German skin is searching a master - worldwide

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German skin is searching a master - worldwide

Postby Skinh88d » October 12th, 2007, 3:19 pm

Hello, I'm a 37year old skinhead, looking for a master who is interested of total control of my mind.

I'm into sport (4-5 times the week in a gym since 9 month), I like to wear my boots (but most I'm in sneeks), wearing my camos.

My dream is - total obedient and total control of my mind. Maybe my master can change my mind into wearing alltimes my boots, no socks, camos, change my body into a muscle skinhead slave - to live for his orders and rules. He gets control over my mind, life and whatever it makes him a pleasure.

my email:

Not interested in stuff like cross male/female - or so.
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