files are you looking to get to?

I've done very little work with files - I've only created files of previous sessions with specific subjects for reinforcement.
Always looking for comments and suggestions on my new Hypno Domination blog, !
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Postby lauramcan » October 4th, 2007, 7:41 am

webblast wrote:Have you done anything past the inductions yet? I find your "thinker" comment fascinating. Do you actively fight the trance, or is it more of a distraction? Do you actually sleep through the end of the file? Do they work better or worse if you are asleep at the end? And of course, what type of files are you looking to get to?

Styles I don't like: "You're getting sleepy. Your body is relaxing. Take a deep breath. Relax". It's strange- I consider myself a sub but when given a direct order like this, I will ask "why should i?". If someone tells me to go "deep"....what is deep? How am i supposed to consciously know what deep is when i'm trying to lose my conscious mind?

I'm getting a masters in medical science right now and i'm very analytical. With Blink's files, i can just kinda listen while he tells a story. With Lutz, I can't even figure out why his file works haha. I do tend to fight trance- maybe not fight it but i can't stop "thinking" long enough to just drift. It just occurred to me that maybe the reason why it works is that in the beginning, he mentions that the stories are "boring". Maybe thats why its ok for me to daydream while listening? See...i'm analyzing again. In terms of sleeping, I really don't know if it makes a difference whether i'm sleeping or now. I haven't really used enough files and gotten enough tangible results to tell. The good girl file is working I think. I love being called a good girl and I get kinda sick to my stomach if i' told i'm a bad girl. But i've listened to this file both ways.

Ok, i ramble. Sorry. What kinds of files am I looking for...what do you have in mind? haha. I really want to be able to cum on command. That level of control is quite a turn on. I want to be consciously aware that I am not in control. I don't want anything that is going to dramatically change my life- my goal is to be a doctor and nothing can change that, whether it be personality change, physical change, mental change, etc. Thats about it. Ideas? Thoughts?
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Postby tulsi » October 4th, 2007, 4:48 pm

I think you and I have a lot in common! I think way too much and the only "blackout" I have ever had is with Blink's induction. Good girl is working nicely, too. I also want to cum on command. Now if only we could get Blink to do a file like that for us...*hint hint* lol[/quote]
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Postby notyou » October 7th, 2007, 12:56 am

Go read the text trances over at . The person who runs it did a whole podcast on text trances and posted sample transcripts.

One technique she uses is to suggest that the subject keep reading the last line of text over and over, and each time the line is read it has more of an effect.
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