Thanks EMG and Blink

A place to post about the success you've had with the various files

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Thanks EMG and Blink

Postby Wahl000 » November 16th, 2007, 3:51 pm

Hi all, I'm new here, been poking around for a month or so. I've had a lot of fun and remarkable success with the files I'm using. I think I am susceptible and seem to be able to get into a trance fairly easily, if my mood and environment are conducive. (Stop barking damn dog!)

I've checked out several files but my first success came from a custom curse file from EMG. I wanted to work on a lifelong obsession/compulsion/fetish for getting extremely short haircuts and shaving my head. I've listened to the file daily since 10/21 as often as 3 or 4 times a day. So far the success has been amazing! I no longer eroticise short hair and barbershops are too scary to look into. If I see a short haired or shaved guy I look away. Now I notice longhaired guys and look forward to my first ponytail. Though the fetish was pretty harmless I felt the need to take control, especially when I got to the point I was shaving my head 2 or 3 times a day! I feel so much better now. I feel that my 'recovery' will continue.

I'm also doing EMG's trigChastity1 and Blink's Induction Good Boy files. They are also starting to work. I think the reason the hair Curse (CurseSamson) was is so successful is I want it to work so much.

I find the good boy, bad boy triggers work when I catch myself doing some action or thinking some thought, but without something real to react to they are not activated. The bad boy makes me feel embarrassed and humiliated my abs contract and I feel like I'm going to upchuck for a second. The opposite good boy makes me feel childlike happiness and I start to giggle a bit. These feelings are not overwhelming but they are there. For some reason bad boy also arouses me after the feelings stop. Don't know what's up with that. It's in opposition to my chastity file.

TrigChastity1 is making masturbation less pleasurable. I can cum but it takes quite a while and my dick keeps going soft. If I add a 'bad boy' in the mix, it's all over.

So I don't know if the effects will get stronger or diminish, we'll see, but there is change a foot. I'm surprised I'm having any success at all, I was/am very skeptical.

A few days ago I started listing to EMS's ChastityBelt file. I didn't think it was working 'cause I didn't get the feeling of the metal device locking me up. Well, I went to lunch wearing my 'chastity' underwear. Mindlessly, I went into the john to pee. My hand was not able to touch the briefs I wore and I couldn't get my fingers under the waistband. If was like it was fused to my skin. I was shocked, and had visions of peeing on myself. I still had 2 hours before 'unlock' time! I concentrated and used my conscious mind to get past the barrier and relieved myself, but my subconscious certainly was triggered by my 'chastity' belt.

I want to be careful and not confuse desire for results with actual hypnotic suggestion and triggers. All I can say is it feels like they are working. What do y'all think?

I've read through the bulk of the messages on this forum. It has been very educational.

I'm excited and a bit nervous too.

Cheers to all,
Last edited by Wahl000 on November 17th, 2007, 3:58 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Joined: October 14th, 2007, 12:00 am

Re: Thanks EMG and Blink

Postby Blink » November 16th, 2007, 9:33 pm

Wahl000 wrote:I find the good boy, bad boy triggers work when I catch myself doing some action or thinking some thought, but without something real to react to they are not activated. The bad boy makes me feel embarrassed and humiliated my abs contract and I feel like I'm going to upchuck for a second. The opposite good boy makes me feel childlike happiness and I start to giggle a bit. These feelings are not overwhelming but they are there. For some reason bad boy also arouses me after the feelings stop. Don't know what's up with that. It's in opposition to my chastity file.

TrigChastity1 is making masterbation less pleasurable. I can cum but it takes quite a while and my dick keeps going soft. If I add a 'bad boy' in the mix, it's all over.
First, you sent a detailed thank-you note. That makes you a very, very good boy.

The two "triggers" in my files are intended to be universal and unequivocal. That ain't easy.

For example, imagine if I'd used the flavor and sensation of your favorite childhood candy for the "good" side and a strict spanking for the "bad" side. The body-conscious crowd would be freaking out at the mention of GB, and the submissive masochists (there might be one or two lurking about) would rather be bad than good.

There is guidance within the file for what type of experiences to select, but developing the actual "payload" for the triggers is up to the individual listener. The results are tailored to you by your subconscious. A part of that tailoring, though a part that I've tried to make more explicit, is making sure that the duration of the trigger effects is limited. Even with limits in place, I've had to do a little one-on-one work in a couple of cases to keep the Bad effects from running too long or being too strong. For anyone who hasn't noticed, Bad lasts half as long as Good. The limits are in place because (a) I'm Sadist but not a sociopath, and (b) for good b-mod, rewards work better.

I get more of what I want by giving more rewards than punishments. Simple as that.

What I suspect you're noticing in the after-effects of BB is your knowledge that you are, basically, a very good boy and only sometimes a bad boy. You take correction and learn from it and know that you're doing well. You're probably getting a little of the GB feeling from that. That would be a good sign, because it means you're getting good behavioral modification. You might also be getting a little erotic edge from the submissive aspect of it, but that's just guessing.

In any case, Wahl000, you know that you can touch your dick for hygiene because being clean makes you a good boy, but every time you touch it for pleasure without permission, you're a very, very bad boy. Now, I don't know who can give you permission or how you have to ask, but I know that within a few days you're going to be very eager to find out.

Thanks again for your kind words. Keep us posted with your success.

-- Blink
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Joined: January 8th, 2006, 1:00 am

Re: Thanks EMG and Blink

Postby Wahl000 » November 16th, 2007, 10:36 pm

Wahl000 wrote: You might also be getting a little erotic edge from the submissive aspect of it, but that's just guessing.

-- Blink

Thanks Blink for taking the time to respond so extensively.

Yes I am a submissive, which explains a lot. My journey to WMM started from a submissive attraction. It's a wonderful win/win I can make real changes in behavior and still fully enjoy the control aspects. I've triggered myself with BB & GB so far in private. I suspect in public the expression will be somewhat muted. I'll have to try it and see what happens.

I do have a partner with whom I'll share what's going on with me after I'm more comfortable. I'm trying '7 days of chastity for you' so far I haven't been able to cum by myself for two days. A feat in itself!

The InductionGoodBoy, CurseSamson and TrigChastity1 files have a synergy that works well for me. It will be a while before I try additional files. The next area for me would be exercise and healthful eating.

I may go to hypnoticon in February. You'll easily recognize me. I'm the guy with the 'Good Boy' T-shirt, blue balls and a ponytail. LOL!

Thanks again for your thoughtful message. I appreciate it very much.

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Joined: October 14th, 2007, 12:00 am

Lost it

Postby Wahl000 » November 19th, 2007, 11:14 am

Let me say Trig Chastity1 worked very well for me, too well! I summed up all my conscious mind's power to defeat the trigger. It took two days. Last night, after a short period of my dick trying to retreat I was able to become fully erect and have a full blown orgasm. The file was very powerful for me. It was a struggle to get out of the trigger's control. It wasn't the need for release that drove me, but fear that the flaccid dick and absent libido might be permanent. I didn't trust the file. In retrospect I should have triggered myself for a period shorter than 7 days. One day at a time, you know.
Posts: 3
Joined: October 14th, 2007, 12:00 am

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